Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ,
Greetings from Charlotte, NC! My wife and I just returned from an encouraging and profitable trip during which I spoke to some of our congregations on the west coast. It was nice out there—except that terrible wildfires are continuing to break out with increasing frequency. Like an iceberg moving slowly toward the Titanic, so a massive drought is slowly but steadily moving across much of the American West. From all indications, this may be the beginning of the "Big One"—the prophesied time of drought and famine predicted by Jesus Christ.
Please do not think, "it couldn’t happen here"! For America has gone too far down in the cesspool of immorality and rebellion against the laws of God. Sadly, it is probably time for God to intervene.
Read carefully this report from the USA Today newspaper, dated June 22, 2004, "Western states kick off summer under threat of crippling drought" by Patrick O’Driscoll, "DENVER — Drought conditions in parts of the West are the worst in more than 400 years. Western governors will meet today with federal climate officials to assess conditions and discuss how to prepare for the threat of wildfires and what could be a dire summer for crops and drinking-water supplies. The governors, from 18 states from Kansas to Hawaii and Arizona to Alaska, are meeting in Santa Fe on the first day of summer for the annual meeting of the Western Governors Association. Their meeting comes as the drought in the Colorado River Basin, which is the main water supply for seven states and the metropolitan areas of Los Angeles, Phoenix and Las Vegas, is probably as bad or worse than the basin’s biggest drought in 1590-94, the U.S. Geological Survey says. The agency, which studied rings on trees among other things, also says the flow of the Colorado River during the past two years was barely half than during the Dust Bowl in the 1930s" (Emphasis ours).
Later, this USA Today states, "Las Vegas, the nation’s fastest-growing metro area, may have to declare a drought emergency at year’s end if the water level in Lake Mead drops to its lowest point in 40 years as predicted." So the countdown is beginning!
Will weather conditions force a change in the entire way of lifefor tens of millions of people in the western part of the United States? Perhaps also in parts of Canada, Australia and other areas of the English-speaking world? Will the American and British-descended peoples fervently repent and begin to obeythe God of the Bible? Or will the Eternal God be forced to bring on us the corrective chastening which is prophesied over and over in the inspired scriptures?
Meanwhile, this Work of the living God continues to grow and increase its impact in many nations. All of you faithful members and co-workers have a vital part in this. I want to extend to all of you a hearty "thank you" for your prayers, your encouragement and your financial support. You are definitely "laying up treasure" in heaven by your generosity toward the Work which Christ is using to help prepare the way for His Second Coming. Jesus Himself said, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matt. 6:19-21).
Because of your involvement in the Work of Christ, you are hopefully surrendering your life more and more each day so that He can truly live His life within you through the Holy Spirit. Remember, the best one-verse definition of a genuine Christian is found in Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me" (KJV).
In this Work, we are trying—as Christ’s servants—to show you how to truly imitate Jesus Christ and the way of life He taught and practiced—the way the original Christians lived their lives. IfGod is opening your mind so that you are willing to receive His Truth and live by it, you will be blessed, protected and guided through the traumatic years ahead in a remarkable way. Millions of people all around you will become increasingly alarmed and afraid as the wars, the acts of terrorism and the drought, famineand disease epidemics all become more and more serious. Many of these alarmed people—some of them sincere churchgoers—will know "about" God. But they will not truly "know" God. They will not be fully acquainted with Him and with His ways.
For Jesus Christ’s "special friend," the Apostle John, wrote at the very end of the apostolic age, "He who says, ‘I know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him" (I John 2:4). The incessant drumbeat of "mainstream" Christianity is: "You don’t need to literally keep the Ten Commandments. Just believe in Jesus. Just have love."
But, again, the Apostle John answers in the inspired scriptures, "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome" (I John 5:3).
The Tomorrow’s World telecast and magazine will bring you plain, clear articles regarding what true Christianity is really all about. We will answer, with clear biblical proof, all the trick arguments deceived men have come up with to get around the need to obey all ten of the Ten Commandments as Jesus, the original apostles and the entire Church of God taught and practiced for decades after the Law of God was supposedly "nailed to the cross"!
The Tomorrow’s World magazine, our booklets and our Bible Study Course—all offered absolutely free upon your request—will also give you detailed information about what is going on as prophesied events occur more rapidly and Christ’s return to earth becomes more imminent. You will learn exactly what to watch for—ahead of time. This will not only inspire you, but will help you prove to yourself that the God of the Bible is real and that He does have true servants on this earth today.
As you zealously respond to God’s instruction in His word, you will become a faithful "Philadelphian Christian" whom God will supernaturally protect from the soon-coming Great Tribulation prophesied to come on the world. Note Jesus’ very encouraging promise to such genuine Christians, "Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth" (Rev. 3:10).
Thanks again to all of you for your love and your support. The best way we can thank you in return is to do our very best to give you the "whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27). That, we are determined to do. May our heavenly Father guide you into the full Truth of His Word and bless and protect you as you act on that Truth and walk with Him.
With Christian love,
—Roderick C. Meredith