Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ,
Greetings from Charlotte, NC! What’s happening to our country? To so-called Western "civilization"? Do you realize how far and fast our peoples are becoming totally degenerate and godless—just like the inhabitants of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah? The Creator had to destroy them with fire, lest their example spread and pollute the peoples of the entire earth.
May God help our peoples wake up!
Yet the vast majority of "mainstream" ministers, and even many so-called "evangelicals," have virtually nothing to say about the growing moral cancers which are destroying our peoples. Are they simply afraid to say anything? Or are they so far removed from what the inspired Word of God says that their own minds and consciences have been seared by the growing hedonism of Western society?
Only God knows the answer.
However, somewhere on this earth the Eternal God does have true ministers who are willing to proclaim His message. God commands His true servants, "Cry aloud, spare not; lift up your voice like a trumpet; tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins" (Isaiah 58:1). In Ezekiel, in what is certainly an end-time prophecy, God describes the worldly, confused ministers of our peoples, "Her prophets plastered them with untempered mortar, seeing false visions, and divining lies for them, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord God,’ when the Lord had not spoken. The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one" (Ezek. 22:28-30).
Brethren, we can be the "man"—that instrument—whom God will use to help protect and wake up those who are willing to listen. As faithful servants of the living God, we can and must "cry aloud"—as God has commanded—to show our peoples their sins and distinctly warn them where they are headed before it is too late! By opening our minds and helping us in this Work to understand, God is clearly setting before us this priceless opportunity and privilege.
In this letter, I will discuss two enormous problems which are swiftly getting worse even as I write. For just this morning, the Charlotte Observer headlined, "Many Same-Sex Pairs Bring Their Kids. " The accompanying article, originally written for the Los Angeles Times, states, "The accessory of the moment for this city’s unprecedented stream of same-sex weddings is a baby carriage. As hundreds of gay couples have converged on [San Francisco] City Hall, where city officials are issuing marriage licenses to homosexuals, they have carried the occasional rainbow-hued gay-pride flag or political placard. But far more common are strollers, bags of diapers and juice cups—trappings of the mundane domestic life that many gay couples say they want society to formally recognize."
In every way possible, these perverted individuals are trying to "look normal." Even though it is likely that many of the innocent children involved with them will be in far greater danger of sexual molestation than if they were living in a normal home, even though increasing thousands of youngsters will have their minds, if not their bodies, warped by seeing a man kissing another man, etc., and growing up without the balanced family life provided by a normal male father and female mother—even with all of this, the militant homosexuals are swiftly pressing their perverted views on our society. And they are winning!
What should we do? What can we do?
As most of you probably realize, this homosexual movement has gained so much political clout that most politicians and many professing Christians are afraid to touch this issue. They are certainly afraid to "cry aloud" about this national tragedy, and most of them simply give it the "silent treatment"—hoping, perhaps, that it will just go away. But it will not go away!
A number of legal scholars have warned that their next goal is a movement toward legalizing Polygamous Homosexual Marriage: PHM. This will make it possible for a whole group of people to get "married." As news columnist Jack Wheeler recently wrote, "the loudest demands to legalize polygamy will not come from heterosexuals—it will come from homosexuals. Get ready for it, folks. The next cultural insanity will [be] a movement to legalize Polygamous Homosexual Marriage: PHM. The entire enterprise of foisting homosexual marriage upon our society is, of course, a con. Many societies in man’s history have tolerated homosexuality in varying degrees, but there is no historical record of any society on earth ever granting legal recognition of a homosexual union on a par with the marriage of a man and a woman…. Monogamous homosexuality, on the other hand, especially for men, is an oxymoron. The average male homosexual is pathologically promiscuous. (This is why AIDS is primarily a male homosexual disease in the US, while pathological heterosexual promiscuity is the primary cause of AIDS in Africa.) A monogamous commitment between female homosexuals is not unusual, but it is rare among male homosexuals" (, Feb. 17, 2004).
The total degradation of society in America, Canada, Britain and other nations that allow this kind of insanity will certainly follow. The spread of AIDS will certainly intensify. The depth of utter frustration, emptiness and increasing suicides occurring among those living in these godless "arrangements" (not real marriages in God’s sight) will be pitiable. And only the divine intervention of Almighty God will put a stop to the spread of misery, disease and premature death brought about by man’s attempt, once again, to "by pass" the laws of the Creator God!
