Greetings from Charlotte,
Dr. Wilner Pierre will be visiting the office next week to record 15-minute French radio programs for airing in French-speaking areas of Africa and possibly the Caribbean. Mr. Marc Arseneault gave a French-language online presentation last Friday evening (March 14). Francophones should also check out the new voiced-over telecast that comes out each week. This week it is “En quête du veritable christianisme” (“Finding True Christianity”), presented by Mr. Wallace Smith.
Mr. Michael Heykoop recorded a new telecast for Canada titled, “The Most Important Man that Ever Lived.” In it, he gives proofs that Jesus was a real historical figure and that His resurrection was not a hoax. Our Canadian Regional Director, Mr. Stuart Wachowicz, recorded a telecast, chaired meetings, and is scheduled to give an online presentation on Friday, March 21, on the subject, “Should You Trust the Bible?”
Be sure to check out the weekly video update where I mention the wild weather experienced by some of our brethren last weekend and give an update on the Work in the Spanish language, where we have now surpassed 70,000,000 visits on the El Mundo de Mañana YouTube channel. And be sure to prepare for and pray for the offerings during the Days of Unleavened Bread—income for January was very good, but February was down, and March has so far been sluggish.
—Gerald E. Weston
Church Administration
Tomorrow’s World Presentations
Last week, we held seven presentations—four initial presentations, two follow-up presentations, and one online French presentation. These presentations drew a total of 66 guests and 25 online guest connections. This week, Mr. Rod McNair will give presentations in Salisbury, Maryland; and New Castle, Delaware; Mr. Jonathan McNair will give a presentation in Berea, Kentucky; and Mr. Rob Tyler will give a presentation in Adelaide, South Australia. We will also hold one online presentation in Canada and three follow-up presentations in the U.S. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for the Tomorrow’s World Presentations.
Living Youth Program
LYP Europe – Summer 2025
We still have room for a few more campers to apply for this year’s weeklong LYP Teen Camp in the Chevetogne region of Belgium, from Monday, July 28, through Sunday, August 3. Campers should plan to arrive by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 28, and to depart Monday, August 4. We ask Staff to plan to come earlier if possible. The summer camp is bilingual, conducted in English and French. Church youth ages 12–19 from Europe, the UK, and elsewhere are invited. Tuition is €170 for campers and €70 for staff, including lodging, meals, and camp t-shirts. Campers are responsible for their own transportation costs. Those flying into Belgium can arrive at either Brussels or Charleroi (Brussels South), and we will arrange for airport pickup and return. For more details and to begin the registration process, please contact our camp co-director, Mr. Rees Ellis ([email protected]). The application deadline for campers and staff is April 1, 2025.
Green Holy Day Envelopes Have Been Mailed—U.S. Only
Green Holy Day envelopes for the spring Holy Days, including Pentecost, were mailed out the week ending March 7. If you have not received yours and would like the personalized, pre-addressed offering envelopes, please contact [email protected] or call the office (704-844-1970), and we will mail you a set. If you choose to donate through the envelope system, using these pre-addressed envelopes greatly speeds up the counting and receipting process, which in turn saves valuable time and money.
To Video Recipients: If you need blank green Holy Day offering envelopes, please send your request to Nathan Morgan at [email protected] by April 1. The blank unaddressed green envelopes will not be sent automatically in the standard Holy Day Package.
Pride vs. Humility: Today, many groups are busy promoting “pride.” Bible prophecies reveal that people in the last days will be proud, boastful, haughty, and headstrong (2 Timothy 3:1–5). The Bible also states that pride goes before a fall and that humility is a prerequisite for honor in God’s sight (Proverbs 16:18; 15:33; 29:23). God says that He looks on, dwells with, and gives grace—unmerited pardon—to the humble (Isaiah 66:2; 57:15; Proverbs 3:34). Jesus Christ clearly stated that the humble are blessed, and the Apostle Peter urged Christians to “be clothed with humility” (Matthew 5:5; 1 Peter 5:5). The Scriptures reveal that God used Moses because he was humble and that Jesus was exalted because He humbled Himself by dying for our sins (Numbers 12:3; Philippians 2:8–9). While many today are vigorously proclaiming “pride” in their causes, the Bible reveals what God is actually looking for in each of us: “to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). Let’s focus on these important qualities.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
News and Prophecy – March 20, 2025
And the Hatred Begins: A major global shift against the United States of America began when the U.S. and its allies invaded Iraq in 2003. Although America was once seen by many as a benevolent protector and helper of the world, Iraq drew attention to a different side of the world’s hegemon—and global respect for the U.S. has been waning ever since. During President Donald Trump’s first term, he put many nations on edge, and the end of his term four years later brought them a sense of relief. Now that President Trump is back, he is causing a geopolitical tsunami as he frustrates and alienates global leaders and much of the global population. Renowned German classical violinist Christian Tetzlaff and his quartet recently cancelled their U.S. tour over resentment toward President Trump’s policies (The Guardian, March 12, 2025).
Similar sentiments are growing around the globe. Many Canadian hockey fans now “boo” when America’s national anthem is played. Several Canadian apps now help shoppers avoid U.S. products. More than 70,000 Swedish Facebook users have joined a group endorsing a boycott of U.S. companies. In Denmark, a grocery chain tags European-made products so shoppers can more easily avoid American ones. A senior fellow for the Atlantic Council observed, “Nobody—nobody—would have thought that western businesses or consumers would use such tools against America.” Yet they have.
Bible prophecy has foretold for millennia such a shift against the U.S.—a shift that will ultimately affect other Israelite-descended nations, as well. Students of Scripture have understood that those nations will one day see their own allies turn against them (Jeremiah 30:14) and will eventually be ruled by their enemies (Leviticus 26:17). The angry sentiments we see growing right now could be the beginning of such a turn of affairs. To learn more about why these earth-shaking events are happening, read “Will We Heed the Warnings?”
Body Cycles and the Sabbath: God’s creation is filled with cycles. Within the human body we see aging cycles, cycles that relate to fertility, and even a seven-day cycle on which the human body operates. For decades, science has understood that the body operates on a seven-day cycle. Scientists have hypothesized that this rhythm impacts many different biological functions and could even be used to create more effective drug treatments and surgery schedules (Ricerca in clinica e in laboratorio, April 1982). Many health problems spike on Mondays, including “high blood pressure, infectious disease, myocardial infarction, sinus tachycardia, and stroke” (American Journal of Preventive Medicine, July 2014). While some believe these spikes are related to social events like the beginning of a new workweek, other scientists disagree.
However, many chronobiologists who study these cycles fail to understand why the cycle exists in the first place and why they are embedded in the human body’s genetic code! Controlled research conducted on humans and insects that excludes environmental, social, and other time cues still identifies the seven-day time cycle (Chronobiology International, August 24, 2016). This cycle (called a “circaseptan rhythm”) is also found in algae, fish, plants, birds, insects, and other mammals.
To date, scientists have been unable to determine why these rhythms began. Because they seem to be regulated at the DNA level, scientists believe the cycles may have originated within the body and are not a reaction to a seven-day week of supposedly human creation. However, this explanation overlooks the obvious: The Creator God who designed and created the human body also designed and created the seven-day week in which the body functions. Scientists have long known that the body needs one day a week to rest and repair. The Bible tells us why this is. To learn about the awesome reason God created us so “fearfully and wonderfully” (Psalm 139:14), read or listen to What Is the Meaning of Life? —Scott Winnail, Francine Prater, and Timothy Wilson