LCN Article
Ministerial Conference 2002: "This Is Only the Beginning…"

March / April 2002

Describing the setting and fellowship as “millennial,” ministers and wives from five continents gathered from February 4–6 for the Living Church of God Ministerial Conference 2002, followed by a one-day International Conference on February 7.

Held at the Quails Inn Hotel in San Marcos, California, 20 minutes north of Church Headquarters, the conference brought together under one roof more than 170 ministers and wives not only from North America, but also from such countries as Guyana, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, Republic of South Africa, the Philippines, Malaysia and Ireland.

Meetings actually began on the previous Friday, February 1, when the Council of Elders gathered at the Headquarters office. Dr. Roderick C. Meredith opened a one-day Council of Elders meeting by expressing appreciation for the growth in God’s Work. He noted that the Tomorrow’s World television program began on WGN and Canada’s Vision network on January 31, 1999, just three years and one day prior to the meeting, and that growth had continued since then, with three new Louisiana stations added to our television log just that week.

In the morning session, Dr. Meredith discussed the Church’s seven-fold mission (as outlined in his article in the May-June 2001 Living Church News). He emphasized that Apostolic Christianity is a whole way of life, that we must continue to build an atmosphere of faith—and that Christ has to do this through us. He then led an active discussion on the dynamics of restoring Apostolic Christianity.

Another topic concerned the differences between Church of God fellowships. Many brethren in the various groups see no differences. This laid the foundation for a Ministerial Conference session the following week, discussing the distinctive characteristics of the Living Church of God. Dr. Meredith concluded the meeting by expressing appreciation for what he described as the “love and harmony” among the Council of Elders.

In conjunction with the Council meeting and Ministerial Conference, the San Diego congregation had the privilege of hearing sermons from visiting ministers. On the Sabbath of March 2, Mr. Charles Bryce gave a sermon on “Walking with God” and, on the Sabbath of March 9, Mr. Syd Hull gave a sermon titled “Conquer Every Obstacle.” Visiting ministers also gave sermonettes; Mr. Fitzroy Greeman gave a report on Guyana and spoke on “Persistence in Prayer” and Mr. Michael Gill from Australia spoke on “The Joys of Our Heart.” The international ministers and wives, as well as the many visiting local elders and wives, contributed to the atmosphere of excitement, mission and fellowship on the Sabbath and throughout the conference week.

Dr. Meredith opened the Ministerial Conference on Monday, February 4, with his keynote address: “Restoration of Apostolic Christianity.” He emphasized three characteristics that distinguish the Living Church of God:

  1. Preaching the full truth— upholding the foundation taught by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, and as Christ commanded His disciples before His ascension (Matthew 28)
  2. Continuing the Work as God provides the means (Ephesians 4:11)
  3. Teaching and practicing the Government of God.

Dr. Meredith also discussed divine healing, proper dealings with other Church of God groups and completing the mission Christ has given us.

Mr. Carl McNair led a session in which International ministers gave updates about the Work in their regions. Canada is one of the fastest-growing areas. Mr. Gerald Weston reported that for the past three months, Canada has been receiving an average of one visit request per day. Dr. Douglas Winnail reported that one print ad in the U.K., offering a free subscription to Tomorrow’s World magazine, produced 3,000 responses. Mr. Syd Hull reported that South Africa’s currency—the rand—has dropped 60 percent in value, significantly increasing the Work’s cost in that region. He commended the ministry and the brethren for their faithfulness and many acts of service, including translating the Church’s literature into the Afrikaans language. Mr. Rod McNair reported that the Philippines income has increased by 29 percent, and attendance has increased by 6 percent. These international reports demonstrated that the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, is actively working to expand the gospel in many areas around the world.

Tuesday’s sessions began with a discussion, led by Dr. Meredith, on “The Government of God.” He emphasized that the government of God and the Kingdom of God are infused with God’s love. The biblical form of Church government is hierarchal, just as Christ’s government will be in the future Kingdom of God on Earth. He also emphasized the biblical principle that there is safety in the multitude of counsel. Dr. Meredith concluded the session by stating that if we are going to be in the Kingdom of God: “We must have a deep respect for and participation in the government of God.”

Mr. Richard Ames presented an update from Financial Affairs, and a Media Report, outlining the fiscal health and growing outreach of the Work. Following a training session on sermon preparation and delivery, the meeting adjourned early to allow time for a Headquarters tour.

