Weekly Update

June 14th, 2012

Greetings from Charlotte,

Fires continue to burn this week in five western U.S. states, including the largest fire in the history of the state of New Mexico.  In the Middle East, a 5.3 magnitude earthquake shook eastern Turkey, and in Europe, the ongoing financial crisis is generating more calls for greater integration and even a political union—all of which fits into Bible prophecies.  Here in Charlotte, Mr. Meredith has been holding meetings, and has completed another co-worker letter.  Mr. Wayne Pyle reports that last weekend's telecast by Mr. Meredith, entitled "Christ Will Return Soon," is expected to generate more than 3,400 responses.  Mr. Ames has returned from a church visit and making a Tomorrow's World Special Presentation in San Diego which drew 51 visitors.  Mr. Rod McNair's TWSPs in Thomasville, Georgia and Lake City, Florida drew 33 and 22 visitors respectively.  In the London area, Mr. King's TWSP drew 65 visitors (see announcements below).  In Canada, 38 visitors attended TWSPs last weekend.  This coming weekend there will be ten more TWSPs in Canada, the UK and the USA.  Registration for Fall Semester classes with Living University will begin on July 1 (see announcement below). This morning, Mr. Jack Lowe informed us that Judie, his wife of 51 years, died of cancer.  Mr. Lowe pastors congregations in Georgia and Alabama.  Mrs. Meredith mentioned that she is feeling stronger after her recent series of treatments. Your prayers for the Lowe family and others who need God's intervention are requested and appreciated.—DSW

Church Administration

Tomorrow's World Special Presentations

San Diego, California:  Last Saturday, June 9, the San Diego congregation hosted a Tomorrow's World Special Presentation given by Mr. Richard Ames.  Mr. Ames spoke on the end-time events leading up to the return of Jesus Christ.  He related these end-time events directly to his San Diego audience, emphasizing the need to repent or suffer the consequences of a lifestyle contrary to God's way of life.  There were a total of 95 in attendance; of those, 51 were guests from the public.  Following the presentation, refreshments were served outside in the beautiful San Diego weather where the guests visited with Mr. Ames and the membership.  This Saturday, a follow-up TWSP will be given by Area Pastor Darrell Lovelady, who will present a lecture entitled, "Where Is the Church Christ Built?"—Darrell Lovelady

Thomasville, Georgia and Lake City, Florida:  The Sabbath services were a delight and all the brethren appreciate Mr. McNair and his family coming down here and spending time with all of us.  The TWSP on June 9 was a great success.  After morning services we had a covered-dish meal and even before we finished the meal the TWSP guests were beginning to arrive.  We quickly set up the hall for the lecture which began at 2:00 p.m.  Thirty-three guests and 33 members attended the lecture in Thomasville. The next day, Sunday, June 10, we were off to Lake City where the brethren had prepared a beautiful reception for the 22 guests and the 31 members. Many guests asked about attending services and expressed a sincere desire to be part of God's end-time Work.  I think we will see many of these guests become part of God's Church.—Joe Brown

Living Youth Programs

Teen Bible StudySunday Evening 

There will be no Teen Bible Study this Sunday evening, June 17, because of Father's Day in the U.S.  The next study will be held on June 24.

Calling All Artists!    

The Living Youth Program would like to begin featuring artwork and illustrations by you on the Living Youth website.  You do not need to be a youth to participate; this is a request for artists of all ages.  If you are interested in producing artwork of a nature relevant to the Youth Program and our camps, please send a sample of your work to [email protected].  We hope to have a number of artists and feature them on a rotating basis.  If we choose to feature your artwork on the website, you will need to sign a document giving us the right to use it.

