Weekly Update

July 5th, 2001

Greetings everyone,

Since this is the long July 4th weekend, some of you will receive this Weekly Report after the week has ended, but not so with the Internationals. For them July 4th weekend is no longer than any other. Vive la difference—and vive the Internationals!

For some unknown reasons, Mr. Meredith's letter proclaiming a fast on July 14th and addressed to all our members didn't reach destination, at least not everywhere (please don't blame the French because we had nothing to do with it). Therefore, on Tuesday July 3rd, we E-mailed the entire letter to all you ministers, deacons and hosts. Be sure to read it before your congregations if they still haven't received that letter.


Mr. Jerry Ruddlesden wants his last week's announcement repeated because of its "timely" importance. Here it is:

"Hall Rental Vouchers for August hall rent should be faxed or mailed to Accounting no later than July 10th instead of the normal 20th of the month. Accounts Payable will be closed from July 18th to July 30th except for emergency checks as the staff will be serving the youth in the Northwoods of Michigan."

The Church Registered in Holland

Some call it Holland, others Netherlands, Pays-Bas or Lower Countries. Whatever the name, here is an exciting report from Mr. Franz Peeters, our deacon over there. "The registration of the Living Church of God in the Netherlands is now a fact. On June 19, 2001, the deed was executed before the civil notary and registered in the Chamber of Commerce in the city of Venio. We will now open a post box and a bank account."


Tomorrow's World telecast will now be airing at a different time on the Vision TV Network in Canada. This change is being made by the network because we are an American production and they are no longer going to allow non-Canadian programming after 6:00 pm. The new time is 5:30 pm on Sundays, instead of 6 pm. The 1:00 am time on Sundays stays the same for now.

Effective Sept. 1, the new time slots will be:
Sundays — 3:30 am EDT and 12:30 am PDT.
Sundays — 5:30 pm EDT and 2:30 pm PDT.

This is the best schedule available to us for the telecast on Vision, at the present time. Please pray that God will open up better airing times in the near future.
Charles E. Bryce

Jonathan McNair in the W.I.

While still in the West Indies, Mr. Jonathan McNair E-mailed us the following encouraging report:

Trinidad: I was able to visit two new contacts on Friday. Both were very new-no former contact with the church. On the Sabbath we had combined services with both Port of Spain and San Fernando. Afterwards, we had a counseling session with a number of people who had been preparing for baptism over the previous months. That evening, nine people were baptized! By the way, last week's telecast brought in 238 responses, including all phone calls and letters. This was definitely a record for us here.

Guyana: On Sunday, I travelled to Georgetown. We had Bible Study, with 18 people, Sunday evening, after a baptismal counseling with two gentlemen. I was pleased to see a new face that evening. A new prospective member, who had just begun to attend services two weeks before, was in attendance. She was introduced to the truth through the television program.

Barbados: I flew to Barbados this morning, where I am right now. This afternoon, I visited a member who is in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, recuperating from a serious car accident two weeks ago. It is a miracle that he is alive. The car was so badly damaged that he had to be pulled out with special extrication equipment […] This evening, we plan to have a Bible Study with about 15 new PMs who wished to visit with a minister. Tomorrow evening, we'll have a regular Bible Study for the church members. On Wednesday, I'll continue on the Jamaica.

Overall comment? We need a minister down here! Jmc (Is that all?-DKA )

Festival Countdown

From Don Davis: "The pace and pulse in the Festival Office is quickening as Feast plans move ahead. The Festival survey information collected in all the congregations has been tabulated and mailed to the Festival Site Coordinators, along with the volunteer forms that have come in to the office Counting from the Sabbath of July 7, we have only 86 days left until the opening night service of the Feast of Tabernacles, 2001!" (It's good to have Don Davis to remind us of such dates!)

A Personal Comment

Let me close by reminding you of another important date. While the July 4th celebrations, with their fire cracks and festivities are now behind us, we can now look forward to the Church's own celebration-a much different one for sure—on July 14th.

Y'all have a wonderful Sabbath

Dibar Apartian