Living Church News

Volume 27, No. 2, March/April 2025

Lessons from the Golden Calf

Rod McNair

What can get in the way of Christ’s living His life in us? How can we make sure that He does live His very life in you and me? For some answers to these questions, let’s consider a few lessons from the Israelites’ brief and tragic worship…

The Pornography Problem

Adam West

Pornography is a growing plague among young and old alike, one that thrives on secrecy while leaving enduring scars on individuals, families, and society. Those in God’s Church are not exempt from this societal scourge. Often excused as a private…

The Sign of Jonah

Dexter B. Wakefield

The scene was set around the eighth century BC, in the Assyrian capital city of Nineveh—a city that spanned over seven miles in circumference and housed an estimated 120,000 people within its walls. The Assyrian Empire, notorious for its violence…

Reflections on the Night to Be Much Observed

Wyatt Ciesielka

The central lesson of the Night to Be Much Observed is reviewed every year. But as is often the case with the Holy Days, there is far more to be gained from meditating on this night than we might too quickly conclude.