Weekly Update

December 10th, 1999

Greetings everyone:

Greetings from San Diego, Montana, and from the great Northwest! I returned to Montana Thanksgiving week to keep Thanksgiving with a part of my family, my wife had remained there while I traveled after our vacation.

The last Weekly Update was November 18th and some of you have indicated that you have missed receiving the it. The indication is that you appreciate it, and that makes the effort worthwhile. I guess the evidence supports the saying, "you don't miss the water until the well goes dry." I surely appreciate the steadiness evidenced by the Ministry, Deacons, Deaconesses, and Hosts this year. Thank you!

Mr. Meredith wrote a Member Co-Worker letter this week, which should be in the mail today. Please pray for "The Lord of the Harvest" to guide Mr. Meredith and all of us in His Work in corresponding with Co-Workers, because they represent potential growth of the Work. Only God calls to Christ, but He uses human instruments to do His Work.

Mr. Meredith has called a Council of Elders meeting for next Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Ogwyn will arrive this afternoon to attend Council and editorial meetings. He will also preach in San Diego this Sabbath, and I am sure you will receive the recording soon. The Correspondence Course development is proceeding nicely. However, I am asked to remind you that if a member wishes to receive the Correspondence Course they MUST ENROLL. Members will not automatically receive the lessons. The members do not have to request a copy of the new booklets as they are published, but the Correspondence Course is by enrollment.

Mr. Richard Ames' Media Report is most encouraging. Response to the Telecast on WGN for this year is 19% above last year. And VISION responses are up 30% from 1998!

Reports from the field indicate a significant number of baptisms this year from areas around the world. This is very encouraging to all of us.

A reminder to the Church Elders: please notify by the 15th of December if you plan to attend the general ministerial conference next March. This is important to us for planning purposes.

Mr. Fred Dattolo reports that the Church is prepared to deal with possible Y2K disruptions in the postal service here in the USA. We assume that the same is true in International areas.

Mr. Kinnear Penman reports that the brethren in Vanuatu appear to have weathered the recent offshore earthquake (which registered 7.1 on the Richter scale) and tsunami which followed. Considerable crop damage occurred on Pentecost Island, but we have no members there. Mr. Bruce Tyler and Mr. Penman just completed a trip there, and report that their recent trip there was successful. They baptized two and ordained a deacon to serve. The brethren there are very supportive of the Work and display a wonderful attitude and zeal.

Mr. Tyler also reports that new people have begun attending in Adelaide and Brisbane, Australia.

Mr. Charles Bryce reports that two new Video Groups will soon begin in Canada. We will announce them after they have officially begun. The Canadian Work has met or exceeded the US Work in growth and stability. Generally, we have seen steadiness in the Church around the world for the past ten months or more. At the same time we have seen Satan's hand in personal persecution and trials for a host of our members (and members in other fellowships.) Many have suffered major health crises this year, even to the death. Others have suffered economic trials (employment or business.) I think Satan seeks to discourage and destroy, but we know in Christ and through His power we shall overcome if we endure to the end.

Thought for the week:

"Often praised children become more intelligent than often-blamed ones. There's a creative element in praise."

We, the children of God, will grow and blossom as we give and receive praise and appreciation. Praise may obviate the need for apology or forgiveness due to offence. James taught that we all offend (except for the perfect ones which we are not.) Perhaps next year we can dedicate ourselves to praising more and criticizing less. I believe that is a major step toward growing in faith and reflecting Apostolic Christianity as Mr. Meredith has been encouraging.

Have a great Sabbath!
