Weekly Update

January 2nd, 2014

Greetings from Charlotte, 

This has been a quieter period around the office with the mid-week New Year's Day holiday.  Dr. Meredith has held several meetings and met with several visitors who toured the office.  We have been busy winding up year-end activities.  It looks like we will finish 2013 with about a 10 percent increase in offerings and donations for which we are very thankful.  This will enable us to expand the Work in important areas.  We are glad to report that the Tomorrow's World telecast began airing in India this week.  The program will also begin airing on the Faith TV channel that covers North Africa and Europe—including the Vatican.  Mr. Rod McNair and Dr. Scott Winnail and their families had a very positive visit to the Family Weekend in Kansas City.  I had a profitable visit to the Braselton and Atlanta congregations last weekend.  Please pray that God will continue to guide and bless His Work in the year ahead.—DSW  

Church Administration 

LCG Booklet Initiative   

Recently a notice was posted on Facebook outlining a year-long program for reading through LCG booklets.  This initiative was not generated by Headquarters but by a private party.  It should be noted that the Church is not advocating that members study Church publications in place of studying the Bible—as some critics have accused.  We are told in Scripture to study the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15) so we can live by every word of God (Matthew 4:4).  While the reading of our booklets may be a profitable activity, it should not take the place of studying the Bible itself.  

Visit to the French-Speaking Caribbean 

On December 4, I flew from Charlotte to Martinique, beginning a trip to visit brethren and prospective members throughout the French-speaking Caribbean.  Plans are being made in Martinique to advertise the French magazine and the Internet site "Le Monde de Demain."  The requests for literature have increased by eleven percent since 2012.  I spent five days with the brethren in Martinique.  

After leaving Martinique, Mr. Etienne Duval and I arrived in Guadeloupe on December 9, where we gave a Tomorrow's World Presentation.  Afterwards, I had the opportunity to meet with five people who were former members of the Worldwide Church of God.  At this time, plans are being made in Guadeloupe for a television and radio network to begin airing the French telecast.  This project is expected to begin by March 2014. 

After spending five days in Guadeloupe, we flew to St. Maarten on December 13 to give a TWP.  I also baptized the widow of a member who died a few months ago.  The widow was not a member when her husband died.  She did, however, begin studying after his death and began reading the literature.  She said that she saw the beautiful change in her husband after his baptism and she said that she wanted to be like him.  The Scriptures come alive when you read 1 Corinthians 7:14-16:  "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy... For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?"  Mr. Etienne Duval and I also met with the representative of a radio station to make plans to air the broadcast twice a week.  This station broadcasts in French, English, Spanish, Dutch and Creole. 

Before returning to Charlotte, I flew to Fort Lauderdale where my wife joined me.  We traveled on to Tampa, Florida, where I gave a Tomorrow's World Presentation in Creole to a small group which came in contact with the literature from the Worldwide Church of God when Mr. Armstrong was alive.  A couple from this group presently attend the Living Church of God congregation in Tampa, where they are counselling for baptism with Mr. John Strain. 

My wife and I returned safely to Charlotte on Monday, December 23.  The Work in the French-speaking Caribbean continues to grow, including former members of the Worldwide Church of God searching for the Truth.—Wilner Pierre    

Visit to Papua New Guinea 

On Monday, November 4, Mr. Rob Tyler and I arrived in hot, wet and tropical Mandang, on the north coast of the main island of Papua New Guinea.  At our hotel we were met by a prospective member and her husband, son and daughter.  We enjoyed a fine evening of  fellowship over a meal at a local restaurant.  The next day she was baptized at a small beach at a nearby resort, with her supportive family present.  After this delightful occasion, we travelled by plane to Wewak. 

In Wewak, we have our largest group of members.  It was wonderful to see the familiar faces of the brethren again, as it has been some time since my last visit.  We spent the next few days with them and answered the many questions they had.  We shared meals with the brethren and were able to catch up on all that had been happening in their respective areas.  For Sabbath services we congregated at the property belonging to Mr. Peter Devis, the local pastor.  Mr. Rob Tyler gave a sermonette about "The Kingdom of God" and some general information about the Australasian Work.  I gave a sermon on "Understanding Our Calling."  The visit was also a time for wonderful fellowship as we enjoyed the kind hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Devis.  In his capacity as Regional Office Manager, Mr. Rob Tyler was able to discuss the administrative needs of the Papua New Guinea Church.  Early Sunday morning, Mr. Devis took us to nearby Wom Beach, a beautiful location used for a picnic day at the Feast of Tabernacles.  It is also the Memorial Park commemorating the Japanese surrender at the end of the Second World War.  

