Friday, May 27, 2022, saw the fourth annual Living Education–Charlotte graduation ceremony. The Women’s Club building in Waxhaw, North Carolina, was filled with the students’ families and friends, and the enthusiasm of the graduates and those who had come to support them was tangible. One by one, each student was given a Certificate in Biblical Foundations, framed and ready for exhibition on workplace walls or living-room mantels. Everyone in attendance agreed that, truly, “a desire accomplished is sweet to the soul” (Proverbs 13:19).
Mr. Weston informed all of those in attendance that a tree would be planted outside Sheryl Manor, the Living Education–Charlotte women’s dorm, in remembrance of Mrs. Christy McNair, who finished her race on May 27, 2021. A plaque would accompany the tree, to honor Mrs. McNair’s shining example of Christian womanhood and service.
Living Education–Charlotte’s fourth academic year having concluded, the students prepared to step back into the world, thankful for their training in becoming more fruitful ambassadors of Jesus Christ.