Weekly Update

October 10th, 2024

Greetings from Charlotte,

It has been a traumatic time for many members in the southeastern part of the United States, with two major hurricanes hitting within two weeks. This is especially true for members living in North Carolina and Florida. Helene was a serious rain event, dumping upwards of 30 inches of rain in the mountains. Saturated ground and high winds carved a path of destruction across five states. Milton will be remembered for spawning dozens of tornados, which took lives and caused significant damage. As far as we know at this early date, all our members are safe in Florida. It is still too early to know how much damage some may have suffered. Since our Festival site in Palmetto became unavailable, God has truly blessed us with an alternate Florida site, as explained elsewhere in this update. Frankly, it is a nicer site, but was not originally chosen due to having less capacity—something that has been rectified by people changing their plans due to the hurricanes. We know that there have been anxious moments for our brethren in Florida and elsewhere. Let us not forget them, and for those of us in the United States, let us be sure we do not forget our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world when severe trials come their way. This will be the last World Ahead and weekly video update until after the Feast. Be sure to travel safely, and seek ways to serve others at the Feast and elsewhere as you are able.—Gerald Weston

Church Administration

Tomorrow’s World Presentations

Last week we held one TWP in Buffalo, New York. It was one of the TWP Series that we do from time to time, and drew a total of six guests. The next initial presentation is scheduled for the Sabbath immediately following the Festival season, and Mr. Peter Nathan will give it in Cape Town, South Africa. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers for the Tomorrow’s World Presentations.

Feast Site in Palmetto Relocated to Fernandina Beach, Florida

Due to Hurricane Milton’s anticipated path and strength at landfall, the venue where we were supposed to hold the Feast of Tabernacles in Palmetto, Florida, preemptively cancelled the contract between us. The fairgrounds where the Feast was to be held is the designated staging ground for the local power company’s emergency operations, and lots of cleanup and repair work was anticipated. This was actually a great blessing, as it gave us the opportunity to secure another location in Fernandina Beach, Florida, to replace the Palmetto location. If you are currently registered for Palmetto, you do not need to re-register for Fernandina Beach. You can find information about the new location at the Festival microsite, fot2024.lcg.org. If you are registered for Palmetto and have questions regarding the new location, please contact Mr. Ryan Dawson at 540-660-1515 or [email protected]. Please pray for those who are affected in the region, for our brethren and countrymen alike.

Hurricane Helene Update

As clean-up is underway from the destruction of Hurricane Milton, the Southeast United States is still recovering from Hurricane Helene. Our pastors in the areas affected have reported that power is still spotty and power lines are still down and present ongoing dangers in some areas. All things considered, however, we are grateful for God’s protection through a very dangerous storm. In most cases, brethren suffered only minimal property damage. Though some of our congregations will not be able to meet on Atonement because of impassable roads or lack of available meeting venues, most congregations will be able to hold in-person services. Thank you to everyone for your prayers for our brethren in these areas, and please include our brethren in the path of Hurricane Milton.

Feast of Tabernacles

Taking a Hymnal: Brethren who don’t have a personal hymnal are encouraged to bring a hymnal (one or two songbooks per household) from their local congregation’s supply for use at the Feast. For those who do take a blue congregational hymnal, please be sure to bring the same hymnal(s) back to your congregation after the Feast, so that the number of hymnals returned to each congregation is equal to the number of hymnals taken. Please make sure that all hymnals are clearly marked as to which congregation they belong.

Regarding Health: One last item regarding health during the Feast. If you go to the Feast and get sick, please do not pass it on to other brethren! Please show love to your fellow brethren and stay in your hotel room or housing until you are well, so as not to allow sickness to spread.

Children and the Feast

Blessing of the Little Children: It is the practice of the Living Church of God to have the Blessing of the Little Children at the Feast. This practice follows the example of Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:13–15; Mark 10:13–16). When parents of small children came to Him and asked Him to bless their children, He did not forbid them. If you have small children (“babes in arms” whom you can pick up for this special blessing), listen for announcements from your Festival Site Coordinator to find out which day the Blessing of the Little Children will take place. If you have any questions, please contact your Festival Coordinator.

Caring For—and Watching—Our Children at the Feast: Parents, please remember that children are not permitted to run or engage in horseplay before, during, or after services at the Feast. Children playing on the stage or near speakers and microphones can damage expensive equipment. Children darting in and out among fellowshipping brethren can be a trip hazard. For the elderly, such an accident can be dangerous, even life-threatening.

Children Must Be Supervised: Parents should always be vigilant when it comes to their children at the Feast. Parents have full responsibility for their children at the Feast of Tabernacles, including at services. Although precautions are taken and there are activities for children, the Church meeting or event is not a childcare facility. The Church does not take responsibility for the care of children at Church meetings or events. Their absolute safety cannot be guaranteed. The ultimate responsibility for the care of children always remains with parents or guardians. Please ensure that the conduct of your children and young people is adequately supervised throughout their attendance, and that your children are fully under your control. Parents should be aware of where their children (including their teens) are, and not allow small children to wander around unsupervised.

