The Upstate New York Living Church of God brethren hosted another awesome trip to the Adirondack Mountain region on Raquette Lake.
On Wednesday afternoon, we took a canoe trip out to Tioga Point where we had a busy afternoon and evening setting up camp for the next four days. God blessed the weather that first day with sunshine and warm temperatures. Thursday was another exceptional day of warmth while we learned many new skills such as canoeing basics, how to make a shelter from a tarp, knot tying, wilderness first aid, group dynamics, wilderness signs, orienteering and how to make a rocket stove. Friday was a full-day adventure as we canoed out to West Mountain and climbed to the summit by mid-afternoon. We enjoyed beautiful views of the Raquette Lake area of the Adirondacks and a much-needed rest before heading back down the mountain.
Saturday we received a little rain but God cleared the skies for Sabbath services. We heard inspiring messages from Messrs. Rod McNair and Phil Sena and enjoyed a special “hymn sing.” Then on Sunday we packed up camp and took a final canoe trip back to Golden Beach where we departed with fond memories of a full weekend of fellowship and godly instruction. Many campers expressed interest in returning next year for another grand adventure amidst God’s creation, in which we can once again worship our Creator, learn how better to live His way of life together, and build bonds of brotherhood.