Weekly Update

January 29th, 2004

Greetings from Charlotte,

Winter weather forced the shutdown of our offices here at H.Q. for the first two days of this week. However, we are back up and running now. Sorry for the inconvenience.


There are many projects underway here at the present time. Feast of Tabernacles hall contracts for 2004 are nearly completed, but there is much work yet to be done. The ministerial conference is growing closer and preparations for that are in full swing. There will be Council of Elders meetings Feb. 26-27 preceding the main conference. Then the general ministerial conference will take place Mar. 1-3. (By the way, Mrs. Meredith wanted us to mention that, if possible appropriate dress for the banquet and dance on Tuesday night, the 2nd, would be evening attire for the ladies and a dark suit for the men.). On Mar. 4 we will have a Festival Coordinators conference, and on the 5th we will hold meetings for the International Directors. We plan to send out a conference packet to the ministry soon, containing more specific information about accommodations, transportation, times and locations for the meetings, etc. Excitement and momentum are building for these important sessions, and we would appreciate your prayers for their complete success.


Attention all USA Church Pastors: The new reality of the Church's insurance program is that ALL USA locations for weekly services, annual Holy Day services and any "seminars" (a/k/a "General Ministerial Conferences", "Living For Tomorrow…", et cetera) must be specifically and individually "scheduled" on a list that we are required to keep updated with the insurance company. These used to be covered in a "blanket" basis, but with the narrowing of underwriting guidelines in the USA since the Billions of dollars lost on 9/11, much is being "scheduled" these days (at least within the affordable price-range). Part of the information required of us is the square footage. So in addition to the standard information:

  • facility name
  • physical facility location address
  • mailing address (if different from physical address)
  • lessor name (person or institution "renting" to us)
  • lessor's contact name, phone number and fax number
  • purpose (weekly services, annual convention, annual Holy Day…)
  • and the "church number" (this can be provided by CAD at HQ)

We also now need the square footage of the space we are using—which can only be provided by those involved in helping the Church secure meeting space.

We must provide the above information on all USA meeting locations of the Church even if there is no written agreement. In order to be processed, contractual agreements for meeting space ("halls") must now be accompanied by the above information—including the square footage rented or used by the Church. So we ask all Church pastors in the USA to please make sure that the above information is supplied to this office in a timely manner.

Thank you to all who are involved in helping the Church have meeting space for its various activities throughout the year; your work is very important to us all.


We are receiving encouraging comments about the progress of the congregations Christ is leading around the world. Spiritual growth and maturity seem to be steadily developing among God's people. This portends great things for the future. Keep up the good work! It is bearing rich fruit throughout the Work and will continue to do so. Notice what we are told in Gal. 6:9-10, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (do not lose heart). As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."

We send our love and respect out to all of you. Stay warm, be careful and have a pleasant Sabbath.

Charles E. Bryce