Weekly Update

September 28th, 2000

Greetings everyone:

I presume all of you are preparing for the Feast of Trumpets this Sabbath (double Sabbath in this case). A number of people have inquired about our observing Trumpets this Sabbath rather than Wednesday, or Thursday, or Friday (depending on which self-appointed authority one chooses to follow). Simply put, Mr. Armstrong decided early in his ministry to employ the Hebrew calendar method of determining Trumpets. We have studied the calendar question thoroughly and we have concluded that the Church should follow his lead. A great deal of confusion has resulted from the many self-appointed "authorities," and God is not the author of confusion. The fact that the "students" of the calendar do not agree ought to teach them something—but they have not yet learned. I am encouraged that our brethren are not "blown about by every wind of doctrine," as so many scattered brethren have been.

Speaking of scattered brethren, an article was recently sent to me about a "quiet Bible group" which became a "destructive cult." It is a sad story of an unbalanced individual who learned points of truth, but without common sense or judgment led people into bizarre doctrinal beliefs leading to serious moral and legal error. As the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron." (1 Tim 4:1-2 NIV) Folks need to look at the fruits of leaders and would-be leaders.


(Please announce in all Church and Video Groups)

Feast Of Tabernacles Song Books: Please give songbooks from your local supply according to the need of each family attending the Feast and ask them to take them FOR USE AT THE FEAST. Someone should also be assigned to take extra books to the assigned site for each congregation. Also, arrange to have an equal number of books returned to each group.

Festival Activities: Many group activities take place during the Feast. Some are sponsored by Festival Administration. Others are organized by various congregations or video groups, or by private individuals. Most of these activities not sponsored by Festival Administration are positive, uplifting and well supervised. Some few may not be. Traditional Church policy has always been that only activities sponsored by the Church through Festival Administration are to be announced in the Festival Brochure and/or bulletins and from the pulpit. This implies neither censorship nor support for any activity. The church simply cannot evaluate every activity, nor should it. In every case, you as an individual parent should evaluate the appropriateness of any activity in which your children participate. The responsibility for choice of activities rests upon PARENTS. In the case of youths wishing to attend a non Church sponsored activity, a parent may wish to ask questions along the following lines:


  1. Who specifically is organizing the activity?
  2. What is the nature of the activity?
  3. Approximately how many are expected to attend?
  4. Who will chaperone the event, and how many adult chaperones will be there?
  5. What are the time limits of the activity?
  6. Where will it be held?
  7. Are parents welcome?

If you are not satisfied with the answers to these questions, you should carefully consider whether to allow your children to attend.

Church Services and Teens Sitting with Parents: God instructs, "You shall rejoice in your Feast, you and your son and your daughter." Clearly God wants families to rejoice together at His Feasts. Experience has shown that children and teenagers pay attention and therefore learn more from the messages when sitting with a parent than when sitting with a group of children off by themselves. Therefore it is the policy of the Church to have children and teens sitting with their parents during services. An exception may be where an individual child or teen may sit with a friend who is sitting with his or her parents. Obviously, a teen attending whose parents are not in attendance would be exempt. The Feast is a time for families to grow together. Let us use the precious time we have during services to further that goal.

Guidelines for Church Dances: The Church of God teaches that dancing is an acceptable form of recreation for members and their families. The rules and traditions we have established for Living Youth Camp dances teach the way of outgoing concern and of decency. These rules and traditions are as follows:

  1. All music must be chosen carefully, with a very conservative approach, and with the approval of the Festival Coordinator or an individual he specifically assigns this task.
  2. No "free-style" dancing is permitted since this usually involves inappropriate music and brings out an attitude of abandoned inhibitions and showing off; thus focusing attention on the self rather than showing outgoing concern for others. Exceptions to this are some line and novelty dances.
  3. Fellows should politely ask a young lady or woman to dance i.e.: "May I have this next dance?" If the lady accepts, he should offer his arm to lead her out to the dance floor. When the dance is over, he should lead her back to her table or chair.
  4. Concerning teens, we do not want anyone left out. Therefore we discourage "pairing off" of teens at our church sponsored dances and encourage dancing with many partners, particularly noting who sat out the last dance. Older singles and engaged couples who are of age may be exempt from this rule.
  5. Music should not be so loud that those who prefer not to dance have a difficult time carrying on a conversation.
  6. Lighting should not be turned down so low that the average person could not read a book with ease.
  7. At any dance organized primarily for youth, all parents are welcome to visit.
  8. Appropriate dress for a Church dance in the Northern Hemisphere is slacks, coat and tie for adult and young men and modest knee length dress or long gown for adult and young women. A Church dance is not the place for a "personal statement."

The above rules and traditions should apply for all our ballroom dances, because they are based upon godly principles of love toward others. These rules obviously do not pertain to square dances, barn dances and dances in other cultures.

Creating Tomorrow's Culture Today: There are three critical enemies of God's children.

