LCN Article
Seven Keys to Mental Mastery

July / August 2006

Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Learn to think "big"—to gain real wisdom to make the right decisions. Read and use these vital principles!

Where is wisdom in our world today? Sixty years after the first atomic bomb, are we safe from global thermonuclear war and total cosmocide? With droughts across the "breadbasket of the world" in the American Midwest, are we even secure in feeding ourselves? With AIDS ravaging whole continents, and avian flu on the verge of creating another worldwide pandemic, have we learned how to protect ourselves fully from disease?

President George W. Bush has acknowledged "mistakes" in how he has conducted the war in Iraq. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are busily posturing on issues of terrorism, immigration and other national security concerns. And let us not forget the immediate problems of crime, violence, racism, pollution and joblessness—and so many other day-to-day concerns that require real solutions, not political demagoguery.

Truly, the wisdom of a Solomon is needed.

But where—in this mixed-up world—does that kind of wisdom exist? We need it more sorely today than at any time in human history! What is the solution?

The Real GOAL of Human Life

The answer is that the God "nobody knows"—the Creator, the God of your Bible, will soon intervene and send the Living Jesus Christ back to rule this earth. He will come this time in glory and power as King of kings. The other kings assisting Him in reorganizing the entire society of this earth will be those who, in this life, have surrendered their wills to God and who have overcome their selfish, lustful, sinful, rebellious human nature. These "overcomers"—then born of God and composed of divine spirit— will rule this earth with and under Jesus Christ (Revelation 2:26–27).

Mankind has always wanted to rule the earth. Now we even hope to rule outer space!

God has given human beings the capacity to do just that! But we are presently limited by a body of flesh that must receive all of its nourishment from this earth and its surrounding layer of air. Our astronauts must always take with them some form of food that comes from the soil of this earth. They must take air and water from this earth.

They must do these things—or they will surely perish.

So human beings are hindered in their efforts to "conquer" space. Recent space exploration has been done, more and more, by unmanned craft. Proud humanity has had to face its limitations.

Yet, in the beginning, God said: "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle…" (Genesis 1:26).

The Marvelous Human Mind

To a limited extent, human beings are made like God. For we are made in the form and shape of God. Unlike any animal, the human being has a mind that is not guided by blind instinct, but is capable of choice, of decision—of building character. Also, human beings alone have a creative capacity and the ability to think in the abstract, reason and philosophize. We can invent and bring into being an almost infinite variety of physical and mechanical things. Because of the rich and seemingly endless human imagination, we can compose beautiful music, write inspiring literature and paint majestic scenes.

And so, God gave human beings dominion over all creatures on earth. Yet, in spite of all our God-given possibilities, we have thoroughly botched even our responsibilities here. Human beings need not only a body with greater capacities; we need the mind of a Solomon—yet a spiritually motivated mind to cope with the agonizing problems now facing the entire human race.

The Apostle Paul commanded: "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5).

The Christian who knows the purpose of life must come to have the very mind, the viewpoint, the attitude and the wisdom of Jesus Christ. But what, you may ask, are the qualities and characteristics of that type of mind? And how are these to be developed?

Key 1: Alertness and Discernment

The first quality is awareness of people, things and attitudes. That is the mark of real leaders. They are alert. They are fully awake and thinking. They notice people who are tight and tense around the mouth, people who are "working an angle." They also notice people who are unbalanced, disturbed and in need of help.

Such leaders will also notice physical characteristics of people and things. They will be alert to and aware of the nature of the foliage, plants and animals around them if they are out in nature. Normally, they will not be the ones to blunder into quicksand—or into a beehive!

I first became impressed with this characteristic when traveling overseas with Dick Armstrong, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's eldest son.

Dick and I were driving through Europe in the summer of 1954. I had graduated from college a couple of years before, and it was my first trip overseas. I was noticing and learning many things. But often, many times in fact, when we would be sitting in the car or at a sidewalk café and I would be thinking over what we had seen, Dick would suddenly point out to me some unusual characteristics of the people around us, or of the architecture, the plant life, the trees or the flowers.