Children Sitting with Parents: Experience has shown that children and teenagers pay better attention and therefore learn more from the messages when sitting with a parent than when sitting elsewhere with a group of other young people. Therefore, it is the policy of the Church to have children and teens sit with their parents during services. An exception may be where an individual child or teen may sit with a friend’s parents and family. Obviously, a teen attending whose parents are not also in attendance would be exempt.

Business Office

Please note that our last scheduled day to print checks will be Monday, October 14. After that date, we will not be able to print any checks until Wednesday, October 30. Any invoices we have already received will be paid before the Festival break. Any invoices yet to come in may not be able to be paid until October 30.

If you have any questions concerning specific invoices or payments, please contact Ms. Michelle Greene in the Accounts Payable Department at 704-708-2234 or Mrs. Nohora Kennell at 704-708-2232. You can also e-mail [email protected].


Stay Focused: Jesus taught, “Seek first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33), and He warned against being sidetracked by the cares of this world (Matthew 13:22). The Holy Days just ahead picture the culminating events in the Plan of God, and Satan will use all kinds of devices to distract us from focusing on God’s plan for mankind (2 Corinthians 2:11). Atonement pictures the time when Satan’s influence on the world will be removed. The Feast of Tabernacles pictures the coming Millennial reign, when Jesus Christ and the Saints will reign on this earth and “restore all things” (Acts 3:19–21). The Last Great Day looks forward to a time when all who have ever lived will be resurrected into a very different world to finally learn the Truth (Revelation 20:5; John 7:37–38). During the Feast, make time to pray for the sermons and for God’s people. Take some quiet time to reflect on why you are at the Feast and how you can be a light and serve others. Identify changes you need to make to become more like Jesus Christ so you can be in God’s coming Kingdom.

Have a profitable Sabbath and a wonderful Feast,
Douglas S. Winnail

News and Prophecy—October 10, 2024

Growing European Power Vacuum: A reporter recently observed, “The European Union brought peace and prosperity to a troubled region in the decades following World War Two. But it may lack energy and become impotent in the decades ahead” (Reuters, September 16, 2024). While nations across the EU struggle and stagnate financially, and the political climate becomes polarized, member nations feel like they are being “bullied” by Russia, China, and even the United States—leading one journalist to lament, “It’s a sad, bad future.”

While Europe’s working-age population is declining, like those in the U.S. and China, the EU’s relatively stagnant economy since 2015 places it at a great disadvantage to the American and Chinese economies that have been growing during the same time period. Mario Draghi, former Italian Prime Minister and past president of the European Central Bank, recently produced an EU-commissioned report on the economic future of Europe, in which he calls for massive reinvestment in the European economy and harmonization of military production across the EU. His recommendations could greatly impact Europe’s future, but will Europe’s leaders follow his recommendations?

Today, Europe appears to be in the doldrums politically and economically, yet Bible prophecies indicate that it will undergo drastic changes in the years ahead. The Bible speaks of the emergence of a powerful political figure called the “beast,” who will lead a group of European nations that will have a powerful impact on the world (Revelation 13:1–8). This political figure will be backed and influenced by a prominent religious figure (vv. 11–14). How will this happen? To learn more about Europe’s real future, be sure to watch “The Prophesied ‘Beast.’

What Do Nations with the Highest Quality of Life Have in Common? U.S. News and World Report recently published this year’s list ranking nations according to their citizens’ quality of life (CNBC, September 26, 2024). Almost 17,000 people in 89 nations were surveyed from March to May to come up with the ranking, and researchers examined the following societal factors: affordable living, a good job market, economic stability, a family-friendly society, income equality, political stability, safety, a well-developed public education system, and a well-developed public health system.

When all factors were considered, Denmark earned the rank of the nation with the world’s highest quality of life. The other nations in the top ten list include: Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, Finland, Germany, Australia, Netherlands, and New Zealand. However, when this list is examined, what do nearly all of these nations have in common?

The answer is that nine of the ten are nations that have descended from the ancient tribes of Israel. The people of these nations are surely no better than those of other nations—but they do possess a unique factor in their favor! Long ago God unconditionally promised the patriarch Abraham—the father of the Israelite-descended nations—that He would bless his descendants because of his obedience to God (Genesis 22:15–18). Among those blessings has been exposure to a value system that includes many biblical principles. And 3,500 years later, many of those blessings are still evident—yet, as these nations turn increasingly away from God, they should not expect their blessings to continue (Leviticus 26:14–45). To learn more about why some nations have been blessed more than others, be sure to read “Modern Nations and God’s Ancient Plan.”—Scott Winnail, Francine Prater, and Craig Marley