Greetings from Charlotte,
It is good to be back home again after a long trip. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith and I spent the Passover and Spring Holy Day period with congregations in London, Glasgow and Ireland. It was very encouraging to see the focus and dedication of brethren in these areas and to share their warm fellowship. We were also able to conduct annual Board meetings in Scotland and in Ireland. Following these visits, we made a short trip to Rome. We were able to see a number of historical sites including the Vatican Museums. We were also in St. Peter's Square on Sunday (April 23), when the Pope spoke to a crowd of tens of thousands people from his balcony. This was very interesting to see and experience. We are currently preparing for meetings of the Council of Elders next week and the Ministerial Conference that begins on May 15. Your prayers will be appreciated for these important meetings and for the safe travel of everyone involved.
Second Passover (REPEAT announcement)
The Second Passover date this year is Friday, May 12, to be taken the previous evening of May 11, after sunset. This Passover is for those baptized members of the Church who would have taken the first Passover, but because of circumstances beyond their control, could not do so. The biblical instructions guiding this ceremony are found in Numbers 9:1-14.
Ministerial Conference 2006—Airport Shuttle
Reminder for ministers attending the Ministerial Conference (May 15-17). If you are flying into the Charlotte International Airport (CLT) and have requested shuttle service, you will be met in the luggage area by a driver(s) who will be identified by a green LCG placard (please inform Church Administration of any changes to your flight schedule). If you arrive on May 14, the driver of your shuttle will be from the Hilton hotel (he will still be identified by the LCG placard). If you miss a connecting flight, or if your plane is running late, or for any emergency, please call Mr. Don Davis at 704-562-5269, or Mr. Patrick Scarborough at 704-634-2528.
Festival Assistance (Deadline Change)
Attention U.S. Pastors: Festival Assistance Forms. If any members in your area need second tithe assistance to attend the Feast, you can find Application for Festival Assistance forms on the Ministerial Resources website (, under Church Administration in the Finance section. You must log into "MyLCG"). The deadline for submitting these forms to CAD, dully filled by the member and signed by you, has been changed from August 31 to July 31, 2006.
Living 4 Tomorrow—Michigan 2006
Living Church of God young adults are invited to attend the Living 4 Tomorrow program at the beautiful facilities of the Northwoods Christian Camp, Pickford, Michigan. The L4T program is open to singles between the ages of 18 and 30. We will also have a few cabins available for young married couples without children who wish to attend. The L4T format is one of classes and discussion periods focused for the young Christian adult mixed with recreational activities and fellowship time. The program fee this year is US$175. The fee covers the cost of all lodging, food, and activities. Arrival date is the evening of Tuesday, July 11. Departure date is Sunday morning, July 16. We will provide transportation from the Chippewa County International Airport (CIU). Applications and additional information may be requested by calling Lambert Greer at 502-228-5917, or by email at [email protected]. Applications will also be posted shortly on (not an official Church website) and on the LCG Singles website If you are planning to attend, apply soon as airline tickets can be expensive if you wait too long.
Thailand Update—reported by Mr. Bruce Tyler
You may remember hearing about the Sabbath difficulties some of our brethren were having. Their situation was resolved and our members ended up keeping their jobs. However, their plight still is not an easy one. Being from Myanmar and working in Thailand, they are taken advantage of by the factory owners. They are required to work a 12 hour day, six days a week (8-12; 1-5; 6-10) for a total of 80 baht per day. That's exactly US$2.00 per day for six days or US$12.00 per week. (Remember, the others have to work 7 days a week). As a fine or penalty for not working on Friday evenings and Saturdays, they are docked one day's wage each week. In other words, what they actually receive is US$1.66/day for 12 hours work, or US$10.00 per week. Then on top of all that, each worker is charged almost another US$2.00 per week by the Thai government as an immigrant employment tax. I believe this is supposed to be paid by the employer but they in turn charge it back to their employees.
So, by the time the week's rent and food (mostly rice) bills have been paid, there's not much left over for the widescreen plasma TV—let alone buying fuel for their nonexistent family vehicle at US$2.50/gallon approximately. Nevertheless, this apparently is preferable to conditions in Myanmar (Burma). So next time you're in the store purchasing that new article of clothing, reflect on where it was possibly made and by whom.
