Weekly Update

February 1st, 2002

Greetings everyone:

My wife and I will be visiting Albuquerque, New Mexico this Sabbath. Mr. Glen Gilchrist moved his family to Albuquerque last summer to assume responsibility to oversee New Mexico and Colorado. It has been a struggle for Glen and Dianne, selling their home in Wisconsin and relocating to Albuquerque, but to quote my coach of many years ago, "the gain will be worth the pain!"


Our staff is preparing for the International and Western Regional Ministerial Conference scheduled here in San Diego March 12, 13, and 14. One hundred ministers and wives are registered to attend, half from International and half from the Western US Region. Some ministers serve in both the USA and International areas. These conferences are very important to the Work, because they offer the men in the field an opportunity to present their needs and give input toward decisions affecting the Work in their Regions. Personal "eyeball to eyeball" discussions are very important in making good decisions. As the proverb says, "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend" (Proverbs 27:17). In our case, thankfully, the "iron" is like the sharpening steel which rearranges molecules, not like a file that removes them!

International areas represent a significant growing field of the Work. Some of the International ministers are burning themselves out and need all of the assistance we can give to them and more. Were it not for the fine supporting Church Elders serving so faithfully, without compensation, we could not allocate approximately forty percent of Church income to preaching the Gospel and the warning message as we do! Christ knows who they are and will reward them richly in His Kingdom.


Since December¹s income was 17.8% higher than December 1999, we expected January¹s income to be affected. January¹s income was only 3.3% ahead of January 2000. Fluctuating year-end dynamics necessitate that December and January be analyzed together, as ³year-end² income. On a combined basis, the year-end income for December and January is 12.8% higher than a year ago. This corresponds closely to the increase for the whole of last year, which was almost 12%.

Now, that may seem like a lot. However, the mailing list and certain fulfillment costs of preaching the Gospel are growing at a faster pace than the income. For example, 2001 budget for phone answering services needed increasing by 43%, audio cassettes by 25%, postage by 20% and magazine printing by 13%. Other related costs like TV time are being held to match the increase in income. Even in feeding the flock, certain expenses like festival meeting halls, (budget increase of 17%), and gasoline, (budget increase of 28%), need more budget increase than the corresponding increase in income.

These can all be paid for by other costs, such as rent, that will increase less than the income did or by other items that hopefully will not require significant cost increases (like Sabbath meeting halls and ministerial expense). Further, because of increased efficiencies, we have been able to cut budget for some items such as legal fees and supplies and services for the home office. To sustain the growth we are experiencing however, this is the year that we will need a substantial increase in income. Please continue to pray that God will add more workers for the harvest!


Mr. Meredith and Mr. Ames are taping for television as I write (Wednesday). They taped four telecasts today.


  • #91 "What is a True Christian?" - Literature offered, "Restoring
            Apostolic Christianity"
  • #92 "Is this the Last Generation?" - Literature offered,
            "Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ's Return"
  • #93 "Improving Your Marriage" - Literature offered, "Build a Joyous Marriage"
  • #94 "Is Adultery O.K.?" - Literature offered, an audiotape of the program

We are pleased to announce that new commentaries are now available on the Living Church of God Web site. Mr. Bill Bowmer has informed me that beginning Thursday (February 1), the Church Web site will begin featuring in its Commentary section an eight-part Bible Study series by Mr. John Ogwyn, covering the books of Joshua and Judges. New segments will be posted every Thursday and Monday through the month of February. Available in text, audio and streaming video, the series may be viewed at URL:

Other Bible studies are now recorded, or in process of being recorded, by Mr. Meredith and others, for release in weeks to come. We hope that these studies will be a real spiritual boost to members and non-members who have Internet service.


I am happy to report that the following United States sites are under contract for FEAST 2001:
Florence, Oregon; Jackson, Wyoming; Tucson, Arizona; Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri; Eau Claire, Wisconsin; Pigeon Forge, Tennessee; Panama City, Florida. Two other locations are being negotiated, but cannot be announced until we have an approved contract.

Sites in Canada will again be Cranbrook, B.C.; Saint Sauveur, Quebec; and Prince Edward Island.


Mr. Rod McNair visited Mr. Felipe Casing, Pastor, and the Davao congregation last weekend, and is currently visiting Mr. Gorgonio de Guia and the Manila congregation. Rod reports that the political climate has improved dramatically since President Estrada resigned and former Vice President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo assumed the Presidency.

Mr. Mario Hernandez reported that His Public Lecture in Mexico City January 27 and 28 was a true success. Eighty-two people attended each night — 25 of those attending the second night did not attend the first night! The manager of the Radio station airing our program El Mundo de Manana attended the second night. We are very thankful for the response to the broadcast, and for the faithful support of our brethren in Mexico City.


God our Father has called all of us to His Son, Jesus Christ. This is a great and wonderful calling, but He offers more if we overcome the lusts of this world through exercising His Spirit. Jesus taught in a parable about the kingdom of heaven, that those who are bidden must prepare to attend the banquet of the King of the Kingdom, and those who are careless or unwilling to prepare themselves will be cast off. He concluded the parable by stating, "For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14). Let us dedicate ourselves daily to learn and prepare for service as pillars in His Kingdom! If we do not prepare, we cannot expect to be chosen.

I leave you this week with the following quote from HAPPINESS IS FOUND ALONG THE WAY, compiled by Vernon McClellan.

"A man has happiness in the palm of his hands — if he can fill his days with real work, and his nights with real rest."

Carl E. McNair
P.S.   I just received an e-mail from Mr. Lambert Greer informing me that Mr. Bill Witt, Elder in Berea, Kentucky has been diagnosed as having "inoperable lung cancer." He would greatly appreciate your prayers in this crisis. Mr. Witt has faithfully served as an Elder in Global and Living.