Weekly Update

July 25th, 2024

Dear Brethren,

Rather than allowing rumor or speculation to occur, I want to let you know about my physical condition at this time. Seven years ago, I had a bout of sciatica—a very painful condition. It lasted about three weeks and went away. It came back last September before the Feast of Tabernacles, but it improved enough for me to fly to Texas for the Feast, even though I had to stand at times due to pain while sitting.

By November I was much better, and it was very manageable. However, a few weeks before the Texas Teen Camp this summer, the symptoms started coming back. Though painful, this did not prevent me from traveling to Texas to direct the camp, but I had to fly back to Charlotte on Friday to be here for Mr. Ames’ funeral.

Dear brethren, even though I regrettably had to miss speaking at the funeral, I am extremely thankful to have returned to Charlotte. I was very, very blessed to be able to come back because by Sabbath it was worse, and by Sunday morning, I went to the emergency room for some relief from excruciating pain. This situation would be far more complicated for a variety of reasons if I were stuck in Texas.

I have seen several doctors and the diagnosis is that it is a herniated disc causing pressure against the sciatic nerve that runs down from the buttocks, along the leg, all the way down to the foot. I am surprised how many of you have also experienced this and understand exactly what I’m talking about. While similar to past episodes, this time is far more intense.

I am letting you know of this as I am a little sidelined for the moment. This is something that is temporary. It is excruciatingly painful and very unpleasant, but my doctor told me that 80 to 90 percent of people recover without surgery.

Even though I don’t like focusing on my problems, I know that if I don’t say something then rumors and speculation can get started and people start worrying needlessly. It is kind of funny, but when I get a cold, a few members become anxious and wonder who is going to succeed me. Suffice it to say that there are some very fine men here at Headquarters who are thoroughly converted, strategic thinkers. The only concern I have about succession is which one is Christ’s choice. So far, He has not made that obvious, but it is encouraging to know we have men who can step in when and if needed.

This is written to let you know that I may not be as visible for a few weeks. I sincerely do not like focusing on my own problems because there are brethren who are going through trials that are far, far greater than mine. Some have been going through long trials—very painful situations. And some are in end-of-life situations. So, while I appreciate your prayers, I feel unworthy of them and hope you will remember our dear brothers and sisters who may be going through much greater trials. They are precious in the sight of God the Father and Jesus Christ and must be in our eyes, too.

Now may I address another subject—the upcoming fast on August 3. Sometimes people ask the question: Why are we fasting? What is the cause, purpose, or focus of the fast? Sometimes we miss the major focus of fasting, which is to draw close to God. As we read in Matthew 9:14-15, the disciples of John asked why the disciples of Jesus did not fast. Christ pointed out that since God was with them in the flesh there was no reason for them to fast, as the purpose of fasting is to draw close to God. It is very important that we recognize that we do not approach a fast from the perspective of ganging up on God to force our will upon Him.

There are cases, for example with Esther, where there was a specific issue, a crisis for which to fast and cry out to God. But, as Mr. Herbert Armstrong taught, the focus should be on humbling ourselves. That is what fasting is: humbling ourselves, finding out what is wrong with us, finding out what we need to change. And while there are times where there is a specific focus, most of the time our fasts are about getting closer to God.

Consider what is happening all around us. The world is in turmoil and looking for a savior. We already have three major upsets in elections. Here in the United States Mr. Biden has dropped out of the Presidential race. We had the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump. We have Mr. Macron in France who took a significant hit in the polls. I don’t understand the French system, but certainly Marine Le Pen won the greatest number of votes. Macron it appears, is still in charge, but the dynamics have changed. And, there was a major overthrow in the British government, with power returning to the Labour Party. Several other significant elections are upcoming this year. We also have members suffering serious trials. Our world is burning up in many respects and who knows where we are going to be by the end of the year.

So, brethren, we need to recognize the need to draw close to God. This is a time when we must be serious. As Dr. Meredith used to admonish us, “Don’t play church!” I understand that most of you are not. Most of you are very serious and dedicated. But these are serious times, and we must grow closer to God. We need to examine ourselves, praying for God to show us how we can change as individuals and as a Church to get the message out to the world. Our focus should be on humbling ourselves, drawing close to God, being moved in light of all the things that we see in our world today. And be sure to reference Dr. Winnail’s comments on the fast.

Sincerely, in Christ’s service,
Gerald E. Weston

Church Administration

Charlotte Sabbath Service to Be Live Streamed on the Churchwide Fast on August 3

As mentioned by Mr. Weston in his letter above, a Churchwide fast is planned for the Sabbath of August 3. The Sabbath Service in Charlotte will be streamed live at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (USA) for all those congregations in time zones where it is practical to view the live service. A recording will be available for those congregations that need to view it later. Log-in information will be forthcoming.

