Weekly Update

September 14th, 2017

Greetings from Charlotte,

It will be a long time before everything is back to a state that we might refer to as normal in parts of Texas, Louisiana, Florida and a number of Caribbean islands. We thank God that, as far as we know now, none of our members were killed or seriously injured, and they suffered only minimal damage to their homes and property. However, we have yet to make contact with the island of Saint Martin, which was heavily damaged. Communications in some areas, especially on the islands, are slow, and this is as much as we know at this time. Reports indicate that all of our people in Cuba are okay and that the Feast site there has been spared—the Feast will go on in Cuba as planned. A Tomorrow's World Presentation in Kingston, Ontario, last weekend, had 29 guests. We held a meeting to discuss Feast sites for 2018 and have preliminarily selected all U.S. sites, but are waiting on contracts from several. We also held a profitable meeting to discuss how we can better serve those individuals who newly come in contact with the Work. We are saddened by the death of two longtime elders: Mr. Terrence Graves in Washington state and Mr. Roy Monger in Tennessee. Both were elderly and this was not unexpected, but both were loved and will be missed. (See announcement below.) Mr. Richard Ames recorded a new telecast this week, titled "Understanding Bible Mysteries." This next Thursday is the Feast of Trumpets, the beginning of the Fall Festival season, a commanded assembly and a Sabbath of rest. We look forward to the fulfillment of Trumpets, and all that this Feast means to us and to the world.—Gerald Weston

Church Administration

Deaths of Two Long-Time Elders

We are saddened to report the deaths of two long-time elders in God's Church, Mr. Roy Monger, 91, of the Knoxville, Tennessee congregation, and Mr. Terrence Graves, 82, of the Seattle-Tacoma, Washington congregation. Mr. Monger died on Friday, September 8 and Mr. Graves on Sunday, September 10. Both men were greatly loved and respected, and provided faithful service and leadership in their areas for many years. Mr. Monger is survived by his wife, Betty. Cards and letters may be sent to her at the Headquarters office (Mrs. Betty Monger, c/o Living Church of God, 2301 Crown Centre Dr., Charlotte, NC  28227) and will be forwarded to her home address. Mr. Graves' wife predeceased him in 1999.

Caution on Internet Fund Requests

More and more often we see friends, relatives, church members, and total strangers requesting financial assistance over the Internet through various funding sites, such as "GoFundMe" and others. By way of examples, some requests are for medical emergencies, disaster relief, or family tragedies. Other requests are made to help fund one's honeymoon, business venture, vacation, personal desires, or trip to the Feast. Members should exercise caution, using their heads as well as their hearts. Why is the request being made? Are the requests true needs or emergencies? If the request is coming from a member, it might be a good idea to seek advice from one's minister. For example, someone may be requesting Festival assistance because he or she was turned down by the Church. The Church may have done so because the individual was not faithful in saving his second tithe, showed little initiative on his own, or there may be another problem that is not generally known. While well-intentioned, to then intervene on one's own could prevent the person from learning an important lesson: that obedience to God is important. So, please exercise caution when considering a donation to a funding site, and if a Church member is involved, please check with your minister.—Church Administration Department

Internet Department

TWNow and YouTube Update

Many of you have asked how TWNow, our live Internet program at 3:00 p.m. on Thursdays, is doing. This week, TWNow surpassed the significant milestone of 1,000,000 minutes watched on YouTube, which is quite encouraging! Over the last couple months, TWNow episodes have been averaging more than 17 minutes view duration per program, which is also quite good. Many of these programs have been watched, at least in part, more than 3,000 times on both YouTube and Facebook. The most-watched episodes on YouTube are "The Antichrist, Ecumenism, the Beast of Revelation," "What's Ahead for the European Union?," "The USA, Europe, and Terrorism in Prophecy," and "Solar Eclipse, Flat Earth and the Universe."  About 60 percent of our views come from the United States, with Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand making up most of the remaining viewership. However, viewers are tuning in from all around the world, from Jamaica to Saudi Arabia to Singapore! About 60 percent of our viewers are male and about 40 percent are female. Although our "live audience" remains fairly small, the questions and comments that come in live on Facebook and YouTube have been very encouraging. We are definitely reaching many new people!

