Advanced Bible Study Tools


Bible Analyzer
Translations, dictionaries, commentaries, parallel Bible viewing, searches, tutorials

Bible History Online
Recent archaeology discoveries, geography & interactive maps, images timelines & charts, peoples and cultures

Bible Hub
Atlas, encyclopedias, pictures, concordances, commentaries, dictionaries, interlinear, Biblical studies, early church fathers

Blue Letter Bible
Find Bible translations, Bible dictionaries, commentaries, encyclopedias

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL)
Includes electronic editions of Early Church Fathers series, verse by verse Bible commentary, Bible dictionaries, and encyclopedias.

Early Christian Writings
Includes a complete collection of Christian texts before the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The site provides translations and commentary for these sources, including the New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers, and some non-Christian references.

Early Jewish Writings
Includes a complete collection of early Jewish and early Christian documents from antiquity with translations, introductions, and links to all OT and NT Books, Deuterocanon, pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea Scrolls, Philo of Alexandria, Flavius Josephus and the Talmud.

Tutorials, compare translations, graphics, parallel Bibles, iPhone, iPad, and Apple/Mac

Herbert Armstrong Resources
Extensive database of Worldwide Church of God materials: radio broadcasts, telecasts, Good News, Plain Truth, correspondence courses, books & booklets, sermons, and Bible studies, music, youth materials

Internet Sacred Text Archive
Includes a very comprehensive coverage of the religions of the world including their origins and timelines.

Jewish Virtual Library
Topics include: Israel, Holocaust, biography, history, travel, religion, maps, politics, women, Judaic treasures.

Levend Water
Includes many resources including interlinear Greek NT, lexicons, Nave’s Topical Bible, Bible dictionaries, atlas, maps, geography, manners and customs, history, complete works of Josephus, Strong’s Concordance, the Two Babylons and much more.

NT Gateway
This directory of academic internet resources on the New Testament is hosted by Logos Bible Software. Browse or search annotated links on everything connected with the academic study of the New Testament and Christian Origins.

Resource Pages for Biblical Studies
Includes links to biblical texts, translations, works in Hebrew & Greek, second-century texts, linguistic resources, images and artifacts, studies of Greco-Roman world, archaeological studies, Philo of Alexandria, early church writings and their social world.

Study Light
Bible study tools such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, commentaries, etc.

The Bible Timeline
Estimated timeline from Adam & Eve to Revelation