Living Youth Camp in Ohio 

We are still accepting camper registrations for LYC Ohio and we have room for both boy and girl campers.  If you are between the ages of 13 and 18, please visit https://lyc.lcg.org as soon as possible and sign up.  This year we are going to feature a large number of athletic activities—flag football, softball, volleyball, canoeing and swimming—as well as orienteering, dance, speech, media, crafts, and of course, daily Christian Living classes.  It's a wonderful opportunity to spend two exciting weeks with fellow Church youth and you don't want to miss it!—Sheldon Monson and Joshua Penman

Missouri Pre-Teen Camp

This week the LYC Missouri Pre-Teen Camp is being conducted once again in the St. Louis area and what a wonderful camp it has been so far! God's blessing has been abundantly apparent in the weather and in the enthusiastic and upbeat spirit of the 100 campers and volunteers playing, learning, and serving here at the state park! From seeing the local wildlife on nature walks, and learning to play positions in soccer, to testing our skills in archery, riflery, and crafts—and even dropping an egg safely ten feet to the ground in Challenge Class—this year has been full of excitement!  The Christian Living classes for both campers and staff have helped all of us learn more about God's design and purpose for the family, which is this year's camp theme, and everyone is looking forward to the Fun Show and the Beach Day coming up tomorrow.  Thank you for your prayers for the success of this year's camps.  If you would like to see any images or video clips from this year's Missouri Camp, go to www.livingyouth.org where we have been updating the website daily with photos and videos!—Wallace Smith

Feast of Tabernacles 2012

Activity Registration Will Begin June 24

The Feast of Tabernacles is still three and a half months away—but will be here before we know it!  In preparation for the Feast, our Festival Coordinators are now busy planning the schedules and activities for this year's Feast.  Please note:  Activity Registration for all Living Church of God Feast sites will begin Sunday, June 24, 2012.  At that time, brethren will be able to sign up for activities that are hosted at their Feast site.  (If you have not yet registered to attend a site, please do so at your convenience.)  If you have any questions about the upcoming activities that will be available, contact your Festival Coordinator, or check out the Feast website by going to the LCG website (www.lcg.org) and then clicking on the "Feast of Tabernacles" link.  More information about signing up for activities will be forthcoming in the coming weeks! —Festival Office

Feast of Tabernacles 2013 Israel Tour

Everyone who registered for the Feast of Tabernacles 2013 Israel Tour should have received notice of whether or not you were accepted. If you registered to attend this Feast site and have not received notification, please email me at [email protected]. If you have been accepted, please make sure to register your information with Travel Gallery as soon as possible. Thank you.—Jim Meredith

Living University

Registration for the Fall Semester/Semester I Living University courses will commence again on July 1. And semester classes begin August 15. This semester we plan to offer 17 different courses, two of which are brand new! For those who have never taken LU courses before, be sure to visit our website at www.livinguniv.com and complete an Application for Admission to the university—this will enable you to register for a class. The website also provides detailed information on our programs, fees, courses, and much more. We encourage you to consider taking a class for credit if you want to work toward a degree or certificate. Or just "audit" a course if you desire the content without the stress of exams and papers. Those age 65 and over are eligible to audit one course per semester, tuition-free. If you have questions, please email or call Dr. Scott Winnail at [email protected], or 704-708-2292. Below we highlight three different courses being offered this semester.

CIS 110  – Introduction to Computers

This course is extremely beneficial to those wishing to better understand how to use one of the most important innovations of the modern era. It introduces computer concepts, including fundamental functions and operations of the computer. Topics include identification of hardware components, basic computer operations, security issues, and use of software applications. Students will conclude the semester far more comfortable and confident in using the computer. This course is required for our degree programs.

ENGL 111 – Written Expression

This course is extremely helpful for those with limited writing experience and who need to improve their abilities and written communication skills. It will also make future courses in which writing is a major component, easier. ENGL 111 is the required first course in a series of two designed to develop the ability to produce clear expository writing. Emphasis is on the writing process including audience analysis, topic selection, thesis support and development, editing, and revision. This course is required for our degree and diploma programs.

HPRO 114 – Health and Wellness

This course covers topics that are important for improving your personal health and wellbeing. It aims to filter the vast array of health-related knowledge available in the world today through sound biblical principles. Dr. Scott Winnail will emphasize lifestyle-related wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention within the context of a range of health topics. Focus will be placed on healthy decision-making, becoming a wise health consumer, healthy weight management, and other skills which will enable students to make health-enhancing choices and engage in actions to improve their own health and quality of life.


