Living Church News

Volume 26, No. 5, September/October 2024

He Turned Many to Righteousness

Personal Gerald E. Weston

Dear Brethren, It is never easy to say goodbye to a loved one, no matter how well you know that the day will come. Such is the case with our dear brother in Christ, Mr. Richard Ames, who was for many years our elder…

Characteristics of Kings

Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Editor’s Note: Mr. Ames asked that we publish this article, adapted from his sermon of the same name. Sadly, though he saw an early draft, he died before he could do his final review of the adaptation. Nevertheless, we…

The Feast of Tabernacles: Why Activities?

Rod McNair

As the Feast draws closer, we all anticipate this highlight of the year. Festival Site Coordinators all over the world have been hard at work since last year’s Feast to prepare for this annual foretaste of the peace and harmony that will permeate…

With Shouting and the Sound of a Trumpet

Peter G. Nathan

Though the Feast of Trumpets is not mentioned by that name in the New Testament, the New Testament abounds with imagery derived from an understanding of the Hebrew name for that day. Hence, understanding the Hebrew name for this Festival—and the way…

We Need the Fast Before the Feast

Wallace G. Smith

As the Feast of Tabernacles draws closer, we can feel our anticipation rising, can’t we? We look forward to enjoying eight days of fellowship and activities, spending time with loved ones, and making new friends in God’s earthly family.

Our Vision of God’s Kingdom

Wayne Tlumak

On September 11, 2001, I was inspecting a waterfront training facility in Brooklyn that I managed while working for the New York City Housing Authority. It was early morning, and the facility had been broken into the night before. As I was dialing…

Living for Tomorrow: Building Pillars for the Next Generation

Jonathan McNair

For as long as I can remember, there have been “singles activities” in God’s Church. As a teenager in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during the days of the Worldwide Church of God, I’d hear announcements about the “Gemütlichkeit Weekend” each year…