Weekly Update

August 8th, 2024

Greetings from Charlotte,

As I mentioned in the video update, I’m pleased to be “back in the saddle” again. I am not 100 percent, but God has been merciful, and I am able to function, either standing or sitting. Thank you all for your prayers and concern.

Church Administration is working on a new Spokesman Club manual. Mr. Rod McNair gave us a glimpse of it at our Executive Luncheon this week and I think all the men will be excited to see it. There will be a few tweaks and edits, but the overall format, the artwork, and the instructions have gone through a first draft. We plan to have it out by the time clubs start this fall and winter (Northern Hemisphere). We may not put it in a bound and finished condition by then, but we should have it out to you in time for clubs coming up. We are also working on a Graduate Club manual.

The Feast of Trumpets is now less than two months away. While our general income has been very strong this year, our Holy Day offerings have not so far kept pace with last year. No matter where you are in the world, if you have not already done so, be sure to plan for these special occasions.

Have a profitable Sabbath.—Gerald Weston

Church Administration

Tomorrow’s World Presentations

Last week we held six Tomorrow’s World Presentations that drew a total of 95 guests. This week we will hold three follow-up presentations, in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and England, as well as initial presentations in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, Alabama, and in Omaha, Nebraska.

Living Education

This week, we begin the seventh year of our Living Education–Charlotte program. This year’s class comprises fifteen students, including six second-year students who will provide leadership for our group. We have two international students from Mexico. One unique feature of our student body this year is the fact that we have two sibling pairs. With student arrival on August 9, and Orientation Week beginning August 11, we’re primed for another great year!—Jonathan McNair

Feast of Tabernacles

Feast Sermons for Those Unable to Attend in Person—Repeat Announcement

Attention Pastors: Because some members, for legitimate reasons, are unable to attend the Feast of Tabernacles in person, the Church provides access to Feast sermons by various means.

Many Feast sites will offer livestream or telephone connections to those assigned to that site. This is the preferred option. Though not a substitute for being present at the site, these connections give access to live Feast services, including prayers and hymns.

Pre-recorded Feast sermons will also be available for brethren who are unable to attend in person and for whom the livestream or telephone connections are not feasible. The pre-recorded sermons will be posted online (one per day) throughout the Feast:

Additionally, links to these pre-recorded Festival sermons will be emailed to the pastors ahead of the Feast. You can forward that email before the Feast to the members in your areas who are not attending in person.

We request that as many as are able would please access the Feast sermons by livestream or telephone from their assigned site, or view the pre-recorded sermons online. However, if there are brethren in your areas who cannot take advantage of these options, and need to receive physical sermon disks through the mail, please send us their names and addresses before the following deadlines:

  • The deadline for international requests for pre-recorded Festival sermon disks is September 28. For those in regions with slow postal service, please send in your requests now or as early as possible in order for the sermons to arrive before the Feast.
  • Requests for recipients in the U.S. must be received by October 10.
  • If possible, please do not wait until the deadline to send in your requests.

Living Youth Program

LYP Europe 2024

Twenty-three campers and 22 staff met for the 2024 European summer camp in the beautiful surrounds of Chevetogne, Belgium. Campers and staff traveled from nine different countries (Belgium, Benin, Cameroon, Canada, France, Germany, Martinique, New Zealand, and the UK) to attend the bilingual camp (French and English). Our camp theme echoed that of our teen camp in Texas: “Be Ready with an Answer” (cf. 1 Peter 3:15). The aim was to better equip our young people to not only defend their faith when asked, but also to more deeply understand their faith. Daily Christian Living classes along with weekly Bible Studies and the Sabbath sermon focused on this point. God blessed the weather, providing dryness and warmth during the day and cooler nights. The food, as always, was excellent. Activities included field sports, baking for girls and learning how to change a flat tire for boys, a teambuilding obstacle course, a nature scavenger hunt, and a heart-to-heart discussion (girls with ministers’ wives, and boys with ministers). And they did! Two words used by both campers and staff to describe their camp experience this year were unity and encouragement. Most are looking forward to returning next summer.—Scott Winnail