Perspectives on Trials:  Sometimes, when we encounter trials and difficulties, we wonder what is happening and whether God has forsaken us.  However, in challenging times, we need to remember several important scriptures.  Jesus told His disciples, "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).  God has also promised never to leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).  The Apostle Paul reminds us that, "all things work together for good for those who love God" (Romans 8:28) and that even in trials, God will make a "way of escape" if we look to Him (1 Corinthians 10:13).  The Apostle James records that trials are opportunities to exercise faith in God and His promises and to build patience—while we do our part to work through the challenges we face (James 1:2-4).  Let's strive to remember and maintain this godly perspective when we encounter trials.

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

News and Prophecy—June 14, 2012

Greater Push for Two-Speed Europe:  German Chancellor Merkel plans to use the EU's month-end meeting to "push ahead with plans for a political union, including more sweeping powers for Brussels" (EU Observer, June 7, 2012). According to Mrs. Merkel, "That means that step-by-step in the future we have to give up more powers to Europe and grant Europe more oversight possibilities" (ibid.). She also noted that Europe's "ambitious states" should not be held back by "recalcitrants." Senior EU officials are already formulating ways to increase the integration of nations and banking sectors. Germany has played a major role related to the EU's financial bailouts and "is now also leading the debate on further political integration" (ibid.). In the wake of Spain's request this week for a financial bailout for its banks, big questions loom regarding the future of the EU. Will the euro remain, or will something take its place? Bible prophecy reveals that a strong Beast power will emerge in Europe at the end of the age, comprised of ten kings or nations which surrender their sovereignty to a central authority (see Revelation 17). This Beast power will very likely be led by Germany—a nation whose influence in Europe is definitely on the rise. For more information on Germany's future role, review our informative article, "Resurgent Germany: A Fourth Reich?"

Russia vs. the U.S. and NATO:  In a recent visit to China, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed agreements in trade, investment, nuclear power, and banking, and discussed growing military ties—however, there is more to the story. "Russia and China want to stand up to the West—and the United States in particular. Both countries reject U.S. dominance in world affairs. They endorse a multi-polar international system, in which they themselves are major powers. A strategic partnership with China, then, is attractive for Russia… China is under a great deal of pressure and has to weather a lot of criticism from Western nations… That's why Beijing is very interested in Russian support to oppose the West" (Deutsche Welle, June 5, 2012).  Russia also continues to apply its UN Security Council veto regarding sanctions against Syria. Mr. Putin has expressed frustration with NATO: "They promised us they would not expand NATO, then they promised not to deploy bases, but NATO is expanding and moving east and bases are springing up like mushrooms" (EU Observer.com, June 4, 2012). Bible prophecies indicate that Abraham's descendants (Israelite nations) would be blessed beyond measure and would play a dominant role in world affairs (Genesis 22:16-18). Yet God warned that if they became proud and rejected His laws and forgot His blessings, they would serve and be destroyed by foreign powers (Deuteronomy 28:42-48; Joel 1:4-7). Russia's growing antagonism against the U.S. and its allies could lead to the fulfillment of these ancient prophecies (Isaiah 46:9-10). For more insights about God's hand in world events, read our booklet, Prophecy Fulfilled: God's Hand in World Affairs.

Night Shift Work and Cancer!  Current research now links night shift work and deadly diseases like diabetes, obesity, and even cancer. "In a study published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, researchers in Denmark found that women who worked night shifts were up to four times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who didn't work nights" (Time, May 29, 2012). The effect is also cumulative—the longer a woman works night shifts, the higher her risk. Researchers think that night work throws off hormone levels, resulting in greater breast cancer risk (ibid.). Most night shift work is a result of an industrial system designed to "make more money." David, a "man after [God's] own heart" (Acts 13:22) spoke of a peaceful, restful sleep (Psalm 4:8). While the Scriptures warn against too much sleep (lazinessProverbs 6:9-10), restful sleep is praised (Ecclesiastes 5:12). God made the body to need sleep, and research has demonstrated that health benefits come with 7-8 hours of sleep nightly. Jesus speaks of working in the day, but that night is not a time for work (John 9:4). Satan's world inverts good and evil (Isaiah 5:20) even in work schedules. The time is coming when Christ will restore peace and health to the Earth. That time is described in detail in our free and exciting booklet, The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like?—Scott Winnail and Justin Ridgeway