Tomorrow’s World Presentations

Last week we held six Tomorrow’s World Presentations that drew a total of 31 in-person guests and an estimated 78 online guests. This week we will hold two initial presentations in New York, two follow-up presentations in Georgia, and one follow-up presentation in North Carolina. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for the Tomorrow’s World Presentations.


Prepare for the Fast—Part 3: The growth of the early Church was driven, in part, by men filled with the Holy Spirit, like Peter (Acts 2:1–4), Stephen and Philip (6:3–8; 8:5–8), and Paul (13:1–12; 19:1–6). The Scriptures also reveal that God will pour out His Spirit abundantly in the last days (Joel 2:28–32; Acts 2:17–18). To that end, the Apostle Paul urged Christians to “stir up” the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is a Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:6–7). We nourish that Spirit through daily prayer, Bible study, fasting, and meditation on God’s word (2 Corinthians 4:16). As we fast, we need to pray for open doors to boldly preach the Gospel (Acts 4:29–33; Revelation 3:8), for courage to “cry aloud” and show God’s people their sins (Isaiah 58:1), for a clearer understanding of prophecy (2 Peter 1:19), and for laborers and resources to finish the Work (Matthew 9:37–38; 2 Corinthians 8–9; John 4:34). Jesus commissioned His Church to reach the world (Mark 16:15), and He promised to be with His Church to the end of the age (Matthew 28:19–20). Let’s do our part as we draw together to pray and worship during the coming Fast.

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

News and Prophecy—July 25, 2024

European Defense Union Coming? Europeans have been talking about a common defense union for many years, but little has developed. That appears to be changing. Ursula von der Leyen was just reelected for another five-year term as President of the European Commission after nearly losing her job (CNN, July 18, 2024). In one speech, she profoundly observed that the next five years will define Europe’s place in the world for the next five decades.

In order to be reelected, she made several promises, including leading Europe to invest more in infrastructure and industry and pushing for the formation of a common European Defense Union. In a speech just prior to the secret ballot that secured her reelection, von der Leyen pledged, “Working with member states and in close coordination with NATO, we will propose a number of Defense Projects of Common European Interest starting with a European Air Shield and cyber defense” (The Independent, July 18, 2024). She also promised to strengthen Europe’s economy and its law-enforcement agencies, address the continent’s migration crisis, and continue the EU’s Green initiatives.

The conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza have generated a heightened sense of urgency in Europe about the need to develop a Europe-led defense strategy. What has been mere talk for many years may suddenly turn into action. Bible prophecy indicates that a German-led Europe will field not only powerful military defenses, but also offensive capabilities! To learn more, read Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ’s Return.

Could U.S.-Saudi Deal Push Nuclear Weapons Development? Sometime in the 1960s, Israel became the first nation in the Middle East to possess a nuclear bomb. Thanks to assistance from France, Israel created a nuclear deterrent intended to allow the fledgling nation to survive while surrounded by nations that hate its existence. Opponents of Israel’s nuclear ambitions warned that these efforts could lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. However, perhaps due in part to Israel’s efforts to intentionally avoid publicly acknowledging and flaunting its nuclear capability, that arms race never began.

Yet times have changed, and a nuclear-armed Iran is now believed by many to be inevitable. “Last September, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman created international headlines when he said if Iran, his country’s regional rival, manages to get a nuclear bomb, then Saudi Arabia will need one, too” (Deutsche Welle, May 25, 2024). Saudi Arabia is currently working on a major agreement with the United States, and many analysts believe the deal will include U.S. assistance for the Saudis in developing peaceful nuclear power as they seek to reduce their dependence on oil. However, other analysts admit that “technology used for uranium enrichment produces fuel for civilian nuclear reactors but can also result in uranium suitable for nuclear weapons.” Saudi Arabia has threatened to walk away from any U.S. deal that does not allow it to enrich its own uranium.

Today, many nations are rearming, and more of those arms are nuclear in nature. Jesus said that the end of the age would be a time when man’s destructive capacity had grown so great that, “unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:22). Mankind’s capability to destroy all life on earth only came with the development of atomic weapons at the end of World War II, and the devastating power of nuclear weapons has only grown since then. As we view our modern world today, the words Christ spoke almost 2,000 years ago become even clearer. To learn more about this sobering topic, read or listen to The Middle East in Prophecy.—Scott Winnail and Francine Prater