West Virginia Preteen Camp

The beautiful Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia served as home for 110 participants of the 2024 West Virginia Preteen camp: 44 campers, 11 mini-campers, and 55 staff members. The weather reflected God’s blessings on the camp. The weather forecasts for each of the first two days called for substantial rainfall throughout, but the rain fell almost entirely during our Christian Living classes and the lunch hour, then broke to allow outdoor activities. Throughout the week, only two outdoor class periods had to be moved indoors. We are very thankful for this blessing. Christian living classes focused on “Honouring God in All Things,” the theme for this year’s camp. Campers also participated in archery, kickball, ultimate frisbee, dance, arts and crafts, canoeing, media, and a music class where they learned to play the ukulele. We greatly appreciate the hard work of the staff and the excellent attitudes of the staff and campers, as well as the prayers of many for the safety and success of all the LYP camps.—Michael Heykoop


What Motivates You? In today’s world, many are motivated by a desire for a position, power, prestige—and a bigger paycheck. Even in the Church, these same desires can motivate individuals to seek a position and be noticed. While Jesus saw these attitudes in religious leaders of His day (Matthew 23:1–11), He told His disciples, “whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant” (Matthew 20:20–28). Jesus also set us an example in that He “did not come to be served, but to serve.” The Apostles Peter and Paul urged Christians to avoid selfish motivations and be examples to others by serving with genuine humility (1 Timothy 6:3–5; 1 Peter 5:1–6). As we strive to come out of this self-centered world, let’s look for ways that we can serve others—so God can use us more effectively as instruments in His hands (Philippians 2:3–12).

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

News and Prophecy—August 8, 2024

Rise of the Weimar Triangle: In 1991, France, Germany, and Poland created a regional alliance they dubbed the “Weimar Triangle” (Deutsche Welle, June 27, 2024), but it has not been particularly active. Now, with the guns of war again blazing on Europe’s edges, this regional alliance has been given new life. “In March, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz and Donald Tusk met in Berlin to renew the Weimar format and primarily discussed working together in supporting Ukraine.” In a late-June meeting in Paris, Defense Ministers from the three countries of the triangle announced concrete plans to improve NATO’s strength should the United States be unable or unwilling to assist in a future confrontation. The three leaders announced plans to procure long-range cruise missiles that can strike weapons-manufacturing sites deep within Russia should a war break out. They also announced plans for joint military exercises between their nations to occur in Poland next year. The military exercises will prepare for a potential attack from Russia on NATO’s eastern flank.

Many commentators have speculated that a “core” of European nations may eventually break ranks with the larger, politically cumbersome European Union in order to make real progress with defense and other areas. Could the Weimar Triangle group make such a move and be joined by others?

Bible prophecy foretells that a European “beast” power will emerge to lead Europe just before the return of Jesus Christ. This beast power will eventually be composed of ten kings who are willing to work together for a time to accomplish a common goal (Revelation 17:12). To learn more about this coming European juggernaut, be sure to read or listen to The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor, or Soon-Coming Reality?

You Cannot Hide from Microplastics! According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, nanoplastics are now found in human arterial plaque (Science News, April 2, 2024). According to this study, those with nanoplastic particles were nearly four times as likely to experience stroke, heart attack or death over a three-year period! A University of Louisville cardiovascular researcher who reviewed the study noted, “very, very, very few things have that much of a risk.” While evidence is still lacking that conclusively proves these plastics cause terrible diseases, the circumstantial evidence is rapidly mounting.

These tiny plastic particles have been found in the depths of the oceans and on the tallest mountains. They have been found within the human body in placentas, testicular tissue, and brain tissue. With the known toxins in plastic, it should not be surprising that they can cause problems for the human body. The extensive use of plastics in our throw-away society is well known. We drink water from plastic jugs, eat food from plastic containers, use plastic cutting boards, cups, and plates. We wear clothes woven of plastic fibers. And we bury plastic waste in the ground. All of which contributes tiny particles of plastic to the contamination of water supplies.

Humanity, with all its advancements, continues to create products that pollute every aspect of God’s creation, and there appears to be no end in sight for these man-made health threats. However, the Bible reveals there is a better, safer, healthier time coming when Jesus Christ returns to deliver the whole creation from the “bondage of corruption” that is causing so much suffering today (Romans 8:18–22). To learn more about what the world will be like, read or listen to The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like?Scott Winnail, Christ Sookdeo, and Francine Prater