I had traveled throughout the Midwest as a boy, and later over most of the United States with many different young men. But never had I been with a companion who was so alert to what was going on around him. Dick used his God-given eyes and ears to discern the characteristics of the people we encountered. He noticed their habits and ways. Soon he would pick up certain words and phrases from each foreign language and begin to use them.

These mental qualities and abilities made Dick a "natural" to head our overseas Work. He did this, and soon the foundation was laid for the growth of the Work of God in Britain and Europe.

Jesus Christ's Example

Jesus was alert to the moods and attitudes of others. You will find His example in Matthew 16:5–12. Here Jesus noticed the subtle appearance of doubt and confusion in His disciples. He perceived the moment His disciples were unsure on a vital point.

In Matthew 22:18, Jesus perceived that the Pharisees were trying to trick Him and bring about His downfall in the way they asked a certain question. If He had not been alert and awake, His ministry might have ended right there!

Yes, Jesus of Nazareth noticed the arched eyebrows, the questioning eyes, the shifty expressions and furtive smirks of those who doubted Him or tried to trap Him in some way. He quickly perceived attitudes as well—and was often able to forestall trouble before it started. Always, therefore, He was one step ahead of His disciples—and was able to lead them.


Most of us are not by nature as alert and discerning as we ought to be.

Learn to observe specific things about people—such as height and weight, color of hair and eyes, voice qualities and accent, and any definite physical characteristics. This should not be done, of course, with any remote thought in mind to prejudice yourself against anyone. But this definitive information will help you to better remember people you meet—even those whom you only know casually. It will definitely help you to understand and to better serve and deal with them in the future.

Become more aware of the scenery and the environment around you. Observe the style and architecture of the buildings. Notice what kind of fish are in the pond, and what kind of birds are in the park.

Obviously, this practice will add immediately to your store of knowledge and to your effectiveness in dealing with people and things.

If you learn to observe and properly discern all of these things, in right balance, you will in any case be far better prepared to be a literal king over some area or phase of society in Tomorrow's World!

Key 2: Education and Knowledge

Nearly every future king is educated and tutored in preparation for the wide-ranging responsibilities that await him. He is taught not only the history of his own people and their neighbors, but the social and cultural heritage of the past. He is— or at least should be—instructed a great deal about current events. For he must be familiar with recent trends in international diplomacy and warfare as well as domestic and local political issues.

For a future ruler, a thorough education is a necessity. Leaders must know whereof they act and speak. They must have correct information and facts behind their decisions and their policies—or the nations they lead will be headed for disaster.

It may surprise some to learn that most, if not all, of the great leaders of the Bible were highly educated. The prophet Daniel was of royal blood and was among the captive princes in Babylon who were taught "the language and literature of the Chaldeans" (Daniel 1:4). He was, therefore, educated in the royal court of the greatest empire in all the earth at that time.

In Acts 22:3, the Apostle Paul tells us that he was "brought up," or educated "at the feet of Gamaliel"— who historians tell us was the acknowledged greatest teacher of Jewish rabbis of that time.

The lesson in all this is that we should endeavor to obtain the best education possible. Especially, we should be concerned about basic subjects such as grammar, diction, mathematics, history, geography and a good knowledge of current events. Obviously, many older people may find it difficult to go back to school. But there are several fine correspondence schools that offer courses in all of the above-mentioned subjects. Besides, many outstanding business and industrial leaders have the equivalent of a Ph.D. through diligent personal study of books and courses on their own.

Read widely, and keep growing mentally all of your life!

Teach Your Children

A vital point here is to teach your children to read widely and to think. Encourage your young children and grandchildren to use the dictionary often—to become familiar with the basic meaning of thousands of key words in our language. For words provide the very tools by which we think and reason. Teach them also to become familiar with the good encyclopedias—to begin early building a real storehouse of knowledge on basic subjects.

Both you and your children are to be encouraged to read biographies and autobiographies of the great leaders of the past and of recent times as well. Read The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Read some of the better volumes of Sir Winston Churchill—"the man of the century." This type of reading should inspire one to a life of accomplishment and leadership.

If at all possible, have your children or grandchildren read this very article! For they should be the leaders in Tomorrow's World. They must, therefore, obtain the best possible education today! Teach them to study the word of God, the laws of God and the perfect example of Jesus Christ! Teach them that all real knowledge of truth is based on—and in harmony with—this revelation of basic knowledge from the Creator.