After morning refreshments with Mr. Devis on Monday, November 11, Mr. Rob Tyler and I travelled by plane to the capital city, Port Moresby, to meet with members there.  We shared some great fellowship during the afternoon and again over an evening meal.  They told us of about ten people in Milne Bay Province who are very keen to learn more about the Church and would like a ministerial visit.  We also discussed the future direction of the Church in Papua New Guinea and how best to preach the Gospel as a witness and to reach the people whom God is calling. 

The next day, Mr. Rob Tyler and I boarded an aircraft for our trip home.  During the journey, we both had time to reflect upon what had been a very profitable trip.—Graeme Hemphill    

Kansas City "Tropical" Family Weekend 

God blessed the weather so that brethren could travel safely to Kansas City for our family weekend.  Although the temperatures were not so "tropical" outside, members could enjoy the indoor activities, including a waterpark, recreational sports and even a South Pacific fun show. 

Four hundred and ten attendees from various places in the United States were inspired by the spiritual messages and special music.  Dr. Scott Winnail presented two Bible Studies that helped us to appreciate brethren in areas not as blessed as we are and to prepare more effectively to serve now and in the world ahead.  Mr. Rod McNair gave a meaningful sermon on preparing for difficult times.  We're grateful for God's blessing on the weekend and making it such a profitable and enjoyable weekend for His people.—Rand Millich 

Living Youth Programs  

Online Teen Bible Study—Friday Evening 

The online Teen Bible Study Friday evening, January 10, will be on "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse—The Red Horse," presented by Mr. Sheldon Monson.  If you haven't had the opportunity to join us for one of the online Bible Studies yet, I encourage you to do so.  It is a wonderful way to start the Sabbath day. 

The Bible Study runs from 8:00-9:00 p.m. (EST) and the chat room will be open for a half hour before and after the study.  You can access this Bible Study at livingyouth.org.  We hope as many of our youth as possible will join us for this wonderful opportunity for Godly fellowship and learning.  For those of you who are unable to make it to the study, archives of previous Living Youth Bible Studies, including last evening's on "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse—The White Horse," can also be found on the Living Youth Web site.—Sheldon Monson  

Feast of Tabernacles 

2014 Israel Feast Tour Update—Repeat Announcement 

At this point, everyone who has applied to go to Israel for the 2014 Feast Tour has been accepted. If you applied, you were sent an acceptance e-mail with instructions and a link to register with Travel Gallery, the travel company that is organizing the trip. Many of those who have been accepted, however, have not yet registered. Due to space concerns and the need to book the hotels and motor coaches for the tour, everyone must fill out the online registration very soon. If you do not register with the Travel Gallery by January 12, 2014, you will be removed from the accepted list. If you have any questions or did not get the acceptance e-mail, please contact me right away at [email protected]. If you would like to go but have not registered with the Church, you may still do so on the My LCG page of the members' Web site. After January 12, we will evaluate whether or not we have room for more people to go.—Jim Meredith 

Human Resources 

Employment Opportunity:  TV Production Assistant—Repeat Announcement 

The Headquarters Office is looking for a TV Production Assistant with experience in video editing and TV studio equipment.  The successful candidate will enjoy video production and will have some experience in video editing software (such as Avid, Adobe Premier or Final Cut). The right candidate for this position will be a "team player" able to produce results quickly in a fast-paced and deadline-driven environment.  This job is in Charlotte, North Carolina.  The Church will pay for reasonable moving expenses.  Applicant must meet the legal requirements to work in the United States, and must be a Living Church of God adherent, in good standing, who is truly dedicated to the Work. If you are interested in this position, please send your résumé, along with a cover letter and a letter of reference from your Area Pastor, to:  Human Resources Department, Living Church of God, 2301 Crown Centre Drive, Charlotte, NC 28227.  E-mail: [email protected]; FAX: 704-844-1973.—Wyatt Ciesielka 

Living University 

Registration for Second Semester  

Only a week and a half remain until the start of the spring semester of Living University.  Classes start on Wednesday, January 15.  All students should register as soon as possible and order the necessary text books.  Those of you who have never taken a Living University course will need to enroll in the University first, and then register for your selected course(s). We are offering a number of repeat courses and even a couple of brand new courses. A complete listing of second semester courses can be viewed on the Living University Web site under the link "2014 Spring Schedule." As a reminder, those in the midst of their third tithe year can qualify for a 50 percent tuition reduction. To make application to Living University, to register for courses, and to find out more, please visit the www.livinguniv.com Web site. For additional information, please contact Mrs. Michelle Broussard at [email protected]  or 704-708-2294. 