While this is encouraging growth, by comparison, the main Tomorrow's World YouTube channels (which have all been around much longer) have reached 52,100,000 minutes viewed for the English-language channel, more than 56,500,000 minutes viewed for the El Mundo de Mañana channel, and more than 7,400,000 minutes viewed for the Le Monde de Demain channel. While many telecasts will average 10,000 or so views, some have been exceptionally popular. For example, the most viewed Tomorrow's World telecast on YouTube in English is Ezekiel's Message Unlocked with more than 449,000 views and more than 4,300,000 minutes watched! The most popular Spanish-language telecast on YouTube is Siete pruebas que Dios existe, with more than 1,276,000 views and more than 8,830,000 minutes viewed. And the most popular French-language telecast on YouTube is Sept signes identifiant l'Antéchrist, with more than 385,000 views and more than 3,177,000 minutes viewed! And, this week the new Viewpoint channel should hit 129,000 views! While this is all encouraging, we realize that we need to reach not just thousands, but billions of people, so we thank you for your prayers and we trust that God will guide and strengthen His Church to do His Work as the end of this age approaches.—Wyatt Ciesielka  

Feast of Tabernacles

PayPal Payments Deadline Is 8:00 a.m. on Monday, September 25

Online PayPal pre-payments for Festival activities for U.S. sites must be made by 8:00 a.m. (Eastern Time Zone), Monday, September 25. This will give the Accounting Department at Headquarters time to disburse funds to the U.S. sites. 

Since our Feast coordinators are trying to finalize numbers for the planned activities and some activity payments may need to be in by September 25, please check with your Festival Site Coordinator to find out if any payments can be made at the Feast, and what payment methods will be accepted. For international sites, please check with your Festival Site Coordinator for more information.

Panama City Feast Site: Check Payments

We are now less than three weeks away from the start of the Feast of Tabernacles 2017. It is important that we all sign up and pay for all activities we wish to participate in. Check payments must be received on or before September 18. This is vital so that all checks have time to clear their banks, enabling us to give the establishments our numbers of attendees. That enables them to make adequate preparations for all our needs. Check payments should be mailed to:

Gayle Stroud

P. O. Box 2707

Clanton, AL 35045

Panama City Feast of Tabernacles T-Shirts

Everyone who wants to purchase Feast T-shirts must use the link given below. LCG is not taking orders or selling the T-shirts. The T-shirts are purchased and paid for on the commercial website listed below. This company has been used before, and is of a good reputation. The deadline to purchase Feast T-shirts is Monday, September 18. This is a strict deadline, so that delivery can be made before the start of the Feast. You will pick up your T-shirts at the Feast. Click on this link to order your T-shirts: https://www.customink.com/g/pbe0-00b2-rnt1 (not an official LCG website).

Just Three Weeks Away!—Repeat Announcement

The Feast of Tabernacles is less than three weeks away! Excitement is building!  As we draw near to the Feast of Tabernacles (with the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement coming first) here are a few items to draw to your attention:

Appropriate Dress at the Feast

Basic Principles of Dress and Decorum: As we prepare to be "lights to the world" at the Feast, it's good to review some basic principles about our outward decorum and dress. When we look to the Scriptures we find definite instructions about dress for both men and women—instructions that our modern liberal societies and also some members of God's Church seem to forget or ignore, unless they are reminded periodically. Jesus stated in a parable that some invited to the wedding supper will be turned away because they are not dressed appropriately (Matthew 22:8-14). Individuals who feel that God only looks on the heart, and therefore is not concerned about how we dress when we come before Him, are simply missing the point of Scripture. We have taught for decades that when we come to services, we are coming before the God of the universe and we should dress in the best we have, to show proper respect to God.

