Weekly Update

March 6th, 2025

Greetings from Charlotte,

We are now only five weeks away from the Passover, which is followed by the Days of Unleavened Bread. In light of this, I suggest you do one or more of the following: Read through and meditate on the Four gospels; read one or more of the following items of our literature that are relevant to these upcoming days—The Holy Days: God’s Master Plan, John 3:16: Hidden Truths of the Golden Verse, Lesson 14 of the Bible Study Course; and/or check out a Living Education course on the subject of these days by going to LCGEducation.org/online and logging in. The main point is to begin focusing now on the importance of these special days and spiritually preparing for them. —Gerald E. Weston

Church Administration

Tomorrow’s World Presentations

Last week we held three initial Tomorrow’s World Presentations and one follow-up, drawing a total of 36 guests. This week we are scheduled to have two initial presentations in Fayetteville, Arkansas; and Springfield, Missouri; as well as three follow-up presentations in Savannah, Georgia; Sanford, Florida; and Walterboro, South Carolina. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for the Tomorrow’s World Presentations.

Passover 2025—Deadline for Requesting All Passover Supplies and Materials

Important Notice to All Pastors: In 2025, the Passover Service will be observed on Friday evening, April 11. The deadline for requesting Passover Service supplies (bread trays and/or wine trays or glasses) or a physical copy of the Passover Service recording and letter instructions (available in English, French, and Spanish) for congregations is March 24 for international areas and April 8 for U.S. congregations. Any requests for Passover Service recordings and letter instructions for home observance, needed by members who are unable to keep the Passover with a congregation, should also be received by the above deadlines. (The Passover Service recording for use this year is the same as last year’s by Mr. John Strain.) If possible, submit your requests well before the deadline—this will help us manage supplies and shipments. Please direct your requests to the Church Administration Department at [email protected]. Note: As in recent years, the digital Passover Service recording is available to pastors and video recipients via the FTP site, and a private YouTube link will also be provided.

Living Education

Living Education-Charlotte

We are still accepting applications for our Living Education-Charlotte 2025–26 program. If you or a young adult you know is interested in dedicating nine months to building a strong, biblical foundation for life, take a moment to check us out at LCGEducation.org. Just click on the “Charlotte” tab at the top of the page to learn more.

Feast of Tabernacles

Ministerial Feast Survey

All ministers should have received an email from Headquarters this week, giving you the link and instructions to complete the Ministerial Feast Survey. Please be sure to fill out this form, even if you plan to attend your assigned site. The deadline is March 14. If you did not receive this email, contact Tyler Wayne at [email protected].

Living Youth Program

Texas Teen Camp

We have had a great response for Teen Camp this year, but still have room for more. The camp is located in Athens, Texas, with arrival of Staff on July 6, arrival of campers on July 8, and departure on July 21. Campers can be aged 13–17. We have High School Staff positions available for 17- and 18-year-olds. The High School Staff openings provide opportunities for our older teenagers to begin to take on leadership roles at camp, serving as examples and positive role models for younger campers. There are also some Staff positions available for individuals 19 and older who have a desire to serve our teens in the Church. For information on the activities and costs of camp and to begin camp registration, visit https://camp.livingyouth.org/. We hope to see you there!


Make Time to Study God’s Word: The prophet Isaiah records that God is looking for individuals who tremble at His word (Isaiah 66:2). Jesus taught that we are to live “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). He also warned that misguided leaders would set aside the commandments of God and teach “as doctrines the commandments of men” (Mark 7:5–13). This is why the Apostle Paul stressed that we must diligently study the Scriptures so we can correctly understand the word of God and avoid being misled by false teachers and misguided ideas (2 Timothy 2:15). In a world filled with conflicting ideas, we need to prove to ourselves what the Bible says so we can avoid being deceived (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Jesus plainly stated, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31­–32). Let’s make time to study God’s word!

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

News and Prophecy – March 6, 2025

Where Will Friedrich Merz Take Europe? Last Sunday, before the German election results were fully tallied, the nation’s new chancellor-in-waiting, Friedrich Merz, was already working to continue a “seismic shift” in transatlantic relations (BBC, February 24, 2025). In a debate after the election, Merz announced, “My absolute priority will be to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible so that, step by step, we can really achieve independence from the USA.” In fact, he seemed to consider matters so pressing that, according to the BBC, “he was not sure on whether the transatlantic alliance leaders gathering for a summit in June ‘would still be talking about Nato in its current form or whether we will have to establish an independent European defence capability much more quickly.’”

It seems Merz is far more assertive than his predecessor, with more ambitious aims to increase Germany’s leadership profile in Europe (Politico, February 21, 2025). Some analysts warn of potential clashes between Merz and EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, based upon their political histories. However, others believe the two will work together to catapult Germany forward as the leading nation of Europe. Merz has an accelerated timeline to disconnect from the United States and not only longs to create a strong, stand-alone European army and nuclear deterrent, but also wants full and rapid support from other EU nations. This may work for some nations, but likely not for all. Thus, the term “two-speed Europe” is again being used (European Council on Foreign Relations, February 20, 2025)—but now, the concept makes even more sense. Many EU nations now have the political will and the pressure of geopolitics to push at least some European nations to act together. Those who do not could be left behind. Actions taken by European leaders in the months ahead could “lead to an institutionalisation of a two-speed Europe… defin[ing] one highly integrated camp [in the north of Europe], with mediterranean southern Europe lagging behind.”

The days ahead will no doubt witness great changes in European focus and ambitions, and Germany has a powerful prophesied role to play in Europe. To learn more about that role, read or listen to Germany in Prophecy.

Counteracting Microplastics: God Thinks of Everything! Microplastic particles are everywhere. They have been found in arctic ice, brain tissue, fetuses in the womb, and in reproductive organs—and they present a very great risk to human health. One area profoundly impacted by these tiny man-made particles is human reproduction (The Guardian, February 24, 2025). Microplastics impact “hormones, reductions in testosterone and estrogen, decreased sperm counts, lower sperm quality, erectile dysfunction and ovarian damage.” Yet, in a new study, researchers found “that mice exposed to a substance that causes the same diseases as microplastics, then treated with anthocyanins, showed increased sperm quality, including increased sperm count and motility, and that the antioxidants overall reduced testicular damage.…. [Anthocyanins] have demonstrated potential protective effects against reproductive toxicity induced by microplastics.” While “anthocyanins” might sound like a man-made chemical, they occur naturally in nuts, fruits, vegetables, and even flowers. They are compounds that give many of these items their bright colors. While this new research focuses solely on mice, the implications for humans are exciting. Future research will likely test the effects of these antioxidant-like compounds on microplastic effects in humans.

Research studies like this one are faith-building. Long before plastic, the Creator designed foods to have beneficial effects on the body. Many naturally occurring foods contain compounds that promote health and prevent disease. In the case of anthocyanins, compounds naturally found in plants show promise in counteracting some of the harmful side effects of our modern man-made world. To learn more about how God truly thinks of everything, read or listen to Biblical Principles of Health. —Scott Winnail, Chris Sookdeo, and Francine Prater