Weekly Update

February 25th, 2004

Greetings everyone,

My wife and I drove to Jackson, Mississippi, last Friday to spend the Sabbath with the Jackson congregation and several people visiting from other areas. There were 54 happy brethren in attendance, including some new people. Mr. Dan Hall (Area Pastor) told us that three years ago the Jackson group had just four people and two big dogs, meeting in someone's home! We are grateful to God for the growth—and deeply appreciate the hard work and service of the ministers who helped bring it about. Sharon and I thoroughly enjoyed lunch and a lengthy visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Lovelady and kids (they are the ministers serving in that area), after services. We had a very profitable and wide-ranging discussion about the area as well as the Work in general.


This will be a short issue of the WA, because of preparing for participation in all of the ministerial meetings that will take place during the conference, which is about to begin. Because of this busy time, the next issue will not be sent out until Thursday, March 11.

Atlanta Singles Weekend

The Atlanta congregation once again plans to have a spring Singles activity during the Days of Unleavened Bread. All singles in the Living Church of God, 18 years old and up, are invited! The following activities are being planned: a Bible Study on Friday, April 9, at 8:00 pm (plan to arrive early on Friday afternoon); Sabbath services at 3:00 pm the next day, followed by a concert of special Sabbath music at 5:30 pm, a meal at 7:00 pm, and a dance starting at 8:30 pm. An activity is planned for the next afternoon (Sunday). We will, of course, have services the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. For further details go to the Atlanta congregation website, www.lcgatl.com, or email [email protected].


Please pray daily that God will bless and guide these important ministerial meetings here at Headquarters. They start tomorrow, and will run all the way through March 5. Ask God to protect those who will be traveling and are already traveling, many from far corners of the globe. Mr. Roderick Meredith has set the agenda and will lead the meetings and activities. Remember to pray for him. As I request your prayers in all of these matters, I am reminded of what Paul ask the brethren to do, as found in 2 Thessalonians 3:1, "Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you." That certainly applies now and to all of us in this end-time Work of God!

With love and appreciation,

Charles E. Bryce