In most modern cultures, coats, collared shirts, ties and nice slacks are considered appropriate attire for men on special occasions. Jeans, T-shirts, tennis shoes or other sportswear are simply not in good taste at special occasions or at Church services.  This may vary in tropical climates, yet, in all climates there is a distinction between what is appropriate and what is not. 1 Timothy 2:9-10 explains that ladies should dress "in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation." This does not condone the trendy and immodest apparel that is commonplace for many women in our society today: short, tight, form-fitting dresses, necklines displaying cleavage, bare shoulders, backless dresses, belly-baring tops, etc.  These are simply not appropriate forms of attire for Church services and many other situations! We come to services to worship God, not to display our bodies. Just because something is comfortable or acceptable in our modern society does not make it appropriate at Church. When people dress in a manner that attracts attention to their bodies, they become a distraction to others from the real reasons for being at services.

Our challenge as Christian men and women is to come out of this world (2 Corinthians 6:17) and recapture true values (Matthew 17:11) so we can be lights to a world that has lost its way (Matthew 5:14-16).  This is especially true as we gather to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ's glorious reign on earth!  (Source: "Example and Bringing Honor to God" by Dr. Douglas Winnail, Ministerial Bulletin, July-August, 2012)

Appropriate Swimwear at the Feast

Appropriate beach attire for men and women is swimwear that is modest and in good taste. We are to be guided by the two great commandments—to love God and love neighbor (Matthew 22:37-39; Mark 12:29-31)—so as not to offend God or neighbor by our dress at the Feast. Fathers and husbands have a responsibility to be leaders in their family to teach and guide regarding what is appropriate and what is not (Ezekiel 22:26).

Children's Conduct in the Meeting Hall and Adjoining Rooms at the Feast

Children are a joy to parents and fellow Feast-goers. The Feast is great family time—and it's inspiring seeing children attend the Feast with their families! But parents, please remember that children are not permitted to run or engage in horseplay before, during, or after services. Children darting in and out among fellowshipping brethren can be a trip hazard. For the elderly, this can be dangerous, even life-threatening. Ushers or deacons don't need to "grab" children who are misbehaving—unless required to avoid injury—but they should tell them to stop if need be. 

Child Safety at the Feast

Parents: your responsibility for your children does not cease when you come to services at the Feast of Tabernacles. While precautions are taken and there are activities for children, the Church meeting or event is not a childcare facility. The Church does not take responsibility for the care of children at Church meetings or events. Their absolute safety cannot be guaranteed. The ultimate responsibility for the care of children always remains with parents or guardians.  Please ensure that the conduct of your children and young people is adequately supervised throughout their attendance, and that your children are fully under your control. Children/teenagers under the age of 18 years should never be wandering around unsupervised.

Children—Sitting with Their Parents at the Feast

God instructs, "You shall rejoice in your Feast, you and your son and your daughter." Clearly God wants families to rejoice together at His Feasts. Experience has shown that children and teenagers pay better attention and therefore learn more from the messages when sitting with a parent than when sitting with a group by themselves. Therefore, it is the policy of the Church to have children and teens sit with their parents during services. An exception may be where an individual child or teen may sit with a friend who is sitting with his or her parents. Obviously, a teen attending whose parents are not in attendance would be exempt. The Feast is a time for families to grow together. Let us use the precious time we have during services to further that goal.

Sabbath Times/Contact Information for the Day of Atonement and the Sabbath of October 14

A chart listing the places, contact information, and times for Living Church of God services on the Day of Atonement and on the Sabbath of October 14 is being posted on the MyLCG Web site. Log in to your MyLCG account at the following address to access the chart: www.cogl.org. We hope this information will be helpful for you as you plan your travel, especially so you can minimize travel on God's Sabbath. Pastors, thank you for sending in these details. If any of you have information yet to send us, or changes to be made, please do so and we will update the chart.