The Bible directly reveals the mind of God on almost every major topic of our day. And God’s Word shows clearly, over and over, what the One who created our bodies and minds thinks about homosexuality. The Apostle Paul was inspired to write how the ancient "great" philosophers deliberately turned away from the Creator: "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due" (Rom. 1:26-27).
The Apostle Peter described how God made an "example" of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah so we could understand what He thinks of sexual perversion. For God supernaturally intervened and turned "the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly" (II Peter 2:6). Then Peter described how God’s servant Lot "tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds" (v. 8). It now appears that true Christians will also be increasingly "tormented" by having to live in the midst of this type of depraved behavior.
But unlike righteous Lot, we can pray and prepare for the soon-coming of Jesus Christ as King of kings (Rev. 11:15). We are certainly near the end of this age. Jesus Himself tells us, "He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly’" (Rev. 22:20). Today, we in this Work of the living Christ can zealously participate in proclaiming the powerful message of the coming Kingdom of God. We can teach all who will listen about God’s righteous laws and ways. We can tell them about the true Jesus Christ and His inspiring message. And because God gives a "good understanding to all those who keep His commandments" (Psalm 111:10), we can reach this world with the specific prophecies of what lies ahead so that many tens or hundreds of thousands may indeed heed, repent and be spared from the Great Tribulation which is surely coming soon!
Meanwhile, because of our peoples’ increasing sins, God is allowing another kind of "plague" to greatly weaken the United States and many of our English-speaking allies. This plague is our increasing hedonism and especially our increasing profligacy in buying things we don’t need with money we don’t have! We are becoming a credit card society. We often joke about how we "shop ‘til we drop." Most Americans, especially, think that they need to have two or more cars, two or more television sets, etc, etc. We, as individuals, are going further and further into debt. And, as a nation, the United States is now the greatest national debtor in history! Just yesterday (February 17, 2004), the U.S. government’s national debt totaled more than $7 trillion for the first time, according to a Treasury Department report! Just last year, the gap between our imports and exports was $489.4 BILLION, the largest trade deficit of any country in any century. This horrendous trade deficit is in addition to the $521 BILLION budget deficit for the year, recently announced by the White House.
As the New York Times recently put it, "To finance its trade deficits, the United States has been borrowing record amounts from foreign investors and banks. The risk is that foreign investors could balk at continuing to lend the money needed just to finance that deficit."
What we as individuals need to realize is that someday—probably within the not-too-distant future—either China, Japan, Germany or some other major lender will simply decide to sell countless BILLIONS of dollars worth of their American securities. Do you realize that, collectively, foreign nations own about $4.6 TRILLION worth of American securities? If even a comparatively small percentage of this were suddenly sold, the American dollar would come crashing down and our entire way of life would instantly be changed!
As the United States Trade Deficit Review Committee stated: "Financial laws of gravity are not repealed for the United States."
Because of our absolute rebellion against God’s laws and His ways, America’s "day of reckoning" is coming soon—probably within this decade! Your life will never be the same. So it behooves all of us to squarely face the real "issues" which our hedonistic society does not usually like to face. We, individually, must put God and His ways first in our lives. We must go "all out" to serve Him—to give our lives to Jesus Christ—and to do our part to prepare for His soon-coming rule over this entire earth.
As Jesus stated, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work (John 4:34). We in this Work are unafraid to tell all of you and millions of others the full Truth about why you were born, the genuine example and teaching of Jesus Christ, and the specific prophecies affecting your future. As thousands of you dear brethren and co-workers realize, we are certainly the "spear point" of God’s Work in these last days. In fact, I just received this inspiring report from Wayne Pyle, our TV Production Coordinator: "Two new milestones were achieved this past week by the Tomorrow’s World program: we added our 200,000th TV-respondent to the mailing list, and our TV viewership surpassed the 5-million-household mark, based on Nielsen data and our own statistics. In other words, our telecast has now been viewed at least one time by more than five million households!"
However, in this Laodicean era, many have grown lethargic in praying for and supporting the very Work of the living Jesus Christ! May God inspire each of you to do your part in supporting this Work. Brethren, the need is urgent. Please be as generous as you are able in your commitment to the Work of God at this time. New television stations are opening up and are offering good times for us to air the Tomorrow’s World television program. God’s Work must move forward! May God bless and prosper you as you enthusiastically do your part in getting out Christ’s warning message to this entire world.
With Christian love,
—Roderick C. Meredith