Wednesday’s morning sessions covered practical aspects of pastoring, as well as administrative details important for field ministers. Mr. Gerald Weston discussed the Church’s youth programs, and Mr. John Ogwyn spoke on lessons learned in the ministry, with emphasis on healing the brokenhearted. Mr. Carl McNair gave an inspiring exhortation to go forward in humility to help and feed the flock. He also warned the attendees about “12 Pitfalls in the Ministry.” Drawing on his years of experience in the field ministry, Mr. McNair gave practical principles and illustrations toward being more effective servants. He concluded by cautioning the ministers to be careful about their health: “We need you!” Some may “burn the candle at both ends” driving thousands of miles, he said, so he cautioned everyone: “Don’t push beyond your limits.” Mr. McNair also encouraged the ministers and wives by stating: “I appreciate every last one of you.”

Afternoon sessions that day covered the unique aspects of Living Church of God, tools for countering heresies, and a closing message in which Dr. Meredith asked: “How will we finish the Work?” and “What lies ahead for us?” Discussing prophetic trends, he stated that “God will intervene more powerfully in world affairs” and that, in the meantime, we must “walk with God as a church and reflect Jesus Christ in all we do, think, and say.” Then we will be able to do a “much more powerful work.” He concluded the conference by expounding 2 Timothy 4:1-8, and stating: “Let God work in us to fashion and mold us—let’s go forward in faith.”

Following Wednesday’s session, ministers and wives gathered for a dinner dance. Mr. Gary Ehman introduced five entertaining performances, which complemented the excellent food and fellowship. Mrs. Gary Ullerick sang “My Wild Irish Rose“; Mrs. Richard Ames, accompanied by Mrs. Ruben Lujan, performed a violin solo, “Banjo and Fiddle;” Mrs. Carl McNair played the accordion as her three grandchildren sang “I Have a Cow;” Headquarters employee Mr. Joe Rosignolo and Mr. Bill Oswald from Columbia, Missouri, teamed together on their guitars to perform “Steel Guitar Rag” and Mr. Mario Hernandez played the guitar and beautifully sang “Guitara Mia” much to everyone’s delight. The evening capped off a very unifying and inspiring three-day ministerial conference.

Mr. Charles Haughee, an elder from east Texas (now transferring to Florida), described the Conference as “extremely well organized. The in-depth presentations, frequently sprinkled with good-natured humor, obviously reflected God-inspired research and preparation by the speakers. The messages were very timely and helpful. The entire Conference seemed to be conducted in a spirit of congeniality with no apparent contentions. Thanks for a wonderful Conference!”

On Thursday, February 7, the focus shifted to the International Work, as Mr. Carl McNair joined with Mr. Dibar Apartian to conduct a day-long meeting with the International Regional Directors: Mr. Mario Hernández, Mr. Syd Hull, Mr. Jonathan McNair, Mr. Rod McNair, Mr. Bruce Tyler, Mr. Gerald Weston and Dr. Douglas Winnail, and with visiting International ministers, Mr. Michael Gill, Mr. Kinnear Penman and Mr. Tony Mora. Discussions covered the needs of each region, including manpower, finances, media and issues relating to local church growth. The situation in India was discussed, where as many as 3,000 Sabbath-keepers, with their leaders, have expressed a desire to become part of the Living Church of God. Plans were also discussed for upcoming regional visits by Dr. Meredith and Mr. McNair.

Everyone agreed that the growth in the International phase of God’s Work is steady and most encouraging, but in some regions our members are encountering much hardship and even persecutions. They need our fervent prayers for God’s help and protection—as we all do. Mr. Syd Hull spoke for many when he said: “This has been the best Conference ever! The unity of the ministers and wives has been an inspiration—very encouraging!”

Following the conference, one minister wrote to Dr. Meredith a note that captures the spirit shared by those attending. “This is only the beginning. We must, now, follow your admonitions to get close to God, to be filled with God’s love, faith and zeal, to ‘really walk with God,’ so we can complete this great Work and Commission. For as was said so many times during the conference, it will take much more of God’s Holy Spirit to accomplish the task at hand. Millions (perhaps billions) have not heard the message. To [accomplish] that, we must yield ourselves to God and to His firstborn Son, Jesus Christ.”

—Compiled by Richard F. Ames from reports by Dibar Apartian, Carl McNair and other conference attendees.