Thousands of "educated fools" are abroad in the world today—utterly confused about who they are, where they came from, what are the laws of life, what is the meaning of world conditions, and where we are headed. Yet the true answer to these questions is the most important knowledge of all. So much mis-knowledge is being disseminated today that one must constantly exercise alertness and discernment to be sure of the "facts" being presented in a class or in a textbook.

Acquire your education with a high purpose in mind! Acquire it in order to join Jesus Christ in ruling, in teaching, in rebuilding this world and bringing about peace in Tomorrow's World. In doing so, you will be acquiring a great deal of tomorrow's education today!

Key 3: Understanding, Vision and BIG-Mindedness

Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong stated that he had a burning desire for "understanding" beginning at about age 16.

What is "understanding?"

It is different from knowledge. For knowledge connotes merely the possession of facts and information. And wisdom is the ability to draw on those facts and with understanding make a right decision in a given situation.

But understanding is the grasp not only of information and facts, but of their relationship to each other and their meaning. It is the awareness of the basic laws and principles governing personal, national and spiritual situations that come up. It usually involves much study, thought and experience. It enables one to see the big picture in a given situation.

Take the example of Sir Winston Churchill, called "the man of the century." It is widely recognized that his greatness was made possible by the unusual understanding and vision he possessed, at least in physical matters. He became Prime Minister of Britain at the beginning of World War II. He was relieved that he could at last straighten out the desperate situation into which his nation had fallen, about which he had been warning for many years.

For, over and over again, Churchill had warned his fellow Britons about the dangerous tyranny rising in Nazi Germany. He understood the meaning of Hitler's boasts and the Nazi torchlight rallies. He grasped the meaning of the historical background of the German peoples and their militaristic nature. Like "a voice in the wilderness," he had warned the democratic leaders of his own and other friendly states what was bound to come. But they would not heed!

Upon becoming Prime Minister, he was able to deal with the ugly situation. His people now were frightened at what he had known all along would come. But Churchill was able to see the big picture. For he had a vast knowledge of history, and he understood the nature of the rise and fall of dictators. Moreover, he deeply understood not only the military but the tremendous industrial power of Britain and America and worked unceasingly to convince America to help Britain before it was too late.

Churchill had gained early a deep understanding of his nation's army, its navy, its parliamentary system (he had been a member of Parliament since 1901) and of its people. Most importantly, he was able to see them in relation to each other and how they fit together as a whole. This even included the Commonwealth nations that he came to know well through his wide study, travel and his early military experiences.

His understanding of this whole picture was unique.

So it was that when Winston Churchill was given the crushing responsibility of directing his people in their hour of need, he was not the least upset or overwhelmed. He wrote: "I felt as if I were walking with Destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and for this trial" (The Gathering Storm, p. 596).

How To Exercise Vision

Along with understanding comes vision. This is the ability to foresee events or situations even before they happen. This comes, partly at least, from training the mind to think ahead, to consider the end of a series of events or a particular course of action. I am grouping it here with understanding because these two qualities often go together, and complement each other.

As would be expected, therefore, Churchill also possessed a great deal of vision. In his autobiography, Bernard Baruch tells about a conversation with Churchill just after the First World War: "Pointing his walking stick toward the east, where the Red Revolution had erupted, he made a prophetic remark, 'Russia, Russia. That's where the weather is coming from.'" Even then, Baruch tells us, Churchill could sense the antagonistic spirit of the Soviet dictatorship toward free men. For he had vision.

Solomon wrote: "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he" (Proverbs 29:18, KJV).

Those who keep God's Law will have vision because they will be given a penetrating insight into human nature—and the collective nature of people and nations. They will possess superior understanding of the principles of life, and will therefore sense, before others, the outcome of various situations and problems.

Learn To Be BIG-Minded

In like manner, those who keep God's law will be given superior understanding and big-mindedness. For God promises: "A good understanding have all those who do His commandments" (Psalm 111:10).

To gain greater understanding, read widely—especially in history— trying to learn the lessons behind the many adventures and misadventures of humanity down through the centuries. In any situation, try to see the Big Picture. Relate the situation to similar ones in the lives of others you know or may have read about. Do not be so upset or involved in the immediate problem that you fail to relate it to your whole life and future. Think of its meaning in terms of the entire world and God's ultimate purpose.

