Weekly Update

July 11th, 2024

Greetings from Charlotte,

As many of you know, Mr. Richard Ames died Thursday evening, July 4. His funeral will be conducted this Sunday, July 14. Mr. Ames truly was a pillar in the Work for many decades and he will be deeply missed—please remember Mrs. Ames in your prayers. Mr. Gerald Weston and Mr. Jonathan McNair, their wives, and a number of other ministers and staff are at Texas Teen Camp. Mr. Rick Stafford reports that Hurricane Beryl left him and other brethren without power the last three-and-a-half days. It’s a sobering reminder—as Mr. Ames used to mention—to have emergency supplies on hand for when disaster strikes. Thankfully, only minor property damage has been reported by the brethren. As a reminder, August 3 will be a Church-wide fast, with Sabbath services being streamed from Charlotte.—Rod McNair

Church Administration

Tomorrow’s World Presentations

Last week we held two initial TWPs, in Wellington, New Zealand, and Birmingham, England, and two follow-up presentations in Georgia and California. This week five initial events are scheduled, including presentations in San Fernando and Port of Spain, Trinidad, as well as two in Georgia, and one in North Carolina. We will also hold two follow-up presentations, in New Zealand and England, and one online presentation for the entire Canadian Tomorrow’s World subscription list. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for the Tomorrow’s World Presentations.

Living Youth Program

Texas Teen Camp Pictures

If you would like to see pictures from the Texas Teen Camp, head over to LivingYouth.org. We are posting images there on a regular basis, so check in daily. There you can also check out additional content we create for Church teens and young adults, as well as the weekly Living Youth Podcast.—Wallace Smith


Prepare for the Fast—Part 1: We are clearly warned that “in the last days perilous times will come” (2 Timothy 3:1–5), and those days will come “suddenly” (Deuteronomy 28:20; Isaiah 29:5; 30:13; Jeremiah 6:26). We are also warned that Jesus Christ will return unexpectedly (1 Thessalonians 5:2–3) or else all flesh will perish (Matthew 24:20–22). Jesus said His disciples need to “watch” and “be ready” (Matthew 24:42–44), but He also warned that many will not be ready for His return (Matthew 7:21–23; 25:1–10) because they have become distracted by trials and the “cares of this world” (Matthew 13:18–23). Numerous scriptures warn that we must come out of this world that is hurtling down the road to destruction (Acts 2:40; 2 Corinthians 6:17–18; Revelation 18:4). A major reason for the Fast for us—as a Church and as individuals—is to draw closer to God(Isaiah 55:6; James 4:8). Take time to pray and meditate on these scriptures as we prepare for the coming Fast.

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

News and Prophecy—July 11, 2024

Greece’s Six-Day Work Week: Populations are shrinking around the globe due to falling birth rates. In addition to declining birth rates, over the last decade, Greece has lost more than 500,000 “mostly young educated Greeks” who have emigrated due to the difficult financial situation in the country (The Guardian, July 1, 2024). The nation is feeling the impact of this population decline and the lack of skilled workers in its economy. In an effort to stave off the effects of both these factors, Greece has taken a course of action that goes in the opposite direction of many other European countries. While many nations have shortened their work week to four days, Greece has expanded its to six!

“The six-day scheme, officials say, will only apply to private businesses providing round-the-clock services.” While the supposedly voluntary extra workday does appear to come with extra pay, opponents of the new law contend that it will be used by employers to begin requiring extra work from staff. Due to Greece’s dire situation, pensioners are being encouraged to return to work as well.

As European populations continue to decrease, the need for more labor from the workforce will grow. Will other nations follow Greece’s example and also move to a six-day work week as times get tougher? Which day of the week might become the official day when all workers can rest, and how might this play into Bible prophecy? To learn more about this question, watch “What Is the Mark of the Beast?

Youth Marijuana and Psychiatric Problems: South Africa is the latest in a long list of nations legalizing recreational marijuana use (Al Jazeera, June 10, 2024). Some wonder if South Africa’s decision will prompt other African nations to follow its lead. The socio-political peer pressure is high, and politicians are moving to make this once-illicit drug legal for the people of their nations, in spite of growing evidence that marijuana use is unsafe. Armed with recent data, Thailand, which legalized marijuana use just two years ago, is reversing that decision this year with legislation to again ban the recreational use of cannabis (The Diplomat, March 1, 2024).

Is marijuana really as safe as many government officials and the popular media say it is? A recently published University of Toronto study reports, “Teenagers who use cannabis have a dramatic increased risk for a psychotic disorder compared with their counterparts who don’t use the drug” (Medscape, May 31, 2024). In another recent study, researchers discovered that women who were heavy cannabis users had a significantly higher risk of death due to cardiovascular disease (MSN, June 11, 2024). These sorts of negative consequences have long been known, even as proponents of legalization have downplayed them. For example, almost ten years ago, a study found that high-potency cannabis users were three times more likely to develop psychosis (BBC, February 16, 2015). These represent a small sample of the many physical and mental health risks of marijuana use.

The pursuit of recreational drug use is, at its heart, a spiritual problem, as individuals turn to psychoactive substances like marijuana for support, help, encouragement, and escape, instead of turning to God. In terms of the Ten Commandments, such drug use involves putting another god before the true God (Exodus 20:3). Marijuana may be increasingly legal in more countries and jurisdictions, but the fact that something is legal does not make it right before God. To learn more about the under-reported dangers of marijuana use and your Creator’s purpose for your life, which no drug can replace, be sure to read or listen to Marijuana: What They Aren’t Telling You.—Scott Winnail and Francine Prater