January 16, 2020

January 16th, 2020

Gerald E. Weston

Dear Brethren and Coworkers with Christ,

We are so grateful to all of you for your support over the last year, both in your prayers and in your generous tithes and offerings. Thank you! You are greatly appreciated, and you are making a difference in our increasingly dangerous world.

Statistics are tedious and boring to some, so I’ll try not to go overboard here. However, I do want to share a few milestones for those of you who thrive on stats, and I want you to know that your efforts are producing fruit. Here are some of the highlights from 2019:

  • Our Mail Processing Department sent out more than 1,000,000 letters, booklets, articles, and DVDs. (This does not include magazines.)
  • Tomorrow’s World magazine in English topped 308,000 subscribers
  • Tomorrow’s World in Spanish (El Mundo de Mañana) grew to 17,800 subscribers
  • Tomorrow’s World in French (Le Monde de Demain) grew to nearly 7,500 subscribers

We published one book, three new booklets, and a Special Report in 2019. We also produced a new DVD that was offered in our semi-annual letter:

We saw significant gains in television responses, which were up 10 percent over the previous year. About half of the responses were from brand-new individuals. We also saw good progress in our Internet and social media efforts. For example, the Tomorrow’s World telecast and short features, such as Whiteboards and Viewpoints, are found on our YouTube channels.

To view Tomorrow’s World telecasts, plus our short, four-to-seven minute features, and more on YouTube, go to TomorrowsWorld.org and click the YouTube icon at the upper right of the screen.

Statistics are wonderful, but they fail to tell the most important story. This Work that you are supporting is changing lives in positive ways. Let me share a few comments from those we are reaching. Here is an e-mail comment from D.W. responding to our booklet The Bible: Fact or Fiction.

Thank you so much for this inspired article. I have a 15-year-old that told me the other day she believed in God but not the Bible. (How can you believe something written by men?) I have been searching for weeks for an extra-biblical answer that had a strong argument. This was everything I was looking for and more. God bless and please continue this message. I will be sharing this with anyone that will receive it.

We received this letter from J.M., a coworker from Florida, commenting on our recent Tomorrow’s World article, “The Rise of Modern Paganism.”

Dr. Winnail, thank you for this thorough, well-developed and encapsulated explanation of the history, and currently significant reemergence, of pagan thought and practice that threatens our world, biblical doctrine, and mortal souls. May those currently without eyes to see and ears to hear awaken with this important subject-for-thought and God’s will or intervention. I shared your article on Facebook.

Not all readers were as happy with this article. A.A., a subscriber from Panama City, Florida, had this to say:

Just because of what past gods did does not mean that is what we Wiccans or pagans do believe today. After all more people have been killed in the name of the biblical “god” than any other. I am a practicing Wiccan. It’s a shame that we live in a world where Christianity has been shoved down people’s throats for centuries. Most of your Christian holidays actually stem from a pagan or Wiccan long-ago holiday. We teach tolerance, not hate. We are not promiscuous, we do not sacrifice our babies. It’s people like you who build and breed hate.

We are not offended by those who disagree with us. As Jesus warned, “Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets” (Luke 6:26). This kind of comment shows that we are reaching beyond the proverbial “choir.” And, as much as we disagree with A.A. about most of her note, we do share a little common ground. She correctly notes, “Most of your Christian holidays actually stem from a pagan or Wiccan long-ago holiday.” Where she errs is by lumping Tomorrow’s World and its sponsor, the Living Church of God, with those who celebrate so-called “Christian holidays.” We do not! Members of the Living Church of God, and many of you coworkers, are well-informed about the pagan origins of these so-called “Christian” holidays and have chosen rather to observe the same biblical Holy Days as Jesus, His Apostles, and first-century Christians.

Okay, one more. We have subscribers from virtually all countries. C.M. is a subscriber, from Etobicoke in Ontario, Canada.

Hello, I’m 25 and have not always been close with God. I just want to thank you all for what you do and thank you for having everything you offer! I always wanted to gain a greater understanding and sometimes found it difficult to understand the Bible language, but all of you have done and continue to do such a great job on explaining and simplifying the messages of Jesus Christ. I thank you for opening up my eyes and mind. It feels so great to finally have a clear understanding!

Yes, behind statistics are very real people. These are a very small sample of the comments we see on a regular basis. But I want to share with you this observation. My secretary collects these comments that come in and sends them to some of us here in our Charlotte, North Carolina office. Two things stood out in a recent compilation of comments. First, a good number were from people who are not subscribers. It is easy to count hardcopy subscribers to Tomorrow’s World, but we have no idea how many follow us by reading our literature online, or watching our Tomorrow’s World telecast each week—individuals who never get counted. We are reaching more people than we might imagine.

The second observation is that there were more critical comments, still the minority, but more than we usually see. That means we are touching an audience that needs to hear our message. We don’t expect them to suddenly agree, but Jesus tells us, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). We also read that the prophet Ezekiel was to take a warning to a rebellious people and that, whether they hear or not, they will at least receive a warning of what surely will come to pass (Ezekiel 2:3-7). People will be responsible for their decisions when destruction comes on our nations (Ezekiel 33:7-9).

Our job is not only to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19-20), but also to warn this world of what is coming. I think all of us see that our world is heading in a very bad direction and someone must sound that warning. Thank you for your part in doing just that!

Sincerely, in Christ’s service,
Gerald E. Weston