Weekly Update

November 23rd, 2011

Greetings from Charlotte,

This is a short week for those of us in the United States since the annual holiday of Thanksgiving occurs on Thursday.  We all certainly have much to be thankful for—especially the incredible privilege of being called at this time to understand God's precious Truth.  While Americans are focused on Thanksgiving celebrations, very significant developments continue to emerge in Europe, where German efforts and ideas seem destined to rearrange the political nature of the continent.  Mr. Meredith taped another television program this week and is busy writing as we put together the January-February 2012 edition of the Tomorrow's World magazine. Last weekend, Mr. Ames' television program "Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled" is expected to generate more than 5,400 responses.  Mr. Pyle reports that more than 53% of the responses (more than 2,900 calls) came from "first-time" callers.  This was the highest percentage of first-time responses to a program this year!  Mr. and Mrs. Ames will be in Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona, where he will speak this coming Sabbath.—DSW

Church Administration


We received encouraging news this week from Santiago, Chile, about the healing of a prospective member's six-month-old baby who became seriously ill last week with a rare lymph node disease called Kawasaki, which can be fatal. His mother reports that little Mateo's health deteriorated rapidly, having severe difficulty in breathing due to inflammation of air passageways. After applying an anointed cloth on her son, the baby immediately improved and is now healthy and smiling again. Her mother thanks God for His mercy and intervention, and the brethren for their intercessory prayers.

Midwest Post Feast Gatherings

On November 12, 61 brethren from Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas gathered in Omaha for a post-Feast get-together ably organized this year by Mrs. JoAnn Tieken.  At noon, the monthly Bible Study covered statutes in the book of Deuteronomy.  Jason Carper's sermonette, "The Names God Gives," was followed by "An Overcoming Strategy" by Brian Pomicter.  God's Great Harvest theme from the Feast was continued with the beautifully decorated and overflowing buffet table.  While everyone was partaking of the blessings still enjoyed in this part of the world, background music was provided from the Branson Feast website.  Afterward, photo albums and souvenirs were passed around, and all were treated to a travelogue from Guyana where three had spent the Feast with the 50 brethren there.

On November 19, in Des Moines, Iowa, a similar gathering took place with 43 brethren enjoying a Mexican style covered-dish meal organized by Paul and Cathy Schut.  Earlier, a sermonette involving a Bible Quiz, "Sanctify God in Your Heart," was given by deacon Rick Wilson with the sermon, "Waiting and Watching," following by Brian Pomicter. The Schuts had gathered and organized by Feast site each family's photos into digital slide presentations so that the showing of each was accompanied by commentary from a family member.   

Kansas City Family Weekend 

You are invited to a delightful weekend of activities that will be held Friday, December 30, through Sunday, January 1, 2012 in Kansas City. This annual event is an excellent opportunity for fun and fellowship! A Friday night Bible Study held at the beautiful Benjamin Ranch will kick off the weekend. Sabbath services, a dinner, fun show, and western-wear dance will be held at the Ranch on Saturday. The ranch is rustic, so bring your boots! Sunday's activities, including basketball and volleyball tournaments, will be held at the excellent Okun Fieldhouse. Children's games, an exercise class and plenty of room for fellowship will also be available at the fieldhouse.

Lodging at the LaQuinta Inn & Suites has been negotiated for a discounted rate of $54 per night, including tax. When making reservations, be sure to say you are with the Living Church of God. Hotel contact information is available at lcgkc.org/kcweekend. You can also opt to stay with local brethren by indicating so when you register. If you have a question about housing, please contact Beryl Wilson at 816-537-8133.

We are requesting donations of $10 per person or $40 per family, whichever is lower. Payment can be made at the event website, using PayPal, or by mailing a check to John Wells, whose address is listed on the site. If you cannot afford to pay at this time, or cannot afford the full amount, please come anyway! Learn more or register for the weekend at lcgkc.org/kcweekend. If you plan to play sports, register your team by December 18. Again, visit lcgkc.org/kcweekend and make your way to Kansas City!

Living University

Continued Registration for Second Semester

Registration for second semester classes is now underway and, to date, more than 50 students have registered. Classes will begin January 11, 2012, and students may register anytime between now and then. For those who have never taken a Living University course, you will need to enroll in the University first, and then register for your selected course. The following are brief descriptions of several courses being offered next semester. A complete listing of "Spring Semester" courses (Spring in the northern hemisphere), can also be viewed on the Living University website under the link "2011 Spring Schedule." To make application to Living University, to register for courses, and to find out more, please visit the www.livinguniv.com website. For additional information, please contact Ms. Michelle Bottella at [email protected] or call 704-708-2294.

ENGL 112 – Argument-Based Literary Research. This course, the second in a series of two, introduces research techniques, documentation styles, and argumentative strategies used in professional and academic writing. Emphasis is placed on analyzing data and incorporating research findings into documented argumentative essays and research projects. This course is important because it prepares students for the writing challenges of upper-level theology courses.

