Weekly Update

November 28th, 2002

Greetings everyone,

Mr. and Mrs. Meredith returned from Charlotte, North Carolina yesterday. They did find a house to their satisfaction, so their trip was fruitful. Mr. Meredith returned pleased with the fruit of their trip.

I also bring special greetings from the brethren in beautiful Minneapolis, Minnesota—and from my newest grandson Nolan James. He is now six weeks old and was desperate to meet his grandpa, so we needed some "quality time" together, bonding and establishing rapport. Actually, we got along quite well though I couldn't understand a thing he said. Grandparenting is great fun!


Charlotte, NC Relocation: Remodel Project

The bids from the four general contractors chosen to receive invitation to bid letters from the Church are due on December 5, 2002. These bids will address the necessary remodeling of the Church's newly-acquired property in Charlotte, and includes the work necessary to create the TV Studio where the Tomorrow's World telecast will be produced and the Recording Studio where tapes for the blind, as well as French and Spanish radio programs will be produced. Please pray for this very important project. The Church needs quality work at an affordable cost.


A Reminder about the new booklet (Repeat Announcement)
Please note that all Church members who receive Dr. Meredith's semi-annual letter will AUTOMATICALLY receive a copy of the new "Middle East in Prophecy" booklet.  You SHOULD NOT return the enclosed reply card, as this will only cause extra work for the data entry staff.


Last week I went to Minneapolis to visit Mr. David Burson and to make a final decision concerning his future service. David has worked hard in Michigan and Minnesota in spite of his health problems, and I have decided to grant his wish to move to a warmer climate. Because of David's serious health problem we sent Mr. Sheldon Monson to assist him in the Minneapolis area last August.

Last Sabbath I announced to the brethren in Minneapolis that David would be transferred from Minneapolis to Texas in January 2003. David will work for Mr. John Ogwyn as Associate Pastor in Dallas.

Mr. Sheldon Monson will assume the Minneapolis area beginning January 1, 2003. We are confident that he will do a good job filling the pastorate there.

Mr. Phillip Sena has completed his training in Kansas City, Missouri as of November 30th and will be returning to Denver, Colorado to serve as Associate Pastor under Mr. Glen Gilchrist. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Sena!

Mr. Jeff Fall sent the following encouraging report:

"We have had a major windstorm today in L.A. with strong winds picking up black dirt from the burn area on the other side of the ridge above our house. At times the swirling dust has been so thick that it looked like fog. You may have heard about the fire in our area at the time of the Feast. Our whole area was evacuated so I would call home now and then to make sure our answering machine was still working. After we left Flagstaff, I understand someone announced the fire in services, asking people to include it in their prayers. Amazingly, a very unusual weather pattern formed off the coast bringing dense fog and clouds and some rain along the San Gabriel Mountains. It rained enough to help slow down the fire, and it was brought under control. I think this was the first rain that we had had since last April or so.

We all are very thankful that God answered your prayers."


I will be in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, this Sabbath. Dorothy and I will visit a proposed Feast site in Prescott, Arizona for the 2003 Feast of Tabernacles. We plan to spend Thanksgiving Day with Dorothy's mother and with Phillip and (our daughter) Karla Steagall and family in Tucson.

All of us here wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving day. For those of you in the International areas who do not have a national day of Thanksgiving, we wish you and your family a happy International Thanksgiving Day.

Have a great Sabbath, and take special care traveling.

Carl McNair