Weekly Update

December 18th, 2003

Warm greetings from Charlotte!

We are having a very busy and productive week here at Headquarters. Mr. Meredith's latest Co-worker letter has been mailed out and we are expecting good fruit to be born from that. Among other things, he covers a very interesting analogy involving the despot Saddam Hussein, which I think everyone will find interesting and educational.


I neglected to mention, in last week's announcement about ministerial changes, that Dr. Fall will also pastor the Palm Springs congregation. Speaking of ministerial changes, we have instituted a policy of ministerial transfers involving the full-time ministry. Mr. Roderick C. Meredith explained that field ministers should be prepared to be transferred every five to eight years. Transfers will usually take place closer to seven years. However, that's only a target we will aim for. It may vary, according to the circumstances of each situation. This subject will be covered more thoroughly at the Conference. We are planning several transfers this coming year, which we hope to announce soon. If you haven't already been contacted, then you probably won't be affected in 2004.

Caribbean Update

Mr. Jonathan McNair sends this report on the Work in Trinidad: The total responses for the November 29th telecast were 18. Last week's telecast was entitled Where Are We Now In Prophecy? by Mr. Richard Ames. Today's programme will be Prophetic Signs In The Middle East by Mr. Richard Ames.

Last Sabbath we had an attendance of 60. After services we held a baptismal counseling for two persons. We also held a short meeting to discuss our next church activity. We are planning a picnic on December 25th.

Ministerial Conference 2004

Last Monday we sent by e-mail the invitation to the Ministerial Conference (including the registration form) to all ministers of the Living Church of God. Those ministers that do not have an e-mail address or whose e-mail account (such as "Hotmail") does not support big attachments should receive the invitation, along with the forms, by regular mail. If you have not received your invitation, please contact Church Administration without delay so we can send one to you as soon as possible.

We are already receiving information from many of you about your Conference plans. Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this matter. As mentioned in the letter, we need to hear back from all of the ministers, regarding the Conference, no later than January 5, 2004.


Please remember that any December contributions that are postmarked with a December date will be counted as year 2003 donations, even if we receive them in January 2004, and may be tax-deductible in 2003. So be sure any late December donation is postmarked no later than December 31.


Well the "ho, ho, ho" season is now upon us big time. In our neighborhood, most of the people are going all out to celebrate Xmas. The homes and yards are festooned with all manner of lights, statues and "manger scenes." Our neighbor was climbing up on his roof the other day, dangling in a very precarious, dangerous position just to string up emblems, gadgets and light bulbs for a holiday that has basically lost its original meaning, which was pagan in the first place. More and more, people in the world seem to dread this time of year but they are so caught up in it they just suffer through it again and again.

In discussing this whole subject with someone, I got out the Bible and turned to Jer. 10:1-5, which says: "Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good." Then I asked what that sounded like to him. He replied, "It's just talking about building a house—cutting down trees, using hammers and nails, what else could it be?" John 6:44 immediately came to mind, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day."

If God had not called me, I would probably be hanging upside down under the eaves of our house trying to string a row of lights and hang an idiotic picture of a little fat man in red flannels all the while yelling, "Somebody do something!" – just like our neighbor. Satan has dumbed down the human race to the level of the absurd, and this time of year demonstrates that fact in graphic detail. However, instead of getting all huffy and self-righteous about how "we sure are glad we're not that stupid," perhaps we should reflect on how wonderful it is that God, in His mercy, has delivered us from all of that, or we would undoubtedly be right in the middle of it. Giving thanks to God for His calling, and redoubling our commitment and effort to fulfill that calling, is a good thing to do this time of year, especially in the face of the inevitable blitz of misguided sentimentality and age-old ludicrous pagan rituals now in full swing all around us.

Thank God the Sabbath is almost here. Have a great one!

Charles E. Bryce