Look Ahead!  Solomon advised in the book of Proverbs, "Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established" (Proverbs 4:25-27).  Jesus urged His disciples to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" and everything else will fall into place (Matthew 6:33).  As we begin another calendar year, it would be good to analyze how the previous year has gone and consider how the coming year could be more productive as you prepare for the coming Kingdom of God.  Set some goals for yourself: take more time to pray and study the Bible, take time to read and broaden your background on useful subjects, take a Living University class, strive to build better relationships with people you come in contact with, look for ways to serve others. The Apostle Paul urged Christians to "redeem the time" [make the most of the opportunities that you have] as we see our societies hurtling toward destruction.  When Jesus Christ returns, He will need a staff of individuals to help usher in the Kingdom of God.  If you are looking ahead and preparing, there will be exciting opportunities in the years just ahead! 

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

News and Prophecy—January 2, 2014 

Will Jews Pray on the Temple Mount?  For centuries, Jews have been forbidden to pray on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem—a site that is only open to Muslim worship (The Times, December 23, 2013). However, there is a growing movement in Israel for Jews to be able to pray where the ancient Temple stood.  In November 2013, the Israeli government formally asked Jordan for permission for Jews to pray at the holy site—a request Jordan quickly denied (ibid.). "If this happens, there will be a lot of bloodshed," said Azzam Khatib, the director of the Islamic trust that administers the site (ibid.). While Jews want the right to pray at their own holy sites, just like Muslims do, Arab leaders warn of a third intifada (uprising) should Jews attempt to push their claim (ibid.). Yet, Bible prophecies indicate that Jews will be allowed not only to pray on the Temple Mount, but also offer sacrifices, just before the end of this age (Daniel 11:31; 12:11). Events in Jerusalem could bring the fulfillment of these long-prophesied events. The Jews are pushing to pray on the Temple Mount at the same time the Vatican wants to internationalize the holy sites of Jerusalem. We could see Muslims, Jews and Christians all worshipping on the Temple Mount in the not-too-distant future. For more information on this timely issue, read our article entitled "Jerusalem's Amazing Future!" 

Atrocities in the Central African Republic (CAR):  Conditions are deteriorating in the CAR, foreign governments are evacuating their citizens, and African Union and French forces are being sent to quell the violence which is mostly Muslim vs. Christian (BBC, December 31, 2013). There are more than 6,000 child soldiers in CAR, and factions are murdering and beheading children in "atrocious revenge attacks," in a clear violation of international humanitarian law (ibid.). Also, thousands of children in South Sudan have been separated from their parents due to the fighting in that nation (BBC, December 30, 2013). In the book of Ezekiel, God promises to protect those who "sigh and cry over all the abominations" committed in Israelite-descended nations at the end of the age (9:4-6). However, true Christians will also sigh and cry for the atrocities committed against any human being made in the image of God, whatever their location or religion! The Bible reveals that God desires to spare and protect the poor and needy around the earth—"precious shall be their blood in His sight" (Psalm 72:13-14). When true Christians hear of the horrors of war, they should be motivated to fervently pray, "Thy kingdom come"! (Matthew 6:10). Although the world is headed for a difficult time (see Revelation 6, 8, 9, 16), the return of Jesus Christ will end these atrocities and usher in a time of unprecedented peace on the earth (see Isaiah 2 and 11). For more information on this coming time of peace, read our informative article entitled "Will Wars Ever Cease?"  

Biblical Values Overcome Perpetual Poverty:  A recent Georgetown University study showed that when people in the lowest caste in an Indian city began to follow Biblical values, they were much more likely to break the poverty cycle (Catholic News Agency, December 20, 2013). Biblical values like hard work, integrity, taking care of one's home and planning for the future were central to people breaking free of their generations-old cycle of poverty (ibid.). In addition, the Biblical value of caring about others, exemplified by regular pastoral visits to the homes of adherents, greatly decreased the incidence of domestic violence (ibid.). According to the study's lead author, "Conversion activates in the converts a powerful new concept of value and initiative…" and it provides "a radically different way of seeing themselves... as a new creation, a new identity, made in the image of God, seeking a better life for themselves." (ibid.). God is certainly the giver of "every good gift and every perfect gift" (James 1:17). However, the Bible contains practical principles that have the power to change one's life when they are practiced. If people's lives can vastly improve on a small scale, what will happen when God's way of life is instituted on a global scale in the coming Kingdom of God? For more on this exciting future, be sure to read our booklet Your Ultimate Destiny.—Scott Winnail, Ron Ramsingh, James and Susan Bennett