On Sunday, April 21, 2006 at 12:01 midnight, our Special Risk Accident Policy with The Hartford expired and our new one with AIG/National Union Fire Insurance Co. began. The new forms are on the ministerial resources page and are shown there as "AIG Accident Insurance Claim Form" and "AIG Accident Insurance Information." Claims for accidents/injuries occurring on or after April 2, 2006, will not be honored by The Hartford. This is a U.S. only policy. We are trying to expand coverage outside the U.S., but it is not available to us as of this date. If this changes, a notification will be sent out. If you need the AIG claim form for a U.S. claim and are unable to get it from the Ministerial Resources website, please let us know by e-mail at [email protected]. It may be prudent to keep several copies of this form available at all U.S. church activities.—Tom Turner
Mr. Pyle reports that last week's TV program, "Which Day is the Christian Sabbath?" should draw about 2,500 responses. Next Sunday morning we begin airing on a new station in Houston (TVMAX) at 9:00 am. The Inspiration Network here in the USA is doing very well. Your prayers for the effectiveness of the TV program are helpful in reaching the minds of listeners.
The Faith under Fire: Today, we are witnessing an increasingly aggressive attack on the foundations of the Christian faith—perhaps unprecedented in modern history. Novels such as the Da Vinci Code (over 45 million copies sold and about to be released as a movie) and other current books openly state or imply that all we have been told about Jesus is a lie—that Jesus was not divine, He did not die and the resurrection did not take place. The basic message of books that are currently making huge sales is that biblical accounts have been doctored and the Bible is not a trustworthy source of information. What modern audiences are not being told is that these same arguments were raised by heretical pagan critics in the early centuries of the Church. Modern academics have rediscovered these arguments in Gnostic writings that date to the second century AD and are promoting the idea that valuable information about early Christianity was either lost or rejected for political reasons. However, when you read the Gnostic texts they are of a very different flavor than the authentic Scriptures. We need to remember that Peter clearly stated, "knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days" (II Peter 3:3). Paul repeatedly warned, "avoid vain and profane babblings… avoid foolish and ignorant disputes" (II Timothy 2:16, 23). He also urged Christians to "stand fast and hold to the traditions which you were taught" and to "guard what was committed to your trust" (II Thessalonians 2:15; I Timothy 6:20). In the face of growing challenges to fundamental tenants of the Christian faith, it is imperative that we "prove" for ourselves what is really right and true (I Thessalonians 5:21).
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
Italy to Lead EU Unification Efforts? Romano Prodi, newly elected president of Italy, recently laid out his plan to accelerate measures to bind continental EU members more tightly. Prodi particularly spoke of the need to bring together the "group of six" which includes Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg. However, he excluded the Netherlands in these plans and when pressed, also mentioned the exclusion of Britain. Prodi also discussed the necessity for reintroducing a ballot to move the EU constitution forward once again (The Sunday Times, April 16, 2006). Mr. Prodi appears to feel that it is his obligation to lead the charge to draw the EU together. We need to watch events in Europe to see how God allows this conglomeration of different languages and cultures to eventually come together for a short time (Dan 2:33; Rev 17:10-13).
More Animals Endangered. Biodiversity continues to decline as more animals fall into endangered categories around the globe. Polar bears, hippopotami, sharks and rays top the list of newly endangered species, according to a recent survey by the World Conservation Union. Although one reason for species being threatened is linked with global climate change, most are linked to governmental policies and political unrest and wars (BBC, May 1, 2006). Six thousand years ago, God gave mankind dominion over the animals with the command to "dress and keep" the creation (Gen 1:26-31). As humans drifted further from God over the millennia, they broke both spiritual and natural laws that God set in motion. As a result, even the animal kingdom that God brought through the flood is dying off. Christ tells us that He is aware even when a small sparrow falls from the sky (Mt 10:29-30), but carnal human beings are more concerned about self than about taking care of God's creation. Yet one more reason we need Christ's return!
South America: Unity or Division? In the wake of a recent trade agreement signed between Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba, Bolivian president Morales moved to nationalize foreign oil companies this week using military force—following the example of his mentor, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Ironically, one of the companies taken over by the Bolivian military is based in Brazil—the primary consumer of Bolivian oil and gas. Dissatisfied with other South American nations who seek trade agreements with the U.S., the nations of Cuba, Bolivia and Venezuela have also created their own trade agreement, hoping to set a precedent that will be followed by their South American neighbors (Guardian Unlimited, May 2, 2006). Nationalizing Bolivian oil is designed to be an act "for the Bolivian people." Also, the pact between Bolivia, Cuba and Venezuela is designed to set a precedent for South American nations to follow. Ironically, both actions may back-fire and further fractionate an already divided South American continent (Stratfor: Morning Intelligence Brief, May 2, 2006). Not only does this action by Bolivian president Morales alienate Brazil, but it could also alienate other nations that have invested in the Bolivian gas industry, including: Britain, Spain, Argentina, France, and the U.S. End time prophecies state that "nation will rise against nation" (Mt 24:7). This is beginning to happen today in South America.—Scott Winnail, Dan Bennett, Don Davis