Weekly Update

October 22nd, 1999

Greetings Everyone:

I hope this week has gone well for each of you. Since I wrote you last week I have learned of Mrs. Sharon Graves' decease Sabbath morning. I know that you all share our grief and sorrow. Our hearts ache for those who have recently lost loved ones through whatever circumstances.

The Work of God goes on though we, individual members of the Body of Christ, pass away. The Apostles certainly hoped for the Kingdom of God in their lifetime. Mr. Armstrong hoped for (and expected) the return of Christ in his lifetime. Yet, we await the return of Christ and release from the burden and persecutions imposed upon God's children by Satan and his instruments.

My wife and I will be going to Seattle this week to attend Mrs. Graves funeral and to visit the Church there. I will be away from San Diego for about two week, but will be in touch by phone, fax, e-mail, and possibly smoke signal if necessary.

I pray that each of you will be well and safe from Satan's attack. He continues to seek to stir up contention and strife among God's people continually. We are warned to avoid strife and contention by Christ and the Apostles, (see Romans 1:29, Romans 13:13, 1 Corinthians 3:, 2 Corinthians 12:20, Galatians 5:20, Philippians 1:15, 1 Timothy 6:4). And if any wish to argue the matter with you, I suggest the wisdom of the book of Proverbs. There are some who will "preach Christ of contention," Paul said, and he thanked God that Christ was preached!
I hope none of our brethren in Christ succumb to the spirit of contention and strife which Satan has spread abroad-I fear that my hope is in vain.

I hope the following quote helps all of you to understand and appreciate the on-going struggle we are engaged in.

"Different people must contend with different trials, but adversities in some shape or other come to everyone. Life is a procession of people bearing crosses and when one carries his awkwardly he interferes with his fellow-marchers." — R. C. McCarthy

Have a great Sabbath!
