Weekly Update

December 19th, 2001

Greetings Everyone:

I am sure you are all experiencing crowded conditions on highways and at shopping centers as we are in San Diego. There is an air of general excitement and exhilaration in the public, just as we in the Church experience each year leading up to the Feast of Tabernacles. Holidays (just as God's Holy Days) are exciting in anticipation and participation.

Most of us understand that the origin of Christmas, Easter and other religious holidays is from "paganism." If any of your family members ask why you do not want to participate in the holidays, I suggest that you log on to the History Channel web site for a very concise review of the subject. By the way, pagan originally meant "of the unbelieving nations." Webster's New Riverside Dictionary defines pagan as "One who does not acknowledge the god (sic) of Christianity, Islam or Judaism; heathen." I thought it strange that "god" is not capitalized whereas Christianity is!

The world (humanity) desires "holidays" and Satan has provided counterfeit days for men. Many resources give factual historical information on the origin of Christmas and Easter. Most encyclopedias are straightforward about the pagan origins, with the common reasoning of "Christian" leaders as to why the pagan origins are unimportant in their sight. I have had ministers openly admit that their holidays were pagan in origin—then justify themselves by human reasoning that "God knows we mean to worship Jesus Christ."

We should constantly teach our children that God is concerned as to how and when we worship Him. He has instructed us when to appear before Him. There are many examples throughout the Bible, but here are some you may use for starters:

Jeremiah 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

Leviticus 18:3; Leviticus 20:23; Deuteronomy 12:30; Deuteronomy 12:31 and Ezekiel 20:32

I hope our children understand that God's blessings are not contained in the ways of the world, but rather in a good understanding of God's character and love. We have so many wonderful promises from God for times of trouble in this life and a life eternal.


Quite frequently we receive Bible Study Course Test Answer Cards with NO name, address or Pin number on them. This results in people being dropped from the next series of lessons because we have no record of their returning a test card. And, since we have no way of notifying these people of their oversight, the only way they will know something is wrong is when they no longer receive lessons. PLEASE remind everyone to write their name, address— and Pin number if they have it—on the Test Card. If anyone you know has been or is discontinued, please advise them to write to us and give us the lessons they have completed so that we can get them back on line. We do not want to "wash out" people from the Bible Study Course; we just want to know that they are really interested in continuing it.

OFFICE OF FINANCE AND PLANNING [This is a Repeat] —from Mr. D. Jerry Ruddlesden

Just a reminder that as the end of the Roman calendar year approaches, in order for donations to be recorded in the year 2001, they MUST meet the following two requirements according to IRS regulations:

1. If the donation is a check or money order, it must have a 2001 date; example, Dec 31, 2001.

2. The donation must be postmarked no later than December 31, 2001.

Checks with a December date and postmarked on Jan 1st or after will be included for 2002.

Also, your official year-end receipt for tax purposes will be mailed on or around the 15th of January 2002.


My wife and I will leave tomorrow (Thursday) for Louisiana. We look forward to attending the Louisiana Family Weekend with the brethren and guests from near and far—and, I should add, with our grandchildren! I hope you have a great Sabbath, too!

Carl E. McNair