An amusing yet meaningful account of how Winston Churchill did this concerns his being run down by a New York taxicab in 1931. Confined to a bed of pain and kept from his work for some time, he could easily have become discouraged, or perhaps bitter against America and against all cab drivers, etc.

Instead, Churchill made front-page news by completely exonerating the driver. Then, he dashed off a lurid description of the episode for which he received $2,500!

Churchill was big-minded about what a lesser man could have considered a "tragedy." For he possessed the understanding that this need not be a tragedy at all unless he made it so.

Use these examples in gaining understanding yourself!

Remember always the account of King Solomon's early reign over ancient Israel—while he was still obedient to his God. For, because of Solomon's yielded spirit, God asked him to name what he would like and promised to grant it. Solomon's concern was not for vanity, but for his awesome responsibility as king over all Israel. So Solomon asked: "Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?" (1 Kings 3:9).

This greatly pleased the Eternal. And so God gave Solomon a wise and understanding heart, and both riches and honor—for which he had not asked (vv. 10–13).

In addition to reading widely— especially the lessons of history and the lives of great men and women— try always to see the Big Picture in any given situation. Exercise vision and train yourself to look to the real end or outcome of a problem or a course of action. Read and study the Bible itself to gain real understanding and acquire God's viewpoint on the big questions and problems of life. Then pray earnestly to the Eternal God and ask Him for understanding— remembering in faith the example of Solomon!

Key 4: Wisdom and Resourcefulness

One of the most important qualities in any high official or leader is wisdom. For although a president or prime minister cannot possibly be an expert in petroleum engineering, aircraft and missile production and nuclear physics, he must nevertheless have the wisdom to make sound decisions on all these matters and many, many more.

Solomon wrote: "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding" (Proverbs 4:7).

Wisdom, of course, is the faculty of making sound decisions. Anyone with great wisdom would need at least a good degree of understanding and vision. They would also have to acquire knowledge of the problem at hand—and attempt to get all of the pertinent facts.

Having the facts, and possessing understanding of the past history, trends and laws governing the situation they face, those who have wisdom must correlate all of these factors and make sound decisions that will be practical and that will actually work—both now and in the future. This is true wisdom.

All too often, political decisions are made in order to please the general public at the moment. Undoubtedly, those making such "expedient" judgments realize that there will be greater trouble in years to come because of their shortsighted, crowd-pleasing decisions. But, perhaps at least partially blinded by the pressures of the moment, they "hope" that their biased decisions will somehow work out all right!

One of the "keys" to real wisdom is the willingness to learn from one's own mistakes. Bernard Baruch, one of the wisest men of the 20th century, wrote of how he systematically developed this practice: "After each major undertaking—and particularly when things had turned sour—I would shake loose from Wall Street and go off to some quiet place where I could review what I had done and where I had gone wrong. At such times I never sought to excuse myself but was concerned solely with guarding against a repetition of the same error."

Be willing to learn from your own mistakes!

Another point of wisdom is to get all of the pertinent facts concerning any problem. Many are too lazy or too vain to do this—feeling they can "play it by ear" and somehow get by. The powers of human intuition being what they are, this approach will work part of the time—especially when one is on familiar ground, and the decision is not of major consequence and is not a volatile or potentially dangerous issue. But when it is, then woe be to a leader who rushes around and makes decisions without having gotten the facts and without also getting wise counsel!

For God's word makes plain: "Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety" (Proverbs 11:14). Great leaders usually surround themselves with top-notch assistants and advisors of both ability and wisdom. They will not seek insipid "yes men," but rather will search out counselors who dig deeply into the facts, possess vision, and will independently give truly wise counsel when an important decision is to be made.

Where does wisdom come from?

Wisdom Proceeds from God

The Eternal God answers: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding" (Proverbs 9:10). Apart from the knowledge of the Creator, deep and lasting wisdom is impossible. Regarding the knowledge of moneymaking, social status and purely material things, Jesus said: "The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light" (Luke 16:8, KJV). But in the big decisions that involve the outcome of human lives, nations and the entire human race, only those who deeply respect and reverence the great God of Creation and understand His purpose possess real wisdom.

