Weekly Update

February 21st, 2002


Most Americans took last Monday off to celebrate Presidents' Day. Assuming that some of our International readers don't quite know the meaning of this special Day, I asked one of the "historians" in our office to furnish a brief explanation. Here it is:

"Before 1971, Americans celebrated two federal holidays in February– Lincoln's Birthday on February 12, and Washington's Birthday on February 22. In 1971, President Richard Nixon changed this, declaring the third Monday in February "Presidents' Day"–a day to honor all former Presidents of the USA –the great and the less great alike." Now we all know why Americans celebrate Presidents' Day !

News in brief

Mr. Roderick Meredith took time in his busy schedule to write a Member and Co-Worker letter, which will be mailed tomorrow, February 22. He is presently working on the Tithing booklet.

Mr. Richard Ames' television program "Who Will Invade the Middle East?" brought in 2,250 phone calls in the past six days. By the time you will read this Update, the total response is estimated to reach 2,400.

Mr. Carl McNair will be returning Monday from his trip. You will hear from him in our next week's Update.

Mr. Rand Millich, our Regional Director in the Southeast region reports the following: "We baptized a young lady in the Anderson, SC area. Another in the same area is almost ready for baptism; still another is counseling in the Charlotte area. We had a dramatic healing in North Carolina. One young lady was healed of skin cancer (verified by a doctor) and another was healed of a thyroid problem."

Mr. Adrian Kaefer, our German translator, just sent us the following E-mail: "It looks like things are really getting started in Germany. We just received a request from the University of Leipzig (East Germany), Department of Religious Studies, to have a set of our booklets for their library.  I will send them what we have."

From Financial Affairs

"It seems like it was just last week that we were keeping the Fall Feast!! And now in just over a month we will begin again with the Passover and Spring Holy Day season.

"The tithe of second tithe fund was established to help pay the common expenses of conducting all the annual holy days. We use the tithe of the second tithe for Holy Days beginning with the Spring Holy Days and have already begun prepaying halls and other expenses and planning travel expenses for all our ministers. The donations to this fund help defray the festival costs that benefit the entire membership.

"For those who are able, please remember to send in the tithe of the second tithe at this time." D. Jerry Ruddlesden

Atlanta Spring Holy Days Singles and Family Weekend

The Atlanta congregation is hosting an exciting singles and family weekend beginning the evening of Wednesday, March 27th and ending Sunday, March 31st. This is an excellent opportunity for all concerned to see old friends and make new acquaintances.

Activities and services will be held in the Atlanta and Red Top Mountain areas. Shuttle service from Hartfield Atlanta International Airport will be provided. Many of the Atlanta brethren have opened their homes to those who do not wish to stay in a hotel.

If you plan to attend, and for further details, please contact one of the following people as soon as possible:

Mr. Jack Lowe Mrs. Burnetta English Art Andrews
(770) 474-8101 (770) 477-7220 (770) 621-8113
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


The celebration of Presidents' Day, in the U.S.A., brought to my mind a needful observation for all of us. We often have a tendency to criticize those who are over us. We judge and condemn them by pointing out their faults and weaknesses. We don't always realize that by so doing we break one of God's commandments.

Undoubtedly, all of us, whether leaders or followers, have our own shortcomings and weaknesses. But to lose respect toward authority, to belittle in our conversations the office they occupy is contrary to God's will (Notice, for instance, Exodus 22: 28; Romans 13; Titus 3:1; I Peter 2:13-17, Jude 9, etc.). God alone is the Judge. Let Him make the changes—whenever changes are necessary—in the lives and activities of our leaders, according to His infinite wisdom and love toward everyone.

As members of God's Church, we saw how the lack of respect toward authority led many to leave the Church and to turn away from God and His commandments. The lack of respect breaks families and separates friends. More sermons are needed on the subject of obedience to authority, encompassing honor and respect. And we, as ministers, should particularly endeavor to set the right example.

Y'all have a wonderful Sabbath!

Dibar Apartian