Living Youth Program

LYP South Africa Teen Camp 2017—Repeat Announcement

It is with great excitement that we announce that this year's South African LYP Teen Camp is open for registration. We will use a new location: Jubaweni's camp facilities in Limpopo (www.jubaweni.co.za). The camp is situated on a large game farm and surrounded by unspoilt nature, activity courses and authentic bushveld sports fields.

Camp will officially start on Saturday evening, 23 December, and all activities will end on Monday morning, 1 January 2018. There will be Sabbath services at camp on the Sabbaths of 23 and 30 December. All parents and local members are welcome to attend these two special youth-themed Sabbath services.

Some of the camp activities will include daily Christian Living classes, Bible Studies, abseiling, volleyball, netball, soccer, an obstacle course, evening ultimate frisbee, trust-building challenges, swimming, water polo, riflery, dance, arts and crafts, a game drive, and much more!

The cost for the youth camp is R2000 ($150) per person. If you would like to attend the camp or be part of the staff, please contact Mr. Lawdi Ferreira at [email protected] to obtain a camper or staff application form.


Holy Day Envelopes (U.S. Only)—Repeat Announcement

Pre-addressed green Holy Day envelopes for the fall Festivals were mailed in the U.S. the week of August 15. If you have not received yours by now, please contact us at [email protected] or call the office at 704-844-1970 and we will send you a new set. Please include your PIN (the 11-digit number above your name on mailings from Headquarters) on any correspondence. Using the pre-labeled green envelopes for your offerings speeds up the processing and saves the Work money. We also suggest that you place your envelopes with the things you take to Sabbath services so you do not forget to bring them with you on the Holy Days.—Jerry Ruddlesden

Living University

Call for On-Campus Student (U.S. only at this time)

For those seeking a unique and exciting learning opportunity, LU is now accepting applications for full-time students to study on-campus in Charlotte, North Carolina beginning in the fall of 2018. On-campus students experience special opportunities beyond online study. Students meet for weekly discussion classes with many of their professors, including Dr. Germano, Mr. Ames, Drs. Douglas and Scott Winnail, Mr. Ken Frank, Mr. Peter Nathan, and Mr. Jerry Ruddlesden. Weekly Assemblies are delivered by many of the Church leaders based in Charlotte and around the world. Monthly student outings and other social activities are planned, and students also participate in congregational opportunities unique to the Charlotte congregation and Headquarters (including Spokesman Club, Singles' Bible Studies, Outreach activities, service during Council of Elders and Ministerial conferences, and much more). Student housing is available for both male and female students. Most of our on-campus students participate in our "work-study" program—working part-time in different departments throughout the Work and Living University. Student work-study helps defray most living costs. Application to the on-campus program can be made online through the University website (www.livinguniv.com). Additional details and requirements can also be found online, as can an estimate of costs associated with on-campus study.

If you are interested in on-campus LU study and have questions, please contact us. At this time we can only accept on-campus students who are legal residents of the U.S. Our hope is to expand this opportunity to international students in future years. Interested students should plan to complete their applications by February 15, 2018. Those with no previous college should submit college entrance test scores (ACT or SAT) along with other application materials and should plan to take that examination this fall. You can find out more about these exams through a local high school guidance counselor or local community college or university testing service. Home-schooled students are also encouraged to apply. If you have questions about on-campus study or to find out more, please contact Dr. Scott Winnail at 704-708-2292 or [email protected].


Be Prepared! The Boy Scouts have long had a motto: Be Prepared. The hurricanes, floods, fires and disasters that have dominated the news in recent weeks, and the devastation that followed, have illustrated the importance of being prepared ahead of time. The Bible contains similar admonitions. Solomon wrote, "The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty" (Proverbs 22:3, NIV). Jesus warned that as we approach the end of the age, disasters and tragedies will increase, and we must watch and be ready (Matthew 24:42-44). While it is certainly wise to prepare for physical emergencies (with extra water, non-perishable food, flashlights, candles, propane stoves, extra cash, etc.), the real focus of these prophecies is that we need to be preparing spiritually for the return of Jesus Christ. Gaining entrance to the Kingdom of God is not a matter of collecting extra supplies; it is a matter of what is going on in our hearts and minds. Are we learning to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1), and are we developing His mind and perspective (Philippians 2:3-12)? This is the great event that we need to be preparing for now—before it is too late. Are you prepared? Let's be ready!

