Weekly Update

April 1st, 2015

Greetings from Charlotte,

This week we will observe the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread—events that picture the initial steps in the Plan of God. As we see the corruption, chaos, and growing strife in the world and the inability of human leaders to bring peace and justice to the people they are supposed to serve, it becomes more obvious why God is preparing a new generation of leaders to administer His government in the coming Kingdom of God. It is through the Holy Days—beginning with the period of self-examination prior to the Passover and during the Days of Unleavened Bread—that God is fashioning righteous character in individuals that He is going to use to bring peace to this corrupt and war-torn world. We were saddened this past week by the death of Mr. Fitzroy Greeman, the Area Pastor for Barbados, Trinidad, Guyana and Brazil. Mr. Greeman had been dealing with kidney disease for some time (see announcement below).  During the Spring Holy Days, a number of ministers from Charlotte will be visiting local congregations. Mr. Meredith will be in Texas, Mr. Ames will be heading to New England and I will be in the southern Caribbean for the funeral of Mr. Greeman. Please pray that God will provide His guidance, blessing and protection during the Holy Days as we strive to do His Work.—DSW

Church Administration

Fitzroy Greeman: Mr. Greeman's funeral is set for Tuesday, April 7, in north Trinidad. Mr. Greeman would have been 65 this summer. He was baptized 42 years ago in 1972. He was ordained in 2000 and served in the ministry for 15 years. Mrs. Greeman and family wish to thank all the brethren around the world who sent cards and greetings and who besought God's intervention on behalf of Mr. Greeman during his illness as well as those who have been praying for her and the family at this time of loss. 

French Television—Repeat Announcement 

We are excited to announce that we will begin broadcasting the French program Le Monde de Demain on television for the first time in Church history! The debut airing of the program will be on the first Holy Day of Unleavened Bread, April 4, at 7:00 a.m. on Channel 10, a network serving the French territories of Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Saint Martin and Saint Barthelemy. The telecast will also be accessible in all of France via the Free and Orange mobile networks, as well as on TNT, satellite, and other digital networks. It is also available on our French Web site, www.MondeDemain.org. Please pray fervently that God will bless this new open door for His Work in French, and that it will bear much fruit pleasing to Him.

Television Department

Telly Award!—Repeat Announcement

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Ames' recent telecast titled "Prophetic Trends for 2015" has just received a Telly Award! The Telly Awards was founded in 1979 and is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and online commercials, video and films. Telly winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production and television companies in the world. With nearly 12,000 entries from all 50 states and numerous countries, it is truly an honor to be awarded this Telly, and it is a testament to the quality and level of excellence that God has helped us achieve as His Church fulfills its mission to preach the Gospel around the world (Mark 16:15)! Mr. Ames' powerful telecast can be viewed on the Tomorrow's World Web site at www.tomorrowsworld.org/telecasts/prophetic-trends-for-2015.—Wyatt Ciesielka

Feast of Tabernacles

Almost 6,000 Registered for the Feast!

There are 5,827 brethren and guests now registered and approved for the Feast of Tabernacles 2015.  If you have not yet registered, please do so as soon as possible. To find out information about each of the sites for 2015, go to the Festival Web site: fot2015.lcg.org. If you registered for one site and changed your mind and would like to register for a different one, simply go back on the Web site and re-register.

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina—Closed with No Overflow Capacity

The Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Feast site is closed for further transfers. We also regret to announce that plans to have an overflow room in Myrtle Beach fell through.  Accordingly, we will not be able to approve everyone on the waiting list.  If you are on the Myrtle Beach waiting list (i.e., if you have not received an official e-mail from the Festival Office approving your transfer request), please re-register for another site.  We still have a number of other sites that have lots of room (including nearby sites Palm Harbor, FL, and Gatlinburg, TN).  We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

St. George, Utah

The St. George, Utah, Feast site is closed for further transfers.

Navarre, Florida

The Navarre, Florida, Feast site is closed for further transfers.—Festival Office

Living Youth Program

Online Teen Bible Studies To Resume on April 17

Online Teen Bible Studies are scheduled to resume on the evening of Friday, April 17. In the meantime, archives of previous Living Youth Bible Studies can be found on the Living Youth Web site, livingyouth.org.


