Weekly Update

December 8th, 2000

Greetings everybody:

The Political battle for the Presidency rages on in the courts! How thankful I am that we are spared by Christ from engaging in the "politics of this world." Since He said, "My kingdom is not of this world" and our primary citizenship is reserved in heaven, our option is His prayer "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done."

I have been amazed at some of the judicial proceedings and rulings in this case, but the most amazing of all has been that of the Florida State Supreme Court today. Today's ruling will probably result in the Florida State Legislature naming a new slate of Electors—and who knows what interesting events may flow from that action!

Again, thank God we are not immersed in the angry partisanship.

The Work continues to move forward in scope and impact. I believe Mr. Meredith's co-worker letter (to be mailed out next week) will announce some exciting news, and I also expect to have a more complete report on the Work by the middle of January next year. We are currently assembling data for a report to Mr. Meredith from Churches worldwide.

We are having a Council of Elders meeting next Monday and Tuesday. Some of the members will attend via phone hook-up to save them time and the expense of travel. I am looking forward to hearty discussions and fellowship with the Council members.


Mr. Charles Bryce, director of the Canadian Work informed me that the Canadian Immigration Service has approved him through next December 31. This is wonderful news for the Canadian Work! And, it gives us some "breathing room" in resolving our manpower needs for the future of the Work.

Well, brethren, thank you all for your loyal service through the year 2000. One year ago we were looking at the possibility of serious disruptions in services which, thankfully did not develop. Here in San Diego we are currently facing possible "brown-outs" from inadequate supply of electricity. There will always be something to give us concern! I am sure that is true wherever you brethren are—and for some of you, the concerns are far more serious than a power shortage.

Until next week, have a great Sabbath!

Carl E. McNair