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

News and Prophecy—September 14, 2017

Multi-Speed Europe Revived: "French president Emmanuel Macron has revived the idea of multi-speed Europe, while announcing that he will soon make ten 'concrete' proposals to reform the EU after Brexit"—a plan he will reveal after the September German elections (EU Observer, August 30, 2017). Macron recently met with the prime ministers of Luxembourg and Belgium. "The three leaders—who are all under 45, French-speaking and hold liberal views—said that they wanted to create a 'coalition of the willing' to reform the EU" (ibid.). Macron went on to illustrate how the concept of a two-speed EU is already a functioning concept in Europe. Bible prophecy has long foretold that just before the return of Jesus Christ, an end-time power will emerge in Europe made up of ten kings who will be "of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast" for a short time (Revelation 17:12-13). The desire to create a "coalition of the willing" of a group of European leaders who think alike and willingly give their power over to the beast could lead to the fulfillment of this ancient prophecy. As world events move forward, it will be important to "watch" Europe—and especially Germany—because these events are going to impact the entire world in a manner that most people do not anticipate. For more information on future events in Europe, watch our telecast "The Beast of Revelation."

Eastern Nations Coalesce: End-time Bible prophecies indicate that a coalition of nations from east and north of Jerusalem (Daniel 11:40-44; Revelation 16:12) will bring a huge army into the Middle East to confront the armed forces of a European beast power (Revelation 9:14-16). Exactly how these prophecies will be fulfilled remains to be seen. However, as world events continue to speed up, we may be witnessing how this group of kings "from the east and the north" (where Russia and China are located) will come together. "Pakistan has called off three high-level meetings with Washington, as experts warn that President Donald Trump's new Afghanistan policy risks driving Islamabad closer towards Beijing" (Financial Times, August 28, 2017). Analysts "also warn the US policy is likely to push Pakistan closer into the embrace of China… They point out that instead of going to the US, Mr Asif is travelling to China, Turkey and Russia." A senior Pakistani official warned, "In this hour of need once again, we have China standing firmly with us as president Trump threatens to bring the Afghan war to Pakistan." These current moves should not be surprising for students of Bible prophecy. To learn more about future developments on the Eurasian continent, be sure to read or listen to Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled.

Surge in Great Earthquakes: Last week an 8.1 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of southern Mexico, killing at least 90 and destroying thousands of homes—filling streets with crowds of mourners (Aljazeera, September 10, 2017; The Guardian, September 8, 2017). The quake in Mexico was one in a string of "great" earthquakes (magnitude 8 and above) to strike in recent decades. In the last 100 years, there have been 85 "great" earthquakes worldwide. Fifteen have occurred in the last ten years alone and 25 have occurred in the last 20 years (USGS.org, Sept 11, 2017; NBC News, October 25, 2014). Some experts have noted this "surge" in great quakes, while others believe it is just part of a natural cycle. However, the meteorology director at Weather Underground has commented, "Nature's gone crazy" (Denver Post, September 9, 2017). Bible prophecies clearly state that as we approach the end of the age, we should expect to see increasing numbers of "great" earthquakes (along with other natural disasters). Three different gospel writers reported Christ's warning that "earthquakes in various places" would be one of several signs indicating the "beginning" of the end of the age (Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:11). These disasters will bring untold human suffering—but they will happen for understandable reasons.  For more insight into coming disasters, be sure to read "Why Earthquakes?"—Scott Winnail, Deborah Lincoln-Strange, Francine Prater, and Chris Sookdeo