Removing Spiritual Leaven: The Scriptures indicate that we are to eliminate leavened products from our lives during the Days of Unleavened Bread (Exodus 12:15). However, we need to remember that this is a physical exercise to help us realize the importance of identifying and eliminating spiritual leaven that creeps into our lives from this world. Spiritual leaven includes breaking the commandments of God by lusting, coveting and hating as well as compromising or rebelling against God's laws and instructions. Spiritual leaven also includes the "works of the flesh" that Paul mentions in Galatians 5:19-21—adultery, fornication, drunkenness, outbursts of wrath, sowing seeds of contention and division, promoting personal doctrinal heresies and pursuing selfish ambitions, etc. As we take the Passover and go through the Days of Unleavened Bread, let's ask God to show us any spiritual leaven that we need to eliminate from our lives. Let's be forgiving of others and be thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us so we can be forgiven and continue the process of developing the mind and character of God.

Have a profitable Sabbath and Spring Holy Day season,

Douglas S. Winnail

News and Prophecy—April 1, 2015

Britain to Defend the Falklands:  "Argentina's rhetoric over the Falklands has been getting increasingly hostile" with reports that they are "planning to lease 12 long-range bombers from Russia" (The Guardian, March 24, 2015). In response, "David Cameron has said that Britain will always defend the Falkland Islands… As the prime minister made his assurance, Michael Fallon, the defence secretary, announced that two Chinook helicopters are to be deployed in the middle of next year, which would mount a 'swift and decisive response' to any 'emerging incidents'" (ibid.). Russia and China both have an increasing presence in Argentina and are looking to support Argentina further (ibid.). The Falklands are one of two remaining sea gates under British control (along with Gibraltar). Long ago God prophesied that the Israelite-descended nations would possess the "gates" of their enemies—which no doubt included sea gates (Genesis 24:60). Both Spain and Argentina have been pushing to gain possession these remaining sea gates, and Britain has been holding out. The question is "How much longer will Britain be able to hold these locations given its declining military might—especially as God's blessings are removed as they drift further from Him?" For more information on this topic, read "Sea Gates in Peril."

Arab League Military Strike Force:  As a 10-nation, Saudi-led coalition carried out air strikes against Yemeni rebels over the weekend, another group of Arab leaders met in Egypt. "The heads of Arab League countries meeting in Egypt have agreed to create a joint Arab military force" (BBC, March 29, 2015). Although details are yet to be determined, "The Arab League will work with military representatives of its members to organise what has been described as a voluntary force. Analysts say it is unlikely all 22 members will join the proposed force. Egyptian officials quoted by Associated Press said the force would comprise some 40,000 elite troops, supported by war planes, naval vessels and light armour" (ibid.). Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri told a news conference, "There is a political will to create this force and not to leave its creation without a firm time frame" (AP, March 29, 2015). Bible prophecies reveal that one of the major players on the world stage at the end of the age will be the "king of the south." This military "confederacy" will come from the Arab nations (see Daniel 11:40-43). Bible prophecies also reveal that Germany will also be involved with this alliance for a short time (Psalm 83:5-8). For more on this topic read The Middle East in Prophecy.

Changes Coming to Temple Mount Worship:  Currently, Israeli "Security services prohibit non-Muslims from praying or engaging in other forms of worship on the site [The Temple Mount], claiming such activity triggers Palestinian violence" (Jerusalem Post, March 3, 2015).  But, in a court ruling last month in favor of one man's right to prayer on the Temple Mount, "Activists hailed what they labeled as an historic victory… after the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court issued a ruling ostensibly backing claims that Jews be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount" (ibid.). Some question how the court ruling will affect the "status quo" situation (ibid.), and whether or not the recent court ruling will allow for widespread public prayer of Jews on the Temple Mount. However, Bible prophecy clearly indicates that more than prayer will occur on the Temple Mount prior to Christ's return. In fact, the Bible indicates that Jewish sacrifices will again occur on the Temple Mount for a short time, before being stopped and replaced by what Scripture calls an "abominable" act of desecration (Daniel 12:11; Matthew 24:15-16). The court ruling last month could "pave the way" for future events long prophesied in your Bible. For more information on these events97, read Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled!Scott Winnail, Francine Prater, Chris Sookdeo, Ron Ramsingh and Mark Finney