First is human nature. Second is the influence of Satan and his demons. Third is the corrupt culture of the world. The culture of the world is especially dangerous and damaging to our teens. They are swimming in it and powerfully influenced by it. It comes to them in clothing styles, attitudes, music, magazines, television, videos, and at the movies. They hear it on the radio, in the classroom, and on the school yard. For many of our teens this is the only culture they are seriously exposed to. What we know from talking to them is that they do not like the effects of this culture - violence, being left out, being put down, the destruction of our environment and the lack of peace in the world. On the other hand, because they are "tuned in" to the culture causing the evils they hate, they bring the culture with them into Church Youth activities.

The Church seeks to present an alternative culture that will inspire our teens to reject the popular culture of the world and accept godly culture. This will not happen without the church leadership clearly defining the difference and offering the alternative, and without parents supporting church leadership. This is more than attending church or going to social activities. Our social activities are organized to give positive instruction by the Church—not the world. The guidelines and boundaries we have set are crucial elements of Church teaching. We expect Church members to become conversant with the godly guidelines and boundaries set by the Church, and to support them at Church sponsored functions.

Cranbrook Site: For all coming to Cranbrook please bring their own Hymnal along. In addition, we plan an all Church Talent Activity at Cranbrook this year. Come and add your talent. It is very enjoyable and uplifting to share skills, talents and accomplishments with brethren. For the success of this event we do need your participation. There is no age limit. From the very young to the oldest member, come and share! We do need to know if you wish to participate in order to make plans.

Please telephone Mr. Norm Aitchison at 1 604 275-3205 or e-mail him at [email protected]

If voice mail answers, please leave your name and phone number so he can return your call.


Caribbean: The following is an edited report from Mr. Jonathan McNair, presently in Trinidad. I find it very encouraging.

Just wanted to update you on how my trip is going. The Barbados portion went well. We

had a Bible Study on Monday night. I spent the remainder of my time there visiting with brethren. The brethren had gathered some items to give to the brethren in Guyana for the FOT, as well as sending along some financial assistance. One member, Mr. Gosling had purchased an airplane ticket for Mrs. Chinian, from Guyana, to attend the Feast in Trinidad. She is thrilled, and really looking forward to the opportunity.

My visit to Guyana went well. I spent a good bit of time helping Mr. Fitzroy Greeman set up a computer that was sent from his brother-in-law in the States for the Greeman's use. It works fine, but the power supply had to be replaced. It was going to cost $600 to replace it locally, but I was able to buy one in Baton Rouge for about $125. We set up his local e-mail address. They do not have the "unlimited service" plans that we have, so the time can be expensive.

I ordained Mr. Fitzroy Greeman Elder, as had been approved earlier. The reaction of the brethren was overwhelmingly supportive and congratulatory as they were very pleased. I am confident that he will continue to serve them well. I believe I mentioned Mr. Wade to you in my last report. He is a man who works in mining in the hinterland. He is in his mid 60's. He came into contact with the church before Mr. HWA died, and has been following the teachings as he understood them for years on his own. Recently, he came out to Georgetown, and became acquainted with us through Mrs. Corriea. He had expressed to Fitzroy through a letter a desire for baptism. He has been unable to get to Sabbath services, and the place he had been staying had no phone - in fact, no one was quite sure exactly where he was staying. Therefore, Fitzroy was not able to contact him to let him know about my visit. While I was working on Fitzroy's local Internet setup at his home, guess who walked in the door... Mr. Wade! He had decided to seek out Mr. Greeman's home, in hopes of being baptized before he left for the hinterland again next week! I was able to spend a good part of the afternoon counseling with him. He met the brethren for the first time that evening at Bible Study, and was just ecstatic. I baptized him this morning at the Tower Hotel. He reminds me of Bhaw Mu Htoo, in Thailand — well spoken, and wholehearted.

Jonathan earlier reported to the Caribbean area Elder/Hosts list as follows:

Guyana: I'm happy to report that responses are beginning to come in from our new television program in Georgetown, Guyana. We have had quite a few people express interest in receiving literature, and even coming to services.

Trinidad: Mr. Sookram has arranged to continue our radio program in Trinidad for another six months - until March 29th. Responses seem to be coming in steadily. We are also finalizing Church registration.

Jamaica: From Jamaica, Mr. Hugh Wilson reports that the Feast plans are going smoothly. He plans to make another visit to the Grandiosa Resort to make final arrangements. He also reported that the Church has now been incorporated in Jamaica as "Kingston Living Church of God (Jamaica) Limited." and we can proceed forward with preaching the Gospel locally. He has established a temporary Church Office in his business office in Kingston, and Mrs. Blondelle Chang is working on bringing the accounts up to date and to correspondence.

Mr. Wilson is also checking on the possibility of airing the Tomorrow's World Program on television. We have been offered a 7:00 a.m. time—every other Sunday. Another offer is a 5:30 a.m. slot every Sunday. The "every other Sunday" slot is more manageable financially right now, so that will probably be what we will work on for now.

Barbados: Our group in Barbados continues to do well. Our radio program is on-air and a card/flyer is being designed to advertise the program. Clyde Skeetes has also worked on a program to add libraries to the subscription list.

Conclusion: This will be the last update before the Feast of Tabernacles. I hope you all travel safely and have a very good Feast.

Carl E. McNair