"For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding" (Proverbs 2:6). Remember God's promise: "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him" (James 1:5).

So ask God, in believing faith, for wisdom. Then study the word of God—especially the book of Proverbs—for the examples of wisdom in God's own revelation to man. Also, read and study the lives of great and successful people to gain some of the keys to wisdom.

For God says, "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed" (Proverbs 13:20). Not everyone can be the personal friend and confidant of leaders like Sir Winston Churchill, but everyone can read the examples of wisdom from their lives, and in this way "walk with" and learn from the wise and the great.

Seek to learn not only wisdom, but also resourcefulness—the capacity to resolve emergencies, to come up with wise alternatives when trouble has upset an ongoing plan or operation. Along with wisdom, seek to exercise resourcefulness in your daily life. For it will grow with habitual use.

Do all of this to grow in wisdom and resourcefulness.

Then, when a particular problem arises, always be sure to get all of the pertinent facts involving a decision. Next, be sure that you get wise counsel—not just from those who necessarily reflect your own opinions— but from a number of others who understand the subject you are concerned with and will independently give you well-considered advice.

Not only to be a king someday, but in our day-to-day lives, all of us need more wisdom and resourcefulness to be truly happy and successful. Start now to build these vital qualities into your life!

Key 5: Faith, Hope and Courage

A positive frame of mind, coupled with faith and courage, often "separates the wheat from the chaff" in times of trial and test. A truly great leader must possess these qualities.

Yet we live in an age of compromise and expediency. We live in an age when even leaders whine and moan about the dangers in the world—yet are afraid to act resolutely when crises come. More, we live in an age when many people are "not sure" of God's existence, "not sure" whether they should be loyal to their family, friends or country— not sure, in fact, of anything.

In this sickening situation, a person has no basis for faith or courage! Thank God, then, that this kind of society will soon come to an end.

For the kind of real leader God intends to use in governing this world is typified by King David of Israel. Remember that even before he became king, David exemplified faith and courage to a high degree.

When David, as a very young man, was challenged about his ability to fight the giant Goliath, notice his answer: "Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God" (1 Samuel 17:36). David had learned to have confidence and courage. But he also had faith in the living God and His willingness to intervene in behalf of those who served and obeyed Him.

As young David strode out across that valley toward a cursing, raging, experienced giant of a warrior, he had to have supreme courage to do his part. And he had to know that the Creator God of his fathers would intervene and help!

People who are always fearful and worried are not fit to be leaders and kings. For they will be utterly unable to inspire others or command their respect.

They will be afraid to make the hard decisions, afraid to take swift action when it is necessary. In addition, their effectiveness is doubly impaired, for their fears and worries will bring on ulcers, high blood pressure and perhaps even a heart attack or mental breakdown!

Note what God's word says: "But the fearful, and unbelieving… shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death" (Revelation 21:8, KJV).

So, think positive thoughts! Set yourself to develop an attitude of courage and confidence! Set out to prove the existence of the true and living God! Obey Him and learn from Him! Learn why you are here, where you are going and what life is really all about. Do not be an intellectual or spiritual coward! Have a reason for being—something worth living for and, if need be, worth dying for!

Heed God's instruction: "The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe" (Proverbs 29:25). Quit worrying so much about what people think or say! Seek and obey the Creator God. In all things, prove what is true and right. Then, with God's help, think and act courageously and let the world know that you stand for something!

Key 6: Mental Discipline and Persistence

Many intelligent and capable people seem to make their lives a success—for a little while. Then, inexplicably, they suddenly let their feelings and passions dominate them and begin to throw away their short-lived "success" in the pursuit of drunkenness, drugs, sexual conquest or some other human weakness.

They have not learned to discipline themselves!

In our society, dominated by the "permissive psychology" in its childrearing methods and educational processes, this lack of self-discipline has become a gigantic problem. With young people under 18 years of age committing many types of crimes, and with drunkenness, drug addiction and sexually transmitted diseases becoming great physical and mental cripplers in our Western world, we need to learn the vital importance of self-discipline.

The word of God says: "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city" (Proverbs 16:32).