SPCM 150 – Introduction to Communication. This course provides a foundation for speaking, including critical listening and methods of writing, organizing, delivering and critiquing speeches. It will deal with problems of effective oral communication through study and experience in analysis, synthesis and presentation of subject matter in oral communication. Upon completion, students should be able to make clear and convincing oral presentations to individuals, churches, and other groups, clarify information as needed, and facilitate an open exchange of ideas.

THL 212 – Old Testament Survey II. This course is the second in a sequence of two and deals with the Latter Prophets and the Writings, focusing on the background, content, structure, geography, teachings, and basic meaning of each book and outstanding people and events. Emphasis will be placed on the Old Testament as the background and foundation for understanding the New Testament. This course will essentially begin at the book of Song of Solomon and move through the remaining books of the Old Testament.


What Are You Thankful For?  Today, we live in a world where many people are obsessed with "getting our rights"—getting what they feel they are entitled to or what someone else owes them!  Yet, the Scriptures emphasize the importance of being thankful for what God provides (Psalm 95:2; 100:4).  The Apostle Paul encourages Christians to develop the attitude of "giving thanks always for all things to God" (Ephesians 5:20), for the gift of salvation (2 Corinthians 9:15), for our role in God's Work (1 Timothy 1:12), and for those whom God calls to His truth (Romans 1:8).  Paul mentions that prayerful requests should be made with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6).  James states that we should even be grateful for trials that help us grow (James 1:2-4).  However, Paul warns that unthankfulness—especially for the opportunity to know the true God and His Truth—is a trait of unrighteous (Romans 1:18-21).  When was the last time you took time to sit down and make a list of what you have to be thankful for—and then expressed thanks directly to your Creator?  This Sabbath would be a good time to make that list!

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

News and Prophecy—November 23, 2011

Temperatures in Europe Climb as Winter Sets In.  As the European financial crisis continues, rhetoric becomes more pointed and possibilities become more interesting. A German news source, Der Spiegel, recently proclaimed, "The old EU is Finished." The author went on to summarize an interview with Joschka Fischer, former German foreign minister. Mr. Fischer "wants to see a resolute political body consisting of the leaders of euro-zone countries. They should, he believes, be outfitted with far-reaching authority and granted sufficient power by their parliaments back home." The article then described "old Europe" as "the Babylonian monster that spits out tons of paper in 23 languages every day"—referring to its antiquated and cumbersome way of doing business. Next, the article author cited Charles Grant, founder of the Centre for European Reform. Mr. Grant has a "vision for a democratically united Europe in which the citizens of the various member states [currently 27] vote directly for European commissioners… Grant's model sees the EU president selecting the 10 best of the 27 citizens' picks, with the remaining 17 becoming deputies" (November 14, 2011). Meanwhile in Canada, former German defense minister Karl zu Guttenburg pointed out that the EU's problems are not related to the euro or finance, but rather are a crisis of leadership (TheLocal.de, November 20, 2011). The Times of London ran a scathing article this week entitled "Germany has declared war on the Eurozone." The article's author discussed how the Bundesbank is inhibiting the economic recovery of Europe by creating a situation where Europe must follow German finance rules or face financial chaos (November 23, 2011). The political and financial landscape in Europe is changing, almost daily. A common theme being suggested is that a smaller, more economically powerful, and governmentally integrated Europe will emerge "from the ashes" of the current EU configuration. Many expect that Germany will hold the reins of this new, sleeker and more powerful "European dream." These dynamic events in Europe are developing right along the lines of ancient Bible prophecies. Thousands of years ago the prophet Daniel prophesied that ten kings (toes of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream) would come together at the time of the end and form the King of the North (Daniel 2:41-42; 11:36-39). The Apostle John spoke about this same group of ten kings—possibly representing ten nations—headed by a strong individual known as the Beast (Revelation 17:7-13).  In the days ahead, we will need to watch to see how these ancient prophecies will actually be fulfilled!

Growing Threat of Super Bugs.  For years, scientists have warned about the growing strength and drug resistance of bacteria. In Europe, nations are reporting drug resistance of up to 50% with some bacterial infections. This means that antibiotics used to treat certain bacterial infections are failing half of the time. Public health experts are fearful because of the lack of new and more powerful antibiotics. It is not economically feasible for drug companies to research and develop "last line of defense" drugs that will not be commonly used. Experts cite overprescribing and misuse as major reasons that antibiotics are failing (Reuters, November 17, 2011). Jesus warned that disease epidemics—"pestilences"—would be one sign of the end of the age (Luke 21:11), and that they would be part of the "beginning of sorrows" (Matthew 24:8). As time goes on, we should expect to see more virulent and difficult-to-treat outbreaks of disease. No doubt the drug resistance being "built up" by the agents of infectious disease will play into God's end-time scenario.—Scott Winnail, John Meakin, Justin Ridgeway and James Ginn