Weekly Update

September 15th, 2000

Greetings everyone:

They say "time flies when you are having fun!" I must be having a great deal of fun—this week has flown by faster than last. My wife is visiting our grandchildren (and their parents of course) in Minnesota this week, so much of the detail work for our department is falling on Mr. Apartian and myself. It's a bummer… and I don't think I can approve any of these jaunts in the future. Not to mention the cooking, washing, and special attention I require at home. God sure knew what He was doing when He created a "help meet" for Adam, helpless fellow that he was. Seriously, now, we surely do miss her help. She does so much "detail work," freeing us for other work which must be done.

On a very serious note, the Work and membership of the Church are very dependent upon the INTERNET technology for communication. We also depend very heavily upon auto transportation.

Computer "hackers" have seriously violated the security of some leading INTERNET commerce businesses, and are threatening to disrupt INTERNET services more broadly. One news item I received today reported that a hacker had broken into OPEC's INTERNET and deposited protest for his cause.

I have received requests from the UK for our brethren to pray about the current fuel situation there. The following excerpt from a letter I received will illustrate the need:

British Fuel Crisis

"I'm sure you have heard about the fuel crisis that has developed over the past week in Scotland, Wales and England. As you will know the price of petrol and diesel is very high here in the U.K. Over 80% of the cost is tax revenue that goes to the government and with the recent price increases fuel costs in the United Kingdom rose to the highest in Europe. With two price increases within a two-week period, something had to give and it was the patience of the very longsuffering British public.

Last Thursday a group of farmers and truckers set up a picket (protest) outside one of the oil refineries in the north of England. They didn't block the road or make any forceful attempt to stop the delivery tankers from leaving the refinery, but right from the onset, the support for their protest was clear — the tanker-drivers refused to cross the picket line.

From there the protests spread to all over the mainland and within 6 days, every petrol station has gone dry. Last evening the prospect for today and the days following (if the situation continued without change) was one of no mail; debilitated medical and emergency services; no air-services (because of lack of aviation fuel: one airport had already run dry; and because air-crew had no transport to get to work); no public transport within the next 48 hours; rationing of food in markets (this was already happening with fresh produce, milk and bread).

Despite all of this, the support of the British public has been with the protesters. Last evening a television programme ran a telephone poll and 94% of callers said they believed the Prime Minister's response to the protest was a bad one. Most believe that the government should decrease the tax so that they take some of the hardship off the haulage industry, farmers etc.

Yesterday government ministers said that even if the protests ended right away, it would take at least three weeks for life to return to normal. That was a horrifying prospect for those of us who realized that the timing of all of this was Satan's work in order to hinder God's people all over the British Isles from keeping His Feast. Even those not able to attend the Feast site wouldn't be able to get the headquarters' sermon tapes because they come through the airports and a distribution system run on fuel.

I'm sure many of our brethren have been praying for God's speedy intervention in this matter, as we have been: so it has been with great joy and optimism that we rose this morning to hear that one of the picots (the first) had voted to cease their protest. Just an hour ago the news was that another two had followed their example.

We will wait eagerly to see what way this develops but it seems to me that God has intervened at exactly the PERFECT time, in order for normality to be restored for His people to be able to attend the Feast."



The Festival Office has learned that fans planning to attend a major regional football game will descend on the Pigeon Forge area Saturday, October 21st. The community will be transformed from a peaceful Feast of Tabernacles atmosphere to a potentially raucous, worldly environment immediately after the last Holy Day at sunset.

The contract with the Grand Resort Hotel and Convention Center for the use of the auditorium terminates Saturday at 5 PM, and the special rates for housing end after Friday night, the 20th-checkout being the morning of Saturday, the 21st. Anyone wishing to stay an extra night can expect to pay "football game" housing rates. In view of the atmosphere that will radically change in the community, it might be advisable for Festival goers to "move down the road" to an area that has a more placid atmosphere, before stopping for lodging on the evening of the 21st.


Any of you who are interested in performing special music or singing in the choir at the San Diego Feast site this year are asked to contact Mr. Dave Polosky by phone or e-mail.

His phone # is: 602-788-1496; e-mail address is [email protected].


Mr. Frank Best sent the following message for those attending Saint-Sauveur.

"I have just returned from the Feast of Tabernacles site in Saint-Sauveur, Quebec where the leaves are starting to take on their beautiful autumn colours. For those attending in Saint-Sauveur and wishing to sing in the chorale or perform special music, please contact our festival music director, Mr. Chip Sumner at 716 624 5311 or 716 654 7560 ;  e-mail, [email protected].

"Also we have been notified that the weather is a little cooler then normal with even a possibility of a little snow (great news for skiers) so bring along warm clothing. The days should be nice and warm and the evenings crisp."


We are now on approximately 100 TV stations across the United States and the need for monitors grows. If any you are watching, can watch, or even can record for future viewing, the Tomorrow's World program and would like to be a monitor—filling out monthly forms and mailing to HQ—please let your area pastor know and he will send the information on to Media Services, attention Bonnie.


Of course the fuel crisis is not limited to Britain. France and the rest of Europe also are suffering, and the economic stability of the United States, and ultimately, of the whole world is in trouble. One would think that responsible world leaders would see where the energy crisis is leading, and they would strive to avert the potential disaster. Perhaps the answer lies in the word "responsible."