People who have lasting success are those who have learned to guide, direct and master their thoughts and emotions. They have learned to say "No!" to themselves on many, many occasions.

Referring to the national need for self-discipline, Bernard Baruch, "the counselor of Presidents," wrote: "The greatest blessing of our democracy is freedom. But in the last analysis, our only freedom is the freedom to discipline ourselves."

Apply this to yourself!

Build Right Mental Habits

Develop the habit of ruling over your thoughts and emotions. Discipline yourself to get up on time in the morning, to get to work on time, to work hard and to grow on the job. Direct your thoughts into constructive channels—not permitting yourself to dwell on hurt feelings or lusts. Purposefully guard your mind so that these negative and destructive thoughts do not even find a place of lodgment. Also, avoid idle and purposeless "daydreams" that usually engender lusts, vanities and foolishness, and are a childish form of escape from reality.

Train yourself to avoid discouragement and to finish whatever worthwhile project you have begun. God says: "If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small" (Proverbs 24:10). Do not be a "quitter." Train and discipline your mind and body to keep on to the end.

Discipline your mind and your moods. Guard the door of your mind against negative, vain or lustful thoughts. Do not allow yourself to sit around moping, to feel sorry for yourself, or to give up and quit anything worthwhile.

Rather, direct your mind and emotions into positive channels— into productivity and accomplishment. Have an attitude of outgoing concern for others, and of giving and serving and keeping on to the end. Then you will be truly happy and, at least to some degree, a leader both now and in your ultimate future!

Key 7: Loyalty and Service

One of the most important qualities any nation, group or organization looks for in its leaders is absolute loyalty. For when people cannot be completely re l i e d upon—then all of their other good qualities are negated.

To the very end of His physical life, Jesus Christ was totally loyal to God the Father—even unto death. He never argued or questioned His Father's will. He said: "Not my will, but Yours, be done" (Luke 22:42).

The main quality that caused God to promise Abraham and his heirs the ultimate possession of this entire earth was his complete faithfulness and loyalty to God. When Abraham had demonstrated his willingness even to sacrifice his own son Isaac—his only son by his wife Sarah, the very son through whom the tremendous birthright promise would have to come—God blessed him. God said: "By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son— blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies" (Genesis 22:16–17).

God gave this tremendous blessing because Abraham was faithful and loyal to the utmost!

So develop this sense of absolute loyalty to God, to your nation, to your employer, to your spouse, your children and your family. Then, along with that sense of loyalty, develop an attitude of service.

At the beginning of this article, I quoted the scripture: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5). Christ exemplified the spirit of service. He gave His life for us. He was constantly giving help, encouragement, blessings, healings, and real love to others throughout His physical life.

Notice Philippians 2:6–9. Although Jesus was equal with God, and had been very God, He "emptied Himself" as the original Greek should be translated, "taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men." Even though Jesus had shared the glory of God, even though it was His voice that had said: "Let there be light," when God reformed the earth at the time of Adam, Jesus was more than willing to give that up in order to serve the lowly human beings God had created through Him (Ephesians 3:9).

What about you?

Are you not only loyal to God, to your family and others—but do you have an outgoing concern for them? Do you have the spirit of giving, of sharing—of serving?

Jesus said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35).

Learn to give of yourself to others— in service, in warmth and encouragement and in your total personality. In this way, you will find that what Jesus Christ said is not just an idea, but a living law that works. For it is more blessed to give than to receive!

Getting the mind off the self, and on serving others—and most of all serving the Eternal Godis the way to lasting joy, peace of mind and true success.

With the daily practice of alertness and discernment, with the acquiring of right education and knowledge, the cultivation of understanding, vision and big-mindedness, the exercise and development of wisdom and resourcefulness, faith and courage, mental discipline and persistence, you will be well on your way to building the mind of a great leader—a king. With the additional qualities of total loyalty, and the spirit of giving and unselfish service to God and to other human beings, your horizons will be even broader!

You will be building a mind like God, your Creator. You will be building an instrument of service—both now and forever. You will be exercising seven basic "keys" to building and mastering what is undoubtedly the greatest physical thing God has created—the human mind. In all this, you will be glorifying your Creator, and you will gain a sense of